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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

If india lets say the only sole power become i doubt that they can take Kashmir indian just living in dulision.
Moral of this story that India is planning to have 1000 countiers by having wet dreams of Kashmir. Keep losing one atleast soilder in siachin lets see for how long.
More racist jokers talking bigger then what they carry in their paints lolz..... try doing it and see what happens . This is the biggest problem with some Indians and Indian gov in general actions speak louder then words never once do they talk about peace and friendship rather then words of war and balls which are not intact unreal good luck trying because you are going to need it .

Your Geedar bhapkiyan are not supported by our history.

Forget about the land, which is disputed and is claimed by India as whole....we conquered , what was sovereign part of Pakistan..what could you do?

We took Siachen, what have you done?
Your Geedar bhapkiyan are not supported by our history.

Forget about the land, which is disputed and is claimed by India as whole....we conquered , what was sovereign part of Pakistan..what could you do?

We took Siachen, what have you done?

You havent taken Siachen, you are stuck there and dying there in larger numbers then we are,
Entire indian nation is suffering the Siachen Syndrome.
You havent taken Siachen, you are stuck there and dying there in larger numbers then we are,
Entire indian nation is suffering the Siachen Syndrome.

Actually we have taken Siachen as a whole, you are nowhere near Siachen.
You army is on a lower ridge of Saltoro range.

Remind me again ..when last Indian soldier died on Siachen. We have perfected our operations to the point, that Indian causualties in Siachen down to zero.

On the other hand, your army suffers dearly, despite being on much lower elevation.

Gayari avalache comes to mind.
An avalanche can strike any one at any time in that part of the world, try to maintain some perspective when you troll.

Good luck freezing your assess off, its a known fact India has no easy access to Siachen and takes a bigger hit in
manpower and logistics.
An avalanche can strike any one at any time in that part of the world, try to maintain some perspective when you troll.

Good luck freezing your assess off, its a known fact India has no easy access to Siachen and takes a bigger hit in
manpower and logistics.

LoL ..you are being all self righteous now?

A minute ago you were gleeing about Indian casualties in Siachen due to inhospitable environment.

So pulmonary sickness, which is second most common reason for death in Siachen after avalanches is within bounds of your 'perspective'..but avalanches are not?

Actually India has twice as many troops on Siachen as Pakistan has near Siachen glacier.
Hence the cost of it also more than double.

But then again we are ten times bigger economy than you. So if you can afford it, we can afford it much more easily.
THEY ARE bull shit. There will be no chance of life time.
With leaders like Nawaz and Zardari, this is a distinct possibility.
Unemployment is real high in this part of the world. Fighting over atleast four years old videos, that too of two loose cannons.

You r funnehhhh. Anyways Yes that old news shudnt be shared but pakistan cant overlook as well cuz these guys are now backed by a gov who also is extremist in views.
Btw this Subramanian makes super anti islamic comments and imp thing is since modi gov has come to power this man has started to run his mouth real lose. His views and ruling govs arent very different from each others.
Don't worry we have the whole Siachen, Sir creek and also Kashmir what are you afraid of come on dude a civiolian of hub bul watan Pakistan. What are you afraid of. Ask your Army to do something. Forget about taking siachen your army didn't do a shit when we created Bangladesh. So whenever you are ready just come.
U heard about paper lion consider urself one .. siachin is technically shamshanghat for indian soilder...
We not gonna just come for kashmir onlyif we ever come :) u have tried 3 times we definatily will atleast one time .. i suggest u to buy amo and get urself trained cuz like kargil u not gonna have enough people left to fight and ur currept politician will make money on ur soilders cuffins.
1.2 billion people and still just talking... please grow up there is a world out there ur nation still need to get out of ur wethole to discover other than delusion..
Nawaz Sharaif Ake...... Napak Shucks hai.........

Proof of Terrorism by Indian in Pakistan and he overlooks it
but this is illegal as Kashmir never joined Pakistan its King signed documents which make it officially a part of India.
why did Pakistan and india partition. because muslims and hindus wanted their own land. now kashmir being majority muslim was to be part of Pakistan.

it makes sense, muslim country and muslim state. but the leader was hindu so it was obvious who he was going to choose. also he had no choice as Pakistan invaded kashmir and took was was right fully theirs and what the Kashmiris wanted. this is seen across the whole of kashmir. people in the indian occupied kashmir waiving Pakistani flags and burning indian flags it like you wan to be apart of a group you wan tot be in but you r current group dozens t allow you to lean and turtles you in to submission. sorry if it seems very one sided but thats how i see it it, logic. i would not not imagine indian Kashmiris wanting to be indian un-less you're either hindu or sikh . its religion that started this in the first place.
Oh bhai jaan

you are either just 15 years old, or have no recollection of war history.

Shurjical shtrikes? What the heck that means.

It is air attack or not.

And if it is an air attack, that is a start of a full scale war.

Now if you insist on that, perhaps a mental asylum (or at least some sort of treatment) will be warranted.

sorry to say.

Oh Chaha jaan, If its going to be an offensive action that already means start of kind of full scale war, unless pakistans hands are tied down with global pressures.

Surgical strikes can be of various forms, air drop paratroopers, or heli attack or full fledged air strikes. Depends upon what objectives have to be achieved.

I guess it was pretty late night for you, so you lost the context of our discussion. :p
Now if you insist on that, perhaps a mental asylum (or at least some sort of treatment) will be warranted.
Sorry to Say :p
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