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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

You will re take your kashmir and we will re take our whole India in future.
you are trying to occupy kashmir since 1947, and you lost half of your country. pakistan can't even protect itsown country and you are saying you will retake whole india?? :lol: looks like we are going to watch another pakistani surrender:smitten:
Tru Dat!

Bahi Jaan. I respect you.

Tomorrow if people elect the likes of Hafiz Saeed and lakhvi in Pakistan (God forbid),
And they do Chai-wala bombastic statements on India,
How do you think hawks in India will react?

Would you then call it "Modi-effiect"
Would you then call it "Lakhvi-effiect"

or simply call it "$upid-@rse-hole-effect".

Just wondering.

Apples and Oranges my friend but I take your point. It was a stupid question.

On a side-note I am not a Hindu or a rabid Nationalist, I was in Ahmedabad during and after the riots and I have met Mr. Modi personally. I obviously have a very different view of him and if you are interested would like to share it with you sometime.
say what you want. its never going to happen india is not stuid enough to do that . every one has dreams but those who has dreams also has a reality. ultimate worst case scenario a limited conflict. and the world will try to prize the two from going full scale. even in 2001/2002 a US and french aircraft carrier were patrolling and monitoring both india and Pakistan and there were reports of armed french Rafael's also creating a buffer zone.
wut ? o_O

link please or I'm calling bullshit
you are trying to occupy kashmir since 1947, and you lost half of your country. pakistan can't even protect itsown country and you are saying you will retake whole india?? :lol: looks like we are going to watch another pakistani surrender:smitten:

Paper warriors...when the crunch time comes they will either run to the americans...or now to their new buddy the Chinese. .. remember how Musharraf set up camp in china trying to drag them into the conflict or how nawaz ran to the US and woke up Clinton on the 4th of July?.

end of the day chinese are our cultural, economic and dharmic brothers.
when they try to do that a lot more occupation forces will be used as soccer balls.....wasnt the Pakistan flag waving in their faces in the valley enough of a humiliation for them?

If i wave US flag then India will become part of US or humiliation to India? Wave flag thrn what?
wut ? o_O

link please or I'm calling bullshit
i don't think so every thing with what is say is publicly available or from my own sources
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The Hindu : `French jets patrolled Indo-Pak. coastline'
we can rain down hell on india within few hours , 100+ nukes , one for each major indian city rest for the left over crap pits and its will put to ease all itches in a matter of a few hours

You missed out your weaponised drones and DSI jet
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