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India serves 90 day notice to Pakistan on Indus Water Treaty!

It is silly. The Indians are just referring to the dispute resolution mechanism, not the treaty itself. It is just a legal point which is being quibbled upon.

While Pakistan State and Military Estate attacking Pakistani awam, India has served Pakistan 90 day notice to talk about modifying Indus Water Treaty

"An Indian government source said on Friday New Delhi had served Pakistan a notice to modify the treaty and wanted to meet to start resolving the long-running dispute within 90 days."

It is opportunate time for India to dictate its terms on Indus Water, Kashmir, Jammu, Laddakh, Siachen Glacier, and Trade.

And thats not it. India has constructed/under construction several strategic level tunnels throughout J&K to link with rest of India. Of course, all of that to move logistics at pace during war with Pakistan.

All this is going on, while Lord Clive's Military Inc Army attacking Pakistani Awam to perpetuate its economic and political interests.

As admins are quick to delete threads that directly or indirectly blame military establishment citing invalid source, for the state of malaise in Pakistan, here is the Reuters link and full article about Indus Water Treaty.


Is there anyone to defend Pakistan?

India wants to keep third parties out of water treaty with Pakistan - sources
By Krishn Kaushik

NEW DELHI, Jan 27 ( Reuters) - India has asked Pakistan to change a decades-old water-sharing agreement by barring third parties from intervening in disputes, an Indian government source said, a suggestion likely to rile Islamabad.

The nuclear-armed neighbours and foes have been arguing over hydroelectric projects on the shared Indus river and its tributaries for many years - a dispute exacerbated by their standoff over disputed Kashmir.

Pakistan is concerned that India's planned hydropower dams will cut flows on the river, which feeds 80% of its irrigated agriculture. Over the years it has asked for a neutral expert and then an arbitration court to intervene.

India has accused Pakistan of dragging out the complaints process, and says the construction of its Kishanganga and Ratle Hydro Electric projects is allowed by the six-decade-old Indus Water Treaty.
Give a link about the 90 days notice. The Jan27 news has nothing about a notice.
Why is it that Pakistan has never been able to show a violation of the IWT by India?

Pleas see the above.

I don't know the technical aspects but I think perhaps the 'run of the river' dams to generate powers upstream wouldn't endanger Pakistan's water supplies in quantity.

But what I do know is that the moment Pakistanis, who are in 220 million in numbers, sense that water supplies to Pakistan would be restricted by India--if India would be foolish and cruel enough to do such an act--then that moment would be a catastrophe for the Subcontinent.

IWT has always been unfair to east punjab, the rulers in delhi need to correct this unfair magnanimity showered on the other punjab at the cost of farmers here.

No, don't go that route! You agreed to that and so should stick to the agreement in letter and spirit. There are people in Pakistan's Punjab who still accuse Ayub Khan of giving away too much of Pakistan's waters to India via the Indus Water Treaty.

Your rationale is a doomsday's rationale: Every thief or invader or megalomaniac starts wars with arguments like your's!!!
On the contrary, a real or perceived deprivation of water to 220+ million people would be the war-cry to galvanize and unite Pakistanis!!

PS. I remember a video clip in which the Indian PM Manmohan Singh in sometimes in the 2000s era to a Pakistani journalist. He said something like 'You go back to Pakistan and tell them India is not cutting and will never cut Pakistan's water supplies'. I think he sounded sincere. Could the Modi govt fall to such lows of restricting Pakistan's water supplies?? Hard to say at this point. But, while Pakistanis might have not too much protested about the 'run of the river' damns built by India, any re-interpretation of the Indus Water Treaty to reduce Pakistan's water supply WILL be catastrophic for the region; Pakistan is one and the only country in South Asia which can destroy India even in a conventional war.
Bet you $500 nothing will happen

Why is it that Pakistan has never been able to show a violation of the IWT by India?

Pleas see the above.
Lack of understanding of law, poor choice of legal team and most importantly - poor and mostly delayed or illtimed lawsuits.
I don't know the technical aspects but I think perhaps the 'run of the river' dams to generate powers upstream wouldn't endanger Pakistan's water supplies in quantity.

But what I do know is that the moment Pakistanis, who are in 220 million in numbers, sense that water supplies to Pakistan would be restricted by India--if India would be foolish and cruel enough to do such an act--then that moment would be a catastrophe for the Subcontinent.

No, don't go that route! You agreed to that and so should stick to the agreement in letter and spirit. There are people in Pakistan's Punjab who still accuse Ayub Khan of giving away too much of Pakistan's waters to India via the Indus Water Treaty.

Your rationale is a doomsday's rationale: Every thief or invader or megalomaniac starts wars with arguments like your's!!!
Details matter.
The Indus Water Treaty, just like the partition of Punjab, was very unfair to the Sikhs. Just like the Sikhs were denied their historical cities of Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan, they were also denied their fair share of the river waters. It is good that the Modi government is taking steps to correct this historical injustice.
The Indus Water Treaty, just like the partition of Punjab, was very unfair to the Sikhs. Just like the Sikhs were denied their historical cities of Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan, they were also denied their fair share of the river waters. It is good that the Modi government is taking steps to correct this historical injustice.

As I said above "Every thief or invader or megalomaniac starts wars with arguments like your's!!!"

Stick with the Treaty you signed, which has stood the test of time. Or you would be in violation of that Treaty which has international backers. No 'details matter' argument as said above or what you are saying are good enough 'arguments' to unilaterally interpret an agreement like the Indus Water Treaty which has stood the test of time. And Mr. Modi has no mandate to re-interpret a treaty like the IWT. Megalomaniac leaders had such grand designs and adventures and they eventually led their respective nations to ruin.
Some neutral party like the Swiss should review it. By the way, why is the division not 50-50?
And then flood the downstream areas. I guess one flood was not enough.
You dont get it.. kashmir itself will be the first to get flooded prior to anything else. The particular area in flooded kashmir will be Impossible to hold for an occupational force..
Pakistan can build new dams to absorb the wave shocks..but still it's all about what you get and what you lose in total sum game.
I personally believe Pakistan will abstain from attacking any dams.. Pakistan has many other ways to go about.
The Indus Water Treaty, just like the partition of Punjab, was very unfair to the Sikhs. Just like the Sikhs were denied their historical cities of Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan, they were also denied their fair share of the river waters. It is good that the Modi government is taking steps to correct this historical injustice.
Historical cities? 😂 Lahore alone has served as the capital of more Muslim empires then the one time it served as the capital for their small kingdom that didn’t even manage to rule all of Punjab.

Hell even the holiest of Sikh cities Amritsar historically had a Muslim majority. Hell Does it even have a Sikh majority today or is it Hindu majority?
Some neutral party like the Swiss should review it. By the way, why is the division not 50-50?
You should look at the map - vast majority of Indus valley is in Pakistan, that's why most of the Indus water should logically be Pakistan's

The Indus Water Treaty, just like the partition of Punjab, was very unfair to the Sikhs. Just like the Sikhs were denied their historical cities of Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan, they were also denied their fair share of the river waters. It is good that the Modi government is taking steps to correct this historical injustice.
BC, Randi Bhushan toh hum yaha churan bech rahein the

My father's family been living in Lahore for 100s of years even before we became Muslims

One sub clan of Muslims Punjabis forget Muslims in general controlled Lahore much longer than any Sikh, stop this moronic revisionism
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IWT has always been unfair to east punjab, the rulers in delhi need to correct this unfair magnanimity showered on the other punjab at the cost of farmers here.
not sure of the details, but if that is the case

keep the pressure on, I guess

till they acquiesce to Indian demands

make them submit and tap out

it'll hurt quite a bit but how much pain they want is up to them

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