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India set to buy Barak-8 missile from Israel amid tensions with India |NewsX

May 20, 2011
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The Indians emergency arms purchases continues. Indians are desperate at the moment.
As a result, their arms suppliers are happy to milk India.

After China's moves in Ladakh, Indians are buying land launched Barrak 8 missile defence system from Israel.

India is requesting immediate delivery from Israel.
According to the Indian media it is LRSAM (Long Range Surface to Air Missiles).
The earlier deal was for naval version, now the land based system is also ordered.

We discussed Barak 8 missiles on Chinese forums. The conclusion was that fighter jets aren't at significant risk as long as they keep 50km distance, but it can be a serious threat for rotary wing and transport aircraft operating within its effective range. No need to belittle everything Indians do.
As I stated before on another thread the Israelis will be more than happy to support the Indians. Even though the Chinese are investing in Israel the Israelis see the fascist Hindus as their natural allies. You never know they might also offer the Chinese weapons to act as they are neutral and also to make some money. Recently the Israelis have been reporting against CPEC. The Israelis have also been talking against Pakistan regarding Kashmir.
The Indian "frankenstein" military continues ... seriously why do they import military hardware from so many different foreign suppliers? Forget domestic industry, importing from such a large selection of foreign companies (Russia, France, US, Israel) is bound to have poor consequences.
When this is over. Pakistan should start having serious parle with Israel.
Pakistan should not take this laying down.
When this is over. Pakistan should start having serious parle with Israel.
Pakistan should not take this laying down.

The best way is to arm israeli enemies if there are any left. Support Palestinians and join Turkey in naval exercises in eastern Mediterranean.
The best way is to arm israeli enemies if there are any left. Support Palestinians and join Turkey in naval exercises in eastern Mediterranean.
Can you please tell me why dont muslims recognise Israel? Jerusalem is not Mecca and Medina and is not a holy place for Muslims so why are muslims fighting against jews over a simple Mosque like Al Aqsa?

Some muslims told me that Prophet Muhammad prayer at Al Aqsa mosque so what? It doesn't make it a holy city for Muslims.

It has been Solomon's temple so it belongs to Jews.

I guess it would be this for the land version.

The Barak-8ER
The proposed system is around since 2011-12
  • It has a range of 150+km
  • It uses the same seeker and ground-based supporting systems as the MRSAM but features bigger rocket motors.
  • It can fit into a bigger canister that can also fit the MRSAM.
The best way is to arm israeli enemies if there are any left. Support Palestinians and join Turkey in naval exercises in eastern Mediterranean.

Apart from Turkey part, rest is not possible.
Start with Palestinians, they are more close to India than to Pakistan. Despite knowing that India is a friend of Israel and not theirs. But who is going to tell them!!
Pakistan's diplomacy is abysmal.

Now come to the enemies of Israel, Egypt surrendered long time ago, signed peace treaty. Then came Jordan, it surrendered too. Recently, UAE, SA and other Gulf countries are submitting to Israel.

It lefts Iran and its proxies in Lebanon and Syria.
Pakistan has that much courage diplomatically and military to side with them!!

We are talking about people who start panicking on one phone call from USA.

Can you please tell me why dont muslims recognise Israel? Jerusalem is not Mecca and Medina and is not a holy place for Muslims so why are muslims fighting against jews over a simple Mosque like Al Aqsa?

Some muslims told me that Prophet Muhammad prayer at Al Aqsa mosque so what? It doesn't make it a holy city for Muslims.

It has been Solomon's temple so it belongs to Jews.

I think my friend, you have to brush up on your knowledge.
these missile defenses will be destroyed by chinese hyper sonic cruise missiles
Hypersonic Cruise Missiles (HCM) are not operational anywhere. Russia has a working prototype in 3M22 Zircon as of late. The other prototype SSC-X-9 Skyfall failed in a test in 2019.

China might have a working prototype as well, but too early to tout it.

These are not automobiles coming out of an assembly line. Endo-atmospheric hypersonic weapon systems are very difficult to develop and operationalize due to numerous factors including use of special substances to cope with intense heat and making the propelling system tolerant to extreme amount of stresses. They have significant propaganda value on paper whatsoever.

Chinese DF-17 Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) is operational as of late which is an achievement no doubt. Although a formidable weapon system in theory, it remains to be seen if it can be used to take out something like Barak 8 system, or it has strategic application.

China might try other options though. A military is supposed to be formidable as a whole - the sum of its parts.

This is a serious development. Do not underestimate current and emerging sophisticated defensive applications.
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