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India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

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PANDORA, sorry it took me a while to come back online (Kingfisher jaari hai idhar...)... Just a reqquest... would you please jot down the main points between A to Z about Rafale? My friend here (and me too hehe) are not so much aware of avionics beyond the Benoulli's principle lol It would be really nice of you to help us grasp the foundational differences between Rafale and other aircrafts. Bts... I am a big fan of the french (quite contrary to the rest of the countries, French have the policies I love even more than their people... well I love Americans but not the policies so ya know... lol)

The Rafale is made with the vision of a low RCS MRCA and so it has a low frontal RCS.the rafale is equipped with the Topsight-E Helmet Mounted Sight which are linked with WVR AAMs like the MBDA MICA and ASRAAM.the rafale also employs several passive sensors integrated into one complete sensor suite which is called the Optronique Secteure Fróntal(OSF) and this system includes and Internal IRST,FLIR and the Sagem Sigma-95 GPS System.The sensor suite also incorporates features like Flight Managment,Data fusion,man machine Interface.The Radar to be used on the Rafale F3 is the Thales RBE2 AA AESA having 850 T/R Modules.it will have air-to-air mode,BVR mode,attack mode,air-to-ground mode,High Resolution Synthetic aperture array,terrain mapping.The SPECTRA is the EW suite of the Rafale which includes jammers,decoy system,chaff/flare dispenser,RWR,LWR,ECM and Missile Approach Warner.it will use the Damocles and Reco NG Pods for PGM delivery.The weapöns it carries are MBDA Meteor,MICA,ASRAAM Air to air missiles.Air-to-ground weapons include Exocet cruise missile,Paveway-4 LGB (500kg),enhanced paveway EGBU-16(1000kg) LGB,MBDA Scalp EG Stand off missile,Taurus kepd 350 cruise issile,MBDA ALARM anti radiation missile,brimstone ATGM.it is powered by two Snecma M88 Engines with 81kn thrust each.it can reach speed of upto Mach-2.2.
Jagjit gonna sue him ...:lol:

Jagjit seems to be a fellow EF fan..Barring a point or, two which can be debated on- this is a perfect analysis..
What say RAFALE FAANNNs...?
Thanks, well explained. AESA with frequency agility or say agile beam will make it difficult but for other radars fixing the transmit signal will not be difficult. Also Spectra is excellent.

Paala mat badal yaar..Dont change the side..
SPECTRA is good but so is DASS+PIRATE...
Jagjit seems to be a fellow EF fan..Barring a point or, two which can be debated on- this is a perfect analysis..
What say RAFALE FAANNNs...?

Nothing.. i will sue him instead... EFT Fannnnnn
i think there is some poll rigging going on here! everytime EF closes the gap, looks like rafale fans are making duplicate ID's & toppin it up!! i can't accept this poll result! we need re-poll on this one!! or else will have to file a petition!!:D
So, Finally you have stooped down to this level..;)

Posting an EF picture to impress Newbies by calling it a RAFALE..:P

where did i claim it was rafale..

info on rafale and a pic of EF.. bizzare isnt it..??
No country reveal that but both aircrafts inducted in last 10 years have been developed keeping RCS reduction in mind. Rafale said to have some active radar cancellation system. But I doubt it.

Active radar Cancellation system is another French propaganda..:P

Will write more on this tommo..

Rafale's HUD cam footage of locking up the F-16s @ Nellis
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Good for them to be shortlisted and I can understand that they are so happy, because it's the first time they achieved it in a real competition, but wide range of operational capabilities must be ironic. :D
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