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India slams World Bank decision on Indus Treaty

Just scrap the damn treaty!

It is unfair and biased treaty.

India and Pakistan should renegotiate a just treaty without third party interference .

afganistan now is also a party in water from this river...

For Pakistan every issue between India and Pakistan is a international dispute between it Kashmir, Indus Water treaty etc. because they know they are weak and their claims are too ambitious .

Why don Pakistan reclaims Bangladesh through international courts and arbitration, since east Pakistan was snatched from it through unfair means. Even some parts of UP & Bihar where muslim population is in majority shall also be claimed by Pakistan.

What our Pakistani friends have to say on the international verdict of SCS??

"We have to cut all their water and kill millions because we need to build a few dams.."


unbelievable how much Indians turn into babies, even when it comes to a resource as precious as water. I thought Hindus were supposed to respect the environment, and all living things, but these extremists are a whole new breed...

If they escalate this, I hope China has our back and responds in the East by cutting their water supply.

Either way, if they try and shut down the treaty, we will have no choice but to take Kashmir and the sources of the rivers, the lives of 10's of millions are at stake otherwise.
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