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India set to be UNSC non-permanent member

So when Pakistan becomes member of unsc - super important

India becomes member - useless thing .

Some D*ck lovers here have taken stupidity to next level . No one claims that it is a very huge achievement. But to claim that it is useless when you have occupied it already for like 7 times at least is being pure stupid. Can't expect much from people with d*ck fantasies I guess.
Oye chawal...the difference is Pakistanis don't make tall claims like trolls from ur side were making(a few years back when India was trying for permanent membership). Now that u have been slapped down and reality has dawned...u are trying to drag Pakistan into it.

Do u see Pakistanis opening threads and celebrating about Pakistan getting non permanent membership of UNSC?

It's just u guys who act big and then are content with a lollipop.
Look at these Little indians making horse shi.t out of a small garbage news. There are ALSO tiny countries like Dominican Republic and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines also UNSC non permanent members. This is a nothing news. These indians are truly pathetic. :omghaha: :rofl:

Your knowledge on UN reforms is indeed pathetic

Temporary membership at this juncture is important for India. Dominican Republic and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are not contenders for UNSC permanent membership. India is. It helps India to campaign strongly for permanent membership.

India on Friday laid out the priorities of its campaign to secure an elected seat on the UN Security Council. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar launched a brochure which outlined India's priorities for its forthcoming campaign, the election for which is slated for June 17, 2020

Oye chawal...the difference is Pakistanis don't make tall claims like trolls from ur side were making(a few years back when India was trying for permanent membership). Now that u have been slapped down and reality has dawned...u are trying to drag Pakistan into it.

Do u see Pakistanis opening threads and celebrating about Pakistan getting non permanent membership of UNSC?

It's just u guys who act big and then are content with a lollipop.

Someone opened a thread about it. Alright. What's the need to comment mean stuff that its useless and all. Don't stand on that high ground that only Indians engage in trolling here. Not responding would have been an option too.
Someone opened a thread about it. Alright. What's the need to comment mean stuff that its useless and all. Don't stand on that high ground that only Indians engage in trolling here. Not responding would have been an option too.
It was ur troll @Prince Kassad who started this in post 8...
...nobody was saying that it's useless before that. Moral high ground or not...if u(as in Indians) start sh*t then don't complain when u r replied in kind.
Come on. Uniting for Consensus? Coffee Club ?? Don't say pakistan has no desire to be Permanent or even non Permanent member of UNSC. There is nothing wrong in that though. So there is no need to be apologetic.
Sorry i meant permanent UNSC member. But if you did buy a seat there permanently, we will leave the UN.
Remind us after 3 years....
Sorry i meant permanent UNSC member. But if you did buy a seat there permanently, we will leave the UN.

Don't know man. We collaborated real good on Article 370 on Kashmir. Few tweets here and there and we good. I expect same love from Pakistani Establishment in case any UNSC seat thing were to happen . You will attack us on Twitter and we will isolate you on Twitter. Fair deal I say.
Don't know man. We collaborated real good on Article 370 on Kashmir. Few tweets here and there and we good. I expect same love from Pakistani Establishment in case any UNSC seat thing were to happen . You will attack us on Twitter and we will isolate you on Twitter. Fair deal I say.

India may have had a better chance at this if it had solved Kashmir issue without provoking war with all of her neighbours.

Responsibility is just not your forte
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