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India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

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Eurofighter has 13 hard-points plus two dedicated wingtips for integral EW pods.


Any idea about how if Rafale is selected will affect Mirage upgrade Deal ?

Any concessions from French ?
I think the Eurofighter is a more advanced plance than the Rafale and given the funds, time will be much better fighter than Rafale.

But the advantage with Rafale is its commonality, 100% AESA ToT, Mirage commonality etc.

I think the MoD is doing a good job and I place their trust in them. WHatever of these two is selected the IAF is destined for a quantum leap in its capabilities.
You Indian Rafale fanboys keep in mind that Rafale had trouble shooting down obsolete Libyan craft in dog fights. The Eurofighter is technologically much superior. It is the politics that bogs it down a little bit.

there were dog fights over libya :woot:
That is more then MKI which has 12 hardpoints, we are buying a beast. I also saw the NDTV live show yesterday, where they confirmed that 126 is not the number but the minimum number, the actual order will be more.

We will have a world class air force. SU30MKI, Rafale and Upgraded Mirage and Mig-29. wow.
Not only looks , I studied A to Z about Rafale and Eurofighter but In the end it's Rafale who came out as clear winner .Sparky did you read super hornet block 2 PDF which i posted in my blogs and you posted here ,similarly i got Rafale PDF too which am gonna posted in JPG format soon in my blog ..

PANDORA, sorry it took me a while to come back online (Kingfisher jaari hai idhar...)... Just a reqquest... would you please jot down the main points between A to Z about Rafale? My friend here (and me too hehe) are not so much aware of avionics beyond the Benoulli's principle lol It would be really nice of you to help us grasp the foundational differences between Rafale and other aircrafts. Bts... I am a big fan of the french (quite contrary to the rest of the countries, French have the policies I love even more than their people... well I love Americans but not the policies so ya know... lol)
You Indian Rafale fanboys keep in mind that Rafale had trouble shooting down obsolete Libyan craft in dog fights. The Eurofighter is technologically much superior. It is the politics that bogs it down a little bit.

Mr. Bong....Indians don need Chinese Consultant...At any stage.
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