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India should arrest Thackeray for 'hate speeches' as we did Saeed: Pak FO


Nov 5, 2009
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Islamabad, Apr.23 (ANI): Comparing Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray with wanted Jamaat-ud-Daawa (JuD) chief Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the mastermind of the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, Pakistan wants New Delhi to take action against the political leader for inciting ill-feelings against it.

During an interaction with a visiting India media delegation here, Foreign Office spokesperson Abdul Basit was asked as to why Islamabad was dragging its feet on taking action against Saeed despite India providing numerous dossiers, which nails his direct involvement in the Mumbai carnage.

"I don't hold brief for Hafiz Saeed. We arrested him. Have you arrested Bal Thackeray for making hate speeches against Pakistan," Basit replied.

Commenting on India's consistent claims that the groups like the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) were still running terror training camps inside Pakistan's boundary, he said Islamabad is ready to take on those camps if exact information is shared with it.

Basit reiterated Islamabad's demand for re-starting the stalled composite dialogue with India, saying such talks had proved to be of great help in building confidence between the two neighbouring countries.

"It helped us sign prior notification of missile trials, it helped us in ceasefire and to agree on confidence building measures on Kashmir. It created a congenial atmosphere as well," the spokesperson said.

Basit also pointed out that disputes like Siachen could not be settled unilaterally.

"We had made enormous progress on Siachen and Sir Creek. These issues can be handled quickly if the dialogue is resumed," he said.

He also objected to India's hardened stance on the resumption of the composite dialogue, saying its better not to engage in any form of deliberation than to add 'pre-conditions' to composite talks.

Basit also condemned India for labelling happenings in Kashmir as a 'terrorist struggle', and said Pakistan would never accept those claims. (ANI)

India should arrest Thackeray for 'hate speeches' as we did Saeed: Pak FO - Yahoo! India News
Did some one hear any hate speech from Prof Saeed ?

none ---- he does not believe in preaching hate.

How can one compare the Thug Cartoonist Takhray with a learned man like Prof Saeed.

i just can say that u need to search on internet,u will come to know whether he is prof or something else.search may hurt u,as it will be against ur thinking.thackeray is a toon,but u need 2 look at prof and his speeches:hang2::hang2:;);)
i just can say that u need to search on internet,u will come to know whether he is prof or something else.search may hurt u,as it will be against ur thinking.thackeray is a toon,but u need 2 look at prof and his speeches:hang2::hang2:;);)

I do not need to search as I have been there myself and I have heard nothing hate or anything against anyone.

He does preach about liberty, justice and equality of human beings and there is nothing wrong in it

Indians hate him as he support the RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION of Kashmiri people, something promised by UNO
I do not need to search as I have been there myself and I have heard nothing hate or anything against anyone.

He does preach about liberty, justice and equality of human beings and there is nothing wrong in it

Indians hate him as he support the RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION of Kashmiri people, something promised by UNO

i heard last time in his speech in t.v "one mumbai is not enough ,india needs more",he really thinks abt the justice,i really like his justice,anyway :wave::wave::wave:
Did some one hear any hate speech from Prof Saeed ?

none ---- he does not believe in preaching hate.

How can one compare the Thug Cartoonist Takhray with a learned man like Prof Saeed.

also watched video of Saeed...........ya he is really an angel of peace:smitten::smitten::smitten:
Islamabad, Apr.23 (ANI): Comparing Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray with wanted Jamaat-ud-Daawa (JuD) chief Hafeez Muhammad Saeed, the mastermind of the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, Pakistan wants New Delhi to take action against the political leader for inciting ill-feelings against it.

No you guys have failed over and over again to provide any credible evidence against him. Pakistan has been keeping him under house-arrest anticipating his role in the 28/11 but there hasn't been any evidence to back your claims. Correct yourself on that.

Regarding Bal Thakure, If he is Hindu terrorist he is not a terrorist for India but anybody Muslim, let it be SIMI or Hafiz Saeed is terrorist because they are Muslims?
No you guys have failed over and over again to provide any credible evidence against him. Pakistan has been keeping him under house-arrest anticipating his role in the 28/11 but there hasn't been any evidence to back your claims. Correct yourself on that.

Regarding Bal Thakure, If he is Hindu terrorist he is not a terrorist for India but anybody Muslim, let it be SIMI or Hafiz Saeed is terrorist because they are Muslims?

Well....First, in any case BT is not linked to Pakistan. Bt is not declared so by UN as well. We would deal with him with him when some "credible" evidences are put which should not be a piece of litature.
Whatever you indians have to say about Mr Saeed is published in Indian news channels. There were never enough evidences against Hafiz Saeed and it is more of a political game for India.

Bal Thakery is completely a different story who openly attack Pakistan and Muslims. You cannot compare Thakery vs Saeed
Whatever you indians have to say about Mr Saeed is published in Indian news channels. There were never enough evidences against Hafiz Saeed and it is more of a political game for India.

Bal Thakery is completely a different story who openly attack Pakistan and Muslims. You cannot compare Thakery vs Saeed

Zaki, you are usually measured and reasonable in your comments but I must say this is not acceptable. Bal Thackeray is a thug and a senile politician. He does not preach hatred against Muslims. I do agree that he preaches hatred - against people from other Indian states and ethnic background. He is also against maintaining cordial relations with Pakistan, but he has never harmed a Pakistani citizen, either directly or indirectly, on, or away from Pakistani soil. His most direct 'attack' on anything to do with Pakistan was to have his thugs dig up the pitch on the eve of a test match. No one was hurt in that incident. I hate his policies, and at worst, he is the equivalent of Zaid Hamid, another senile preacher of hate. Sorry for this deviation, and this should be the end of the comparison. Members, please don't start thrashing or defending ZH on this thread.

As for Hafiz Saeed, he is a terrorist leader of a banned organization. You may keep denying his role in 26/11, but there must be some reason for the UNSC to declare him as a terrorist.
What a BS comparison. Is Bal Thackeray an imbecile? Yes. Is he responsible for terrorist attacks against Pakistani citizens? No. Has the Pakistani government accused him of terrorists attacks against Pakistani citizens? No. The moment saffron clad boys end up in Karachi and go on a murderous rampage under the directive of Mr Thackeray then you can ask us to arrest him. Until then, do the right thing and prosecute the killers of 26/11 instead of engaging in semantics.
Excuses excuses. If its not the changed nameplate at muridke, its some politician in mumbai...

Not surprising, nothing new, have seen it for decades. Foreign office catering exclusively to domestic audience.

You stick to your guns, we ours.
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