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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi


Nov 4, 2011
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India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi
By Iain Marlow
April 28 2019

  • Beijing’s reforms, economy have fueled inroads in South Asia

  • ‘It’s impossible to keep pace’ with Beijing: former official

Modi addresses the nation on March 27 about destroying a low-orbiting satellite. Photographer: Narinder Nanu/AFP via Getty Images

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a rare national address on live television last month to boast that India had destroyed a satellite in low orbit, establishing itself as a “space power” alongside the U.S., Russia and China.

For a leader who lambasted his predecessor for failing to counter long-term geopolitical foe China, the missile test was a moment of “utmost pride.” Yet China conducted a similar test more than a decade ago in 2007, prompting critics to note that India’s show of strength was merely highlighting the wide strategic gap between the world’s two most populous countries.

Modi’s ruling party is making his record on national security a key part of its campaign in an election that will conclude on May 23, with boasts of airstrikes against Pakistan and more than 80 trips abroad to cement India’s reputation as a rising economic power. His government refused to attend Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road infrastructure forum that kicked off Friday.

Yet for all that, India has only fallen further behind China over the past five years. Beijing has continued to outspend India on defense, implemented sweeping reforms in its military and diplomatic structures, and built strategic infrastructure in India’s backyard -- not to mention providing arch-rival Pakistan with defense technology.

India Falling Behind

China continued to pull ahead of India in defense spending since Modi took office

Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

*Note: Currency is constant (2016) USD

“It’s impossible to keep pace with China,” said Vishnu Prakash, a former Indian ambassador to South Korea and consul general in Shanghai. “We cannot get into checkbook diplomacy with China. We don’t have that kind of economic muscle.”

Whether Modi returns to power or not, India’s next government will still be saddled with aging equipment like Soviet-era MiG warplanes, a bureaucracy that hinders military upgrades and an undersized diplomatic corps. To fend off China, it’s likely to continue shifting toward the U.S. and other like-minded countries in Asia while seeking to protect its periphery.

“A major long-run test for India is to ensure that China does not turn India’s own geography against it by encircling it with a string of military bases in the Indian Ocean,” said Rory Medcalf, who heads the National Security College at the Australian National University. “Delhi will play a long game. As India’s economy grows, this will still eventually translate into the world’s third-largest defense budget.”

‘Falling Further’
India’s economy has expanded to $2.6 trillion, eclipsing France, while its largest trading partner is China.

Under Modi, the country has skillfully handled its relationship with China, increased defense spending and granted the armed forces greater autonomy, said G.V.L. Narasimha Rao, an Indian lawmaker and spokesman for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

"Admittedly, China has a much larger economy and defense budget in line with its own needs and plans," Rao said. "India is not in any arms race with any country and has a defense budget that is adequate as per its needs. Streamlining the armed forces and reforms has been an ongoing process."

Still, India continues to lag China on every geopolitical metric, according to the Lowy Institute’s Asia power index, which ranks countries according to economic resources, military capabilities and diplomatic influence.

Asia's Great Power Gap
China scores higher than India on a range of important geopolitical metrics

Source: Lowy Institute Asia Power Index

*Note: Resilience gauges reliance on energy imports and other factors, while future trends measures demographics, growth forecasts, etc.

Modi’s injection of personal enthusiasm into Indian foreign policy hasn’t led to more resources at the severely short-staffed Ministry of External Affairs, said Happymon Jacob, associate professor at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies. India only has roughly 940 diplomats compared to China’s estimated 7,500.

That lopsided situation is echoed in the armed forces. Xi has overseen China’s most sweeping military reforms since the 1950s, cutting back non-combat personnel and modernizing its military technology with space and cyber operations. Meanwhile, India maintains a sprawling 1.4-million strong army and spends the bulk of its defense money on salaries and pensions, rather than new equipment.

“The three arms of the Indian military continue to believe they’ll fight a war separately,” Jacob said.
Diplomatic Disadvantage
Despite a population of 1.3 billion, India has barely more diplomats than Singapore

Source: Foreign ministries of India, Australia, Japan, U.K., U.S., and a New Delhi Institute of Chinese Studies working paper on Indian and Chinese foreign services by former Indian diplomat Kishan Rana

*Note: Some countries do not officially declare size of foreign service

Even Modi’s announcement of the anti-satellite missile test will be mostly useless against China, according to Vipin Narang, an MIT associate political science professor.

“Not only does China have more satellites that India would likely have to kill, but China may have an advantage in killing Indian satellites,” Narang said.

‘Diplomatic Clout’
One of Modi’s major shifts has been greater alignment with countries seeking a counterweight against a rising China, in addition to dealing with a range of nations like France, Israel and Russia that want to sell it weapons.

The U.S. in particular has sought to engage India, renaming its Asia-facing military operations to the Indo-Pacific Command last year and seeking to enlist it in a group known as “The Quad” along with Japan and Australia.

August 6, 2013
China and India have managed to keep a lid on tensions. After a tense stand-off high in the Himalayas when Chinese and Indian troops faced off at a border area with Bhutan, a subsequent one-on-one summit between Modi and Xi defused tensions.

“Competition is everywhere, including between India and China, but the key point here is the essence of the competition,” said Wang Peng, an associate research fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the Renmin University of China. “India and China have the potential for benign competition.”

Still, China’s infrastructure investments are shifting the long-term strategic picture. Beijing has poured more than $60 billion in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects, as well as in ports from Myanmar to Sri Lanka. India’s competing infrastructure investments have been "lackluster," according to a recent Henry Jackson Society report on infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific.

Beijing has also kept India out of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which controls the export of nuclear materials, and recently blocked Indian and Western efforts at the United Nations to list as a designated terrorist the leader of a group that claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed 40 Indian paramilitaries.

“In some ways, India is better off strategically than it was five years back,” said Alyssa Ayres, a former U.S. diplomat and senior fellow for South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “But you could, of course, also argue that India is falling further behind China instead of slowly closing the gap.”

India Slips Further Behind China During First Five Years of Modi
By Iain Marlow
April 28 2019

  • Beijing’s reforms, economy have fueled inroads in South Asia

  • ‘It’s impossible to keep pace’ with Beijing: former official

Modi addresses the nation on March 27 about destroying a low-orbiting satellite. Photographer: Narinder Nanu/AFP via Getty Images

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a rare national address on live television last month to boast that India had destroyed a satellite in low orbit, establishing itself as a “space power” alongside the U.S., Russia and China.

For a leader who lambasted his predecessor for failing to counter long-term geopolitical foe China, the missile test was a moment of “utmost pride.” Yet China conducted a similar test more than a decade ago in 2007, prompting critics to note that India’s show of strength was merely highlighting the wide strategic gap between the world’s two most populous countries.

Modi’s ruling party is making his record on national security a key part of its campaign in an election that will conclude on May 23, with boasts of airstrikes against Pakistan and more than 80 trips abroad to cement India’s reputation as a rising economic power. His government refused to attend Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road infrastructure forum that kicked off Friday.

Yet for all that, India has only fallen further behind China over the past five years. Beijing has continued to outspend India on defense, implemented sweeping reforms in its military and diplomatic structures, and built strategic infrastructure in India’s backyard -- not to mention providing arch-rival Pakistan with defense technology.

India Falling Behind

China continued to pull ahead of India in defense spending since Modi took office

Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

*Note: Currency is constant (2016) USD

“It’s impossible to keep pace with China,” said Vishnu Prakash, a former Indian ambassador to South Korea and consul general in Shanghai. “We cannot get into checkbook diplomacy with China. We don’t have that kind of economic muscle.”

Whether Modi returns to power or not, India’s next government will still be saddled with aging equipment like Soviet-era MiG warplanes, a bureaucracy that hinders military upgrades and an undersized diplomatic corps. To fend off China, it’s likely to continue shifting toward the U.S. and other like-minded countries in Asia while seeking to protect its periphery.

“A major long-run test for India is to ensure that China does not turn India’s own geography against it by encircling it with a string of military bases in the Indian Ocean,” said Rory Medcalf, who heads the National Security College at the Australian National University. “Delhi will play a long game. As India’s economy grows, this will still eventually translate into the world’s third-largest defense budget.”

‘Falling Further’
India’s economy has expanded to $2.6 trillion, eclipsing France, while its largest trading partner is China.

Under Modi, the country has skillfully handled its relationship with China, increased defense spending and granted the armed forces greater autonomy, said G.V.L. Narasimha Rao, an Indian lawmaker and spokesman for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

"Admittedly, China has a much larger economy and defense budget in line with its own needs and plans," Rao said. "India is not in any arms race with any country and has a defense budget that is adequate as per its needs. Streamlining the armed forces and reforms has been an ongoing process."

Still, India continues to lag China on every geopolitical metric, according to the Lowy Institute’s Asia power index, which ranks countries according to economic resources, military capabilities and diplomatic influence.

Asia's Great Power Gap
China scores higher than India on a range of important geopolitical metrics

Source: Lowy Institute Asia Power Index

*Note: Resilience gauges reliance on energy imports and other factors, while future trends measures demographics, growth forecasts, etc.

Modi’s injection of personal enthusiasm into Indian foreign policy hasn’t led to more resources at the severely short-staffed Ministry of External Affairs, said Happymon Jacob, associate professor at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies. India only has roughly 940 diplomats compared to China’s estimated 7,500.

That lopsided situation is echoed in the armed forces. Xi has overseen China’s most sweeping military reforms since the 1950s, cutting back non-combat personnel and modernizing its military technology with space and cyber operations. Meanwhile, India maintains a sprawling 1.4-million strong army and spends the bulk of its defense money on salaries and pensions, rather than new equipment.

“The three arms of the Indian military continue to believe they’ll fight a war separately,” Jacob said.
Diplomatic Disadvantage
Despite a population of 1.3 billion, India has barely more diplomats than Singapore

Source: Foreign ministries of India, Australia, Japan, U.K., U.S., and a New Delhi Institute of Chinese Studies working paper on Indian and Chinese foreign services by former Indian diplomat Kishan Rana

*Note: Some countries do not officially declare size of foreign service

Even Modi’s announcement of the anti-satellite missile test will be mostly useless against China, according to Vipin Narang, an MIT associate political science professor.

“Not only does China have more satellites that India would likely have to kill, but China may have an advantage in killing Indian satellites,” Narang said.

‘Diplomatic Clout’
One of Modi’s major shifts has been greater alignment with countries seeking a counterweight against a rising China, in addition to dealing with a range of nations like France, Israel and Russia that want to sell it weapons.

The U.S. in particular has sought to engage India, renaming its Asia-facing military operations to the Indo-Pacific Command last year and seeking to enlist it in a group known as “The Quad” along with Japan and Australia.

August 6, 2013
China and India have managed to keep a lid on tensions. After a tense stand-off high in the Himalayas when Chinese and Indian troops faced off at a border area with Bhutan, a subsequent one-on-one summit between Modi and Xi defused tensions.

“Competition is everywhere, including between India and China, but the key point here is the essence of the competition,” said Wang Peng, an associate research fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the Renmin University of China. “India and China have the potential for benign competition.”

Still, China’s infrastructure investments are shifting the long-term strategic picture. Beijing has poured more than $60 billion in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor projects, as well as in ports from Myanmar to Sri Lanka. India’s competing infrastructure investments have been "lackluster," according to a recent Henry Jackson Society report on infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific.

Beijing has also kept India out of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which controls the export of nuclear materials, and recently blocked Indian and Western efforts at the United Nations to list as a designated terrorist the leader of a group that claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed 40 Indian paramilitaries.

“In some ways, India is better off strategically than it was five years back,” said Alyssa Ayres, a former U.S. diplomat and senior fellow for South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “But you could, of course, also argue that India is falling further behind China instead of slowly closing the gap.”


modi is playing long term game . anyways the game has just started and we must wait for another five year and see many pipe dream projects of china goes into drain . :azn: i guess there will be no belt but roads . bye for now
Indians are only good at lynching helpless people and barking.
In the real world this i the actul truth.
kindly enumerate the lynchings happened in bharat in past five years . so we can start off topic debate here regarding so called lynchings . too bhi naa yaar :cheesy:
kindly enumerate the lynchings happened in bharat in past five years . so we can start off topic debate here regarding so called lynchings . too bhi naa yaar :cheesy:

Man you people are really really not smart.
Why would you ask such an easy qustion that you know I can destroy you in?

All international media are reporting how much lynchings have increased in India in the last 5 years, mostly due to Modi and his soft corner for facist Hindus.

Do you also want "evidence" for the Holy Ganga being super polluted? I can also embaress you there as well :whistle:

Our land our rules, you have got yours so stop poking your nose....

You can call an animal an animal, there is nothing wrong with that.
Why are you getting so butthurt over it?
Man you people are really really not smart.
Why would you ask such an easy qustion that you know I can destroy you in?

All international media are reporting how much lynchings have increased in India in the last 5 years, mostly due to Modi and his soft corner for facist Hindus.

Do you also want "evidence" for the Holy Ganga being super polluted? I can also embaress you there as well :whistle:

You can call an animal an animal, there is nothing wrong with that.
Why are you getting so butthurt over it?
abe yaar , number too bata dee bhai , wese hi kejriwal ki tarah bakwas karta hai , talk with facts . or else dont reply me .

I like this kind of waiting attitude of Indians, everyday they just wait for good things happen to them and bad things happen to others, and they keep on waiting.
look whos talking , and posting same type of post , o_Oo_O . ben xiao hai
abe yaar , number too bata dee bhai , wese hi kejriwal ki tarah bakwas karta hai , talk with facts . or else dont reply me .

look whos talking , and posting same type of post , o_Oo_O . ben xiao hai
Indian, master of failure :rofl:

Good for nothing useless bum.
abe yaar , number too bata dee bhai , wese hi kejriwal ki tarah bakwas karta hai , talk with facts . or else dont reply me .

look whos talking , and posting same type of post , o_Oo_O . ben xiao hai
facts are that you are trying to deny lynchings but the world has woken up to it.
no place else on earth lynches people over a silly animal.
This is a uniqly Indian low IQ problem.

Here is another article

Indian, master of failure :rofl:

Good for nothing useless bum.
We are importing goods from China and helping you earn.

while Pakistan is using your money and may or may not repay you

you are spitting on a hand that is helping you.

lets wait and watch, time will tell that who is a useless bum :omghaha:
Keep your head low, learn from China, build economic muscle, and when economy reaches 6-7T dollars, then go for full scale modernisation..............
Modi has been such a disappointment hope he get reelected
Here is the Proof that India has fallen "Behind" china :lol: (Under Modi)


Here is further proof of India falling under Modi :cheesy:

GDP, 2019. ($ trillion)

1. US: 21.34 trillion $
2. China: 14.22 trillion $
3. Japan: 5.18 trillion $
4. Germany: 3.96 trillion $
5. India: 2.97 trillion $
6. UK: 2.83 trillion $
7. France: 2.76 trillion $
8. Italy: 2.03 trillion $

Modi has been such a disappointment hope he get reelected

Here is your Installed & Selected Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan opining just a few years ago: Only the rich, endowed should do politics. The hungry, naked, poor would obviously do corruption.

You are so lucky to have him as your PM. :agree:
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