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India should share BPO expertise with Pakistan : Mr.Narayan Murthy

Perhaps, Infosys can act as an example and setup a center in Pakistan.
N.Murthy would be overwhelmed with his Indian resources vying with each other for an onsite posting to that center. Hail Aman Ki Asha. Hail N.Murthy
Harish : Mate, first, consider that this is a comment from a private entrepreneur, not GoI.

Regarding english speaking population, wont you think we had a almost same issue some time back (a workforce who can speak Indian-ized but not foreign accent english) ... our guys were trained. Isnt it?

Stumper bro the early phase of my career was in the BPO sector operations so I know a little bit of the India-specific challenges during the early years as well as when the industry matured and consolidation and second-phase churn happened. I think this is a good idea but my reservations on the english speaking population stand. You can teach an english speaking person to modulate his accent-neutral subcontinental tone into a westernised twang within a few months. Much more difficult to help a non-primary english language educated person to speak in the same way. Yes there are convent / jesuit schools in Pakistan, but the majority of education does not have English as the first language. A lot of this has been corroborated by a Pakistani, AgnosticMuslim, here in a post of his on another thread. A large percentage of processes coming to India still at the bottom rung of the BPO ladder are voice based processes. Movement up the ladder value chain into KPO driven processes happens later. Just my two cents of course. If Narayan Murthy thinks its a good idea, I'm sure he is infinitely more qualified to know what he's talking about.
Are let them stop their Kashmir ka rona, stop sending terrorists. Accept hindus as also as humans and stop thinking of them as sub humans. let the trade flourish. there would be hardly any Indian who would object for investments in Pakistan. we are ready to invest in education, building companies and factories. but peace first.
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