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India sexual harassment: American student shares horrific experiences

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i believe that Pakistan's situation is much better than this...if you know how to deal with the situation and you have a friend who is citizen of that place...so u no need to worry.. :pakistan:
And then think about conservative Muslim countries like Pakistan. My guess is almost 99% unreported.

You don't just guess statistics.

Then think of sticking on topic. My guess is 100% impossible for you. :rolleyes:
In Kamasutra & in those sculptures women are NOT shown in a bad light. They just show poses of sex.

Meanwhile in the land of the pure:

Pakistan maintains top slot in Google search for ‘sex’ – The Express Tribune


Pakistan's not the topic my friend. You want to discuss Pakistan? Open a separate thread.
Lies if propagated 1000 times by 10,000 peoples can never become a truth or reality, this is natures way of prevailing itself.
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And this section is for trolling and insulting others with baseless freaky issues i guess ?
India is the land of the ***** known as "Kamasutra" in which women are degraded.

Look up "indian sex temple" and see what ***** was widely practiced (still probably is) within the india in the past.

don't talk rubbish of stuffs you have no knowledge about just because our religion and culture doesn't forces women to always dressed in a Darth Vader costume doesn't means it regard women only as sex object before spreading any rubbishes like this go educate yourself on what exactly kamasutra is

Pakistan's not the topic my friend. You want to discuss Pakistan? Open a separate thread.

as per forum rules we(non pakistani members) can't open a thread on Pakistan's social issues but you can open such thread and we all can easily have the discussion of which country fares better with respect to this issue although it still would be against forum rules since rape or other sexual assaults related thread can only be discussed in seniors cafe section by junior think tanks and other high ranking members but don't worry since India will be bashed on that thread moderators won't act against and will you ignore that thread just like this one
[Bregs];4668759 said:
And this section is for trolling and insulting others with baseless freaky issues i guess ?

How much coverage is international media giving to the plight of women in India? Its an issue which is not baseless or freaky and will be discussed.

don't talk rubbish of stuffs you have no knowledge about just because our religion and culture doesn't forces women to always dressed in a Darth Vader costume doesn't means it regard women only as sex object before spreading any rubbishes like this go educate yourself on what exactly kamasutra is

as per forum rules we(non pakistani members) can't open a thread on Pakistan's social issues but you can open such thread and we all can easily have the discussion of which country fares better with respect to this issue although it still would be against forum rules since rape or other sexual assaults related thread can only be discussed in seniors cafe section by junior think tanks and other high ranking members but don't worry since India will be bashed on that thread moderators won't act against you ignore that thread just like this one

Its a lie, when social issues from Pakistan become headlines in international media they are discussed to death in this forum and Indians are the most eager participants. Though there is one difference Pakistanis sympathize with victims while most Indians try to pass the buck to lower castes and minorities.
i forgot the fully developed state has full authority to discuss third world failed state like india
India the disgraceful nation, India will never change, they will keep denying it and try and shift the blame and point fingers at other countries, we experienced this all over India. When we were in Goa for example, my wife and very young daughters were in their bikinis swimming and a group of men surrounded them and started taking photos and that too of my little girls. Men making sure they went out of their way to "bump" into my wife one guy even grabbed her bum he was lucky I didn't break his arms. But what this woman in this blog got was disgusting and a 1000 times worse than what my wife and daughters had to put up with. India will never change when it comes to woman's rights, Indian women have to put up with this every day and yes Indians like to claim that their stats for rape etc are lower than other nations, the fact is it is low because the police don't give a **** about women and women don't report it because they know they will be treated worse by the police.
India the disgraceful nation, India will never change, they will keep denying it and try and shift the blame and point fingers at other countries, we experienced this all over India. When we were in Goa for example, my wife and very young daughters were in their bikinis swimming and a group of men surrounded them and started taking photos and that too of my little girls. Men making sure they went out of their way to "bump" into my wife one guy even grabbed her bum he was lucky I didn't break his arms. But what this woman in this blog got was disgusting and a 1000 times worse than what my wife and daughters had to put up with. India will never change when it comes to woman's rights, Indian women have to put up with this every day and yes Indians like to claim that their stats for rape etc are lower than other nations, the fact is it is low because the police don't give a **** about women and women don't report it because they know they will be treated worse by the police.

nobody is denying that... nobody suspects her story..
Lol, at over sea Indians trying to justify this.

This is the top comment on CNN.

"It is sad that this is something that is becoming linked with Indian culture. My mother needed physio for a sprained ankle a year or so back. She was telling me that the women therapists had to start refusing massages to Indian males because they would all expect "happy endings".
So the mindset of these sad men extended outside of India with them."

"My mother needed physio for a sprained ankle a year or so back. She was telling me that the women therapists had to start refusing massages to Indian males because they would all expect "happy endings".
hhahaahhaaahhahaahaahahhahahhahahhahhahaahahahahaahhahaahah damn I lol'd loud :rofl:
Happened to one of my korean friend in Sydney train, she was pretty disturbed after that. Lot of wack jobs around

Nobody is saying that these instances don't occur in the developed world. They do, and hence they were the ones who coined the term 'Domestic violence'. However, in these developed nations, at least the victim is treated with respect and gets all the support.

This American student went back to USA and will go on with her life. I hope her all the best. However what about the women in India or even Pakistan for that purpose?

Sick people are everywhere. I agree.

In Kamasutra & in those sculptures women are NOT shown in a bad light. They just show poses of sex.

Meanwhile in the land of the pure:

Pakistan maintains top slot in Google search for ‘sex’ – The Express Tribune


What has this got to to with the topic on hand?

Women are definitely not seen upon as some toys walking in your cities. You touch a women in broad daylight, you would be dead. Right then and there.
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