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INDIA should STOP Bangladesh border killing...!!

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I am sorry, but I am neither a sikh nor a bengali so there really is no bitterness in me. In any case I deal in Facts not emotion.

Hindu's are THE POOREST people in the WORLD. CHRISTIANS are THE RICHEST people in the world.

Are you really suggesting that we fight this war on their terms ? :cuckoo: ....... using their strength instead of ours ? :disagree:

If we ever are to fight this battle and WIN, it has to be on OUR terms and based on our strengths.

Hindus are only poor because you guys are divided and there is an selfish mentality in many hindu noveau riche who just want to hoard..Instead look at the sikhs ,ahmedi muslims they help each other. Even the Gurudwaras help those who come to ask for help.This is the reason why sikhs are well off despite having faced adversities much bigger than hinduism ever did.

Unity and selfless help.That is what set sikhs apart.Many in BJP consider Sikhism as purest form of hinduism just like Buddhism.So why not try something like the sikhs i.e unity and selfless help.
India should stop all border killing with Bangladesh border. No one can say that Indians do not enter illigely in Bangladesh. But BGB doesn't fire on them and push them to their country. But other hand, when it happens with Bangladesh, BSF fires on the innocent Bangladeshis and kill them without any reason. Sometime BSF kill Bangladeshis when ther are working their land beside the borders. Look India, we are human, not dogs. Try to resist your border guard team from killing BD peoples. You should stop it for the betterment of your country and humanity. Mind it, Tit for tat....!!:butcher:

Please do us a favor...whoever Indian is entering to your territory illegally just shoot them ...do not need to arrest them too...
If your BGB is not able to shoot at those illegal Indian people who enter to BD border, then it is the inefficiency of BGB rather than asking BSF to stop killing the illegals ....
Hindus are only poor because you guys are divided and there is an selfish mentality in many hindu noveau riche who just want to hoard..Instead look at the sikhs ,ahmedi muslims they help each other. Even the Gurudwaras help those who come to ask for help.This is the reason why sikhs are well off despite having faced adversities much bigger than hinduism ever did.

Unity and selfless help.That is what set sikhs apart.Many in BJP consider Sikhism as purest form of hinduism just like Buddhism.So why not try something like the sikhs i.e unity and selfless help.

I do not consider you an expert on the psychology of 1 billion Hindus :P ............but you certainly give an insight into why sikhs are considered stupid.

This time I really am being generous towards you. Consider that generosity a gift due to your sikh heritage. My next reply wont be so nice.
Why do you think a fence has been built at great cost to the Indian tax payer? It is because illegal BD migrants are entering India. To those BD members who say that they are Indian Bengalis & such, are you saying that you are now worrying about people who rejected you in 1947(according to you, they didn't choose East Pakistan). The fence has to be respected. If the BSF did nothing with fence jumpers, then more will follow knowing that the risks of being spotted are minimalised. This is undoubtedly sad but the Bangladeshi argument is inherently flawed. The fence is in Indian territory & anyone near it is already tresspassing. Consequences will follow.
I do not consider you an expert on the psychology of 1 billion Hindus :P ............but you certainly give an insight into why sikhs are considered stupid.

This time I really am being generous towards you. Consider that generosity a gift due to your sikh heritage. My next reply wont by so nice.

Despite sikhs being considered stupid ,we are much richer than your coward kind .And if you want to insult bring it on. Even in the past ,the hindus would come to sikh misls to save them from the muslims.And even in areas where hindus are majority ,muslims dominate in terms of rioting and Sikhs dominated over muslims despite muslims being 80% of sikh empire . So like what is your achievement huh? Problem with your brothers is lack of unity.Stupidity may be bad,but lack of unity is worse and it is responsible for the chaos you are suffering from.

And go to some hindutva forum,chances are the the sanatani nationalists will support sikhs as they consider sikhs as hindus and insult you for your silly responses.

Again , I will say.Lack of unity.That is the bane of the hinduism. Remove that Hinduism will be in much better position.
@iyosym you are wasting your time by talking with some Randian lunatics.
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I DO consider Sikhism as part of Hinduism. But you are no spokesperson for the Sikhs, you are a pompous fool who has demonstrated your stupidity by claiming to know the minds of 1 billion Hindus.

Sikhs are not only stupid but also physical and moral cowards as demonstrated by the Khalistan movement which focused on killing unarmed innocents. Your cowardice was amply demonstrated when the sikh guru was killed in the mughal court and his companions choose to hide among the crowd. This very act forced your guru's to declare that never again will the cowardly sikh be allowed to hide in the crowd and you are now forced to grow your hair and beard and wear the kada to make sure you can NEVER hide in the crowd. That is your history.

Cowardly guards who killed the Prime Minster they had sowrned to protect. Cowards who hide in their holy temple and plan evil deeds. Fools who did not have the required courage to throw out the terrorist from the golden temple. Hindu soldiers had to do that for you.

Sikhs are the taliban of Hinduism. Equaled in stupidity and moral bankruptcy. You are the rabid fringe of Hindusim more similar to the muslim barbarians who defined your identity, than to any deeper Hindu philosophies that define our Identity.

The most faithful dogs of the british army were the Sikhs. Your communities white worship continues by your eagerness to be close to your white masters by desperately seeking to emigrate to UK or Canada.

I don't have to recount our achievement to a fool like you. Our unity comes from a common heritage and a deeper understanding of life and a common value system and that Identity will forever unit Sanathan Dharm followers everywhere.

Sikhs are not only stupid but also physical and moral cowards as demonstrated by the Khalistan movement which focused on killing unarmed innocents.

Good I see you have opened the start.

The khalistan movement was the result of non fulfillment of the Anandpur resolution agreements.

I DO consider Sikhism as part of Hinduism. But you are no spokesperson for the Sikhs, you are a pompous fool who has demonstrated your stupidity by claiming to know the minds of 1 billion Hindus.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBlxxW9d

I do not sikhism as part of the stupid faith called hinduism ,but many sikh sects like udasis and nirmalas do and I do not wish to cause more fragments in the sikhi. Atleast your kinds will do a lot to make sure that sikhs do not regard themselves as hindus with your scurrilous insults like the Arya Samajis who made sure that Sanatan Sikh sabha decided to declare sikhism as separate from hinduism.

Your cowardice was amply demonstrated when the sikh guru was killed in the mughal court and his companions choose to hide among the crowd.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBmrjRcy

Actually ,his companions were shaheed for useless scum fools like you who cannot respect the sacrifice that the guru made to save the faith of the kashmiri pandits. It was his poor dalit followers who hide in the crowd and on the first sign brought the head and body of the Guru .

you are now forced to grow your hair and beard and wear the kada to make sure you can NEVER hide in the crowd. That is your history.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBnl5unV

What did the upper caste brahmin tell you this?? Have you people not learnt from thousand years of muslim rule ? Dividing yourselves ,twisting facts and rewriting history like how you did to the vedas and that crazy manu smriti.

Cowardly guards who killed the Prime Minster they had sowrned to protect. Cowards who hide in their holy temple and plan evil deeds. Fools who did not have the required courage to throw out the terrorist from the golden temple. Hindu soldiers had to do that for you.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBoCYmbx

yet you lost 700 soldiers for 150 sikh militiamen(who were using ww2 era weaponry) with all the advanced artillery,tanks and troops.Shows how pathetic you are by bleating about that. The indian army ended up murdering 10000+ innocent pilgrims in several gurudwars and Golden temple it attacked simultenously in 1984.
Cowardly guards who killed the Prime Minster they had sowrned to protect.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBovAfOG

Indira Gandhi was nothing but a ***** . Read her history.Also from the descendants of Gangu Brahmin.Also she attacked the Mecca of sikhs .Do you think we would tolerate that.

ikhs are the taliban of Hinduism. Equaled in stupidity and moral bankruptcy. You are the rabid fringe of Hindusim more similar to the muslim barbarians who defined your identity, than to any deeper Hindu philosophies that define our Identity.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBp7XXxf

Thanks but no thanks ,but I do not need your philosophies like Manu Smriti . Keep it to yourself as it will only make you more weak and divided . Not a wonder you people have been raped and ruled by muslims for thousand years and 80 million murdered by muslims and sikhs brought the muslims into the gutter and totally subjugated them till the Hindu dogras decided to betray us.

physical and moral cowards

Cowardice and treachery is a trait more predominant in Hindus,like how the hindu dogras betrayed the Khalsa when it was fighting against the British Empire. Like how Gangu Brahmin betrayed the grandmother and sons of Guru Gobind Singh.Like how Hindu poisoned the mind of Jahangir against Guru Arjun Dev ji. Like how the hill rajas who Guru Hargobind ji freed decided to join the mughals against Guru Gobind Singh ji .

I don't have to recount our achievement to a fool like you. Our unity comes from a common heritage and a deeper understanding of life and a common value system and that Identity will forever unit Sanathan Dharm followers everywhere.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBqzmRke

What achievement like being raped for a thousand years by the muslims. Like the pathetic caste system that destroyed your unity lol. or like how you sold each other and your own brothers like Jaichands .Or like being destroyed by Abdali in the battles of the Panipat , the same Abdali who the misls looted and

The most faithful dogs of the british army were the Sikhs. Your communities white worship continues by your eagerness to be close to your white masters by desperately seeking to emigrate to UK or Canada.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBspXclf

And maximum freedom fighters as per population representation were sikhs too.

you are a pompous fool who has demonstrated your stupidity by claiming to know the minds of 1 billion Hindus

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBtCP8v3

Two words: Caste system ,Manu Smriti .They say enough why hindus will always be poor,weak. So its better being stupid .

Fools who did not have the required courage to throw out the terrorist from the golden temple.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eBtkDml1

Terrorists? Nob. They were heroes who stood for the implementation of Anandpur resolutions which your beloved Congress govt was refusing to implement. And we killed Rajiv Gandhi too ,refer to Jain commission report. And your congress hindus were the ones to ardently work to disarm the sikhs by hook or crook which

Sikhs are the taliban of Hinduism.

Better than manu smriti or dalits or caste system anyways which is why muslims would carry away hindu women always and hindus never could do anything. Ultimately us sikhs had to fight to free the captured hindu women .

In 1738 Nadir Shah, the Persian ruler invaded India from Kabul, Afghanistan and went on a rampage to Delhi. He was returning to Persia in summer of 1739 while carrying a huge booty of looted wealth, Kohinoor diamond, women, artisans and slaves. To avoid the summer heat, the convoy would rest during the day and travel at night. At the peak of the day heat at 12 noon and at 12'O clock midnight, the Sikh guerillas started attacking his convoy right from Punjab up to the Indus. They freed many women, artisans, slaves and deprived him of large amount of wealth. The women were escorted back to Delhi by the Sikhs. It was a heroic act, which no one else dared, of fighting against the might of Nadir Shah by a handful of Sikhs and freeing the women. The Sikhs started getting recognized as people who go mad at 12 o’ clock and therefore the 12 o' clock jokes of nowadays originated. When Nadir Shah asked Zakhariya Khan "who are these warriors and where they live", Zakhariya replied, "They are the followers of Guru Nanak and live on their horses".
Sikhism: What contributions have Sikhs made as Soldiers and Warriors?

You could not defend yourselves from muslim afghans and we sikhs smashed the afghans and took Peshawar and NWFP from them ,which you hindus could not achieve for a 1000 years .

So blame yourselves for the partition that took place.Had your hindu dogras brothers not betrayed the sikhs , the sikhs would have taken india back from the british and there would have been no partition ,nor exodus of kashmiri pandits or hindus from Pakistan ,Bangladesh.

Like I said,better being stupid and brave and being weak and cowards like how your quom is full of thanks to the casteist system sadly and this is what BJP is trying to fight off and.

Consider yourself lucky that BJP does not think like you and tries to unify Sanatana dharma instead of making infighting like how you upper caste fools have been doing. It was due to BJP negotiational skills that Khalistanis decided to dissolve the movement in 1996 when BJP came to power .Khalistanis were the ones to kill Rajiv Gandhi with help of Chandraswami ji. Refer Justice Jain commission report. And Chandraswami was a maa kali devotee.

You might find this interesting .

According to legends, during the time of 'Sat Yug' (the age of truth), the goddess Durga was once engaged in a battle with demons who had been terrorizing humans and gods alike. Seeking help, she fled to the mountains and came upon a great rishi (sage) who agreed to be of assistance to her.

The khattri, clad in a lions skin and armed with a sword, slayed the demons after a fierce battle. Greatly pleased, the goddess Durga blessed him and conferred upon him the name Dusht Daman (the suppressor of evil). Where after, the rishi asked him to meditate at Hemkuntwhich was the site for meditation for many celestials. Hence, Dusht Daman performed an intense and prolonged meditation. he was then summoned by the Almighty to undertake the task of being reborn in 'kal yug' (the age of darkness) to ward off evil from the face of the earth. Thus, in his reincarnation, Dusht Daman was born as the son of the ninth guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur.

The child guru grew up to be a great saint and a warrior. He organized his followers who believed in ONE WAHEGURU with limitless faith in Him, humility in rendering service to humanity and truthfulness and fearless in adversity. He was the tenth guru Guru Gobind Singh.

While many sikhs regard this as a fairytale from the Dasam Granth and Dasam Granth as not Authentic sikh scripture,but there is truth in this as Durga is Kali and it was a Maa Kali Devotee Chandraswami who helped Khalistanis kill that Rajiv Gandhi ,look at the coincidence. Clearly ,even your Gods stood with us rather than that hindu Rajiv Gandhi.

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It is your own divisions which make you weak .You and your quom is solely responsible for the thousand year rule of muslims.Had you people been united and not divided ,the muslims would have never ruled you for 1000 years.
@also , if the sikh gurus had not fought for the hindus against mughals,hinduism in north and central india would have seized to exist.

So,learn some manners next time.
I do not consider you an expert on the psychology of 1 billion Hindus :P ............but you certainly give an insight into why sikhs are considered stupid.

This time I really am being generous towards you. Consider that generosity a gift due to your sikh heritage. My next reply wont be so nice.

and who told u he represented sikhs??
did u see the other flag??

i am a sikh living here.............and i don't endorse what he is saying,no one here does.
have u ever seen name calling b/w hindus and sikhs here and good relations b/w sikhs and muslims??

i have a problem of u calling sikhs stupid(all) and if u continue on this path of defaming other communities based on the opinion of a person who is a separatist then my next reply is not gonna be so polite
and who told u he represented sikhs??
did u see the other flag??

i am a sikh living here.............and i don't endorse what he is saying,no one here does.
have u ever seen name calling b/w hindus and sikhs here and good relations b/w sikhs and muslims??

i have a problem of u calling sikhs stupid(all) and if u continue on this path of defaming other communities based on the opinion of a person who is a separatist then my next reply is not gonna be so polite

I am not a separtist but then look at his responses.
and who told u he represented sikhs??
did u see the other flag??

i am a sikh living here.............and i don't endorse what he is saying,no one here does.
have u ever seen name calling b/w hindus and sikhs here and good relations b/w sikhs and muslims??

i have a problem of u calling sikhs stupid(all) and if u continue on this path of defaming other communities based on the opinion of a person who is a separatist then my next reply is not gonna be so polite

My post was to flag off other sikhs and set matter straight. Glad you decided to take a stand.

I have clearly said that I do not consider him a representative of the sikhs.

He called the Hindus selfish and I called sikhs stupid just to balance the situation. That was supposed to be a warning for him to desist from foolish name calling.

I do not plan to continue on that path as long as there is another Sikh available to counter him and put an end to this nonsense. You are free to try and put an end to it.

I act only when I am forced to.


pls look at this guy @Mritunjaya language
@Abingdonboy @Dillinger @WebMaster @Flamingo

pls look at post no 42 and 37

Oops wrong move. You have now chosen to side with the separatist and will be treated as one.
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