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India sends 30 life support ambulances to Bangladesh

All 108 Ambulances (EMS) are Type C or Type D.
but there is not enough of them. It will probably take decades or more to get it up running like US and Japan. The problem is not the lack of finance or machinery but the trained EMTs, we simply don`t have enough of them. we need to accelerate the training.
40 ambulances gifted by India arrive in Bangladesh
  • Published at 01:26 pm August 26th, 2021
India gifts ambulance to Bangladesh

One of the ambulances sent by India to Bangladesh to combat Covid-19 UNB

So far, 71 ambulances have arrived in Bangladesh and the remaining are expected to come by mid-September

Forty more ambulances -- a gift from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi -- arrived in Bangladesh through the Benapole land port on Thursday morning.

Additional Commissioner of Benapole Customs House, Neyamul Islam said that the 40 ambulances entered Bangladesh in the morning from the Petrapole border on the Indian side.

"Necessary paperwork is underway to get the clearance done. Once complete, the ambulances will leave for Dhaka later in the day," he said.

According to the Indian High Commission, Prime Minister Modi announced the gift of 109 ambulances to Bangladesh during his state visit on March 26-27, to help bolster healthcare, especially in the shared effort to contain the Covid pandemic.

All the ambulances have ventilation support, said sources.

So far, 71 ambulances have arrived in Bangladesh and the remaining are expected to come by mid-September.

Of these, the first ambulance arrived on March 21, 30 more ambulances arrived on August 7, and 40 on Thursday.

Evil Bharotis sent another 40 Ambulances
Aren't these Ambulances too big for Bangladesh ?
I think they don't have road to accommodate these ambulances.
No one is asking for ambulances.

Kindly Refund the cash for the vaccines . stop scamming your neighbours.

that would be sufficient.
Your govt has requested for it and happily accepting it.
And it's for patients seeking urgent treatment and not some inferiority complex ridden dude to deny them these essential medical assistance.
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It’s the other way round, Our low quality Indian ambulances are tooooo small for the 20 lane ultra high quality service roads manufactured by Walton with their in-house R&D and exported world wide. And even if Evil Bharotis would not have gifted them our low quality ambulances, then Walton would have manufactured them of highest quality and would’ve handed over them to GoB.

We're not capable of 'exporting roads' like India can.

Trying to build 'castles in the sky' like practiced in India though. 8-)



Looks beautiful where is it from?


1st picture is expressway interchange on the way from Dhaka to Padma Bridge.

2nd picture is another expressway, forget which one.

3rd picture is of Manik Mia Avenue in front of our Parliament House and world's largest Alpana (street decoration) drawn by Dhaka artists and volunteers to welcome the Bengali new year - paint donated by local paint companies. It made the Guinness world record. The Avenue and Parliament House were completed in the early 70's. The Parliament meets at Sangsad Bhaban.

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It is a shame that as a nation of 170 Million people, we do not know how to make and outfit ambulances.

Even bigger shame is that we have to accept Indian ambulances as gift, when we should gift them ambulances ourselves (being who they are), we have been using better ambulances for over fifty years now.

The sooner we return the favor, the better it is.




Lol yeah I’m wondering what we will do with their vintages? We have new ambulances everywhere
^^^ I knew it that Indian Ambulances were low quality, I was waiting for the validation of Bangladeshis how evil Bharotis are lowering their standard by sneding low quality Ambulances, Walton must be laughing on us!
^^^ I knew it that Indian Ambulances were low quality, I was waiting for the validation of Bangladeshis how evil Bharotis are lowering their standard by sneding low quality Ambulances, Walton must be laughing on us!

It's okay. We have all kinds of voices.

Ambulances are life saving devices/implements. If these ambulances can even save one life, that will be worth all these ambulances.

I look forward to the day when Bangladeshi doctors and NGO's can save lives in India and we can donate ambulances to Indian states too.

Saving a life is beyond politics. And we should not look a gift horse in the mouth....
Ok I take that back about Bangladesh not being able to assemble or outfit ambulances, looks like Akij autos has done that already, There may be more companies, just that I don't know....


LOMAO all these rona-dhona and insecurities from these ambulances? Oh!! The shame India gave us!! As if we never take donations/gifts from anyone!! Surprised that people didn't commit seppuku after all this crying and shame. So how much donation our cry baby make every year for hurricane affected areas in USA to return USAID's favor? (If he actually lives there). It's "izzat ka sawal" after all. 😏

Anyway it's a waste of money. Bangladeshi ambulance service is controlled by the syndicate. I don't know which hospitals will get these but they are gonna rot in the garage or under the open sky for sure. We don't have paramedics or trained personnel to use the equipment in these ambulances. Doubt even the hospitals have money to maintain them or govt have proper plan how to utilize them. An IVECO ambulance more advanced than these Indian ones was rotting in Rajshahi Medical College for two years and people didn't even know about it's existence. So it'll be better if we hand them over to the syndicate.

If the infos provided by the Indian members here are true then these ambulances are certainly better than the ambulances widely used in Bangladesh which are mostly based on Toyota Hiace/Noah slapped with just a bed, nothing else. Crybabies with fake pride should show the real picture of BD's whole ambulance service instead of crying about these Indian ambulances and showing few modern ambulances from Dhaka's private hospitals. Ad-din hospital operates similar vehicle like that but not equipped like those.




Above is already in the news! Only 30 ambulances has been provided out of promised 109.

Looks like they delivered 102 already. Rest are supposed to be delivered on 9th October.

Does bd ppl really buy indian cars? Last time i was in bd all i see was Toyota. Like 90 percent Toyota lol. No American or European brands either at dhaka.

Private cars? Very few. Most are pick-ups and trucks i guess. BMW and Mercedes-Benz is popular among the upper-class.

Your govt has requested for it and happily accepting it.

You don't request for gift dumbo!!

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