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Carrier itself for Great Power Sea Dominator has been greatly weakened. The survival possibility in a hypothetical full scale Sea Power War is low.

In 2030, the carrier won't deploy forward, but backward, much further from enemy. It will be used to grant a safety zone for other purpose.

In a limited war with mid size country, carrier still the most efficient power projection machine, so China definitely need it, especially when China has much less military base overseas.

The role carrier played in the hypothetical war with another great sea power is very much different from the one with a mid size country.

So China will need both Bomber and Carrier, but 10 is too many for China, not because China can't afford, but not worth it any more.

But Bomber will play the most important role, so you can see there is little to none news on H-20, even though it's importance is higher than anything else.

China lack behind on Bomber, but China has prepared all the technique needed, including engine, frame, Electronic warfare, Optical instruments, radar, materials, aerodynamic experiments, undercarriage, weapons. Those sub systems were widely used or tested on other platforms.

China is well prepared for H-20, if not better prepared than US.
The WS-15, H-20, and the J-35 are the three most anticipated items in the Chinese Air Force :-)
The WS-15, H-20, and the J-35 are the three most anticipated items in the Chinese Air Force :-)
H-20 + Hyper-sonic weapons is lethal, even though those rivals equipped themselves with cutting edge air defense system.

H-20 will attack outside of the threat engagement zones, Hyper-sonic weapons do the penetration.
F22 is the real king of stealth and only true stealth fighter, all other programs are merely aspirants
F22 is the real king of stealth and only true stealth fighter, all other programs are merely aspirants
not so sure
King should NOT have significant inferior design than J-20 and F-35.
DSI (Diverterless supersonic inlet) is much superior than air intake splitter plate.

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both jets exhausts light up like christmas lights and you are pushing the intake design. Not to mention how many j20s are in the air? It's not about superior or inferior design it's what that design amounts into interms of implementation. DSI reduces the observability but it doesn't reduce it more than other aspects or make them redundant. Also DSI isnt enough.
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Its a huge jet and would be easy for A2A missiles with tv seekers.
both jets exhausts light up like christmas lights and you are pushing the intake design. Not to mention how many j20s are in the air? It's not about superior or inferior design it's what that design amounts into interms of implementation. DSI reduces the observability but it doesn't reduce it more than other aspects or make them redundant. Also DSI isnt enough.
@vi-va is correct ... the F-35 and J-20s DSI are definitely superior in terms of RCS to the F-22 intake. This is a pretty key part of stealth aircraft and is one of the major leaps the F-35 has over the F-22. One area where the F-22 has a VLO advantage is in the rectangular engine exhausts, which is superior in RCS to the F-35/J-20 serrated rounded exhaust nozzles. But backside RCS is relatively un-important compared to the front or the sides.
@vi-va is correct ... the F-35 and J-20s DSI are definitely superior in terms of RCS to the F-22 intake. This is a pretty key part of stealth aircraft and is one of the major leaps the F-35 has over the F-22. One area where the F-22 has a VLO advantage is in the rectangular engine exhausts, which is superior in RCS to the F-35/J-20 serrated rounded exhaust nozzles. But backside RCS is relatively un-important compared to the front or the sides.
The front side only 30° -30° RCS matters the most. other angle is not stealthy anyway.
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