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India sabotages South Asian peace

But the MODS wont give warning to MUNSHI or YOU just because you people side with agenda of Pak.

No, because we don't act like little kids and command a certain degree of respect for this reason. I would suggest you learn proper online etiquette and possibly obtain your high school diploma before coming back here for another post.
No, because we don't act like little kids and command a certain degree of respect for this reason. I would suggest you learn proper online etiquette and possibly obtain your high school diploma before coming back here for another post.

Give me a single reason why you consider this article upto mark and I will admit.

Besides stop making shooting remarks. :angry:
I will quote a few irrefutable key sections from what was posted as I am sure you haven't read them :

In the prevailing adverse circumstances, Islamabad did not blame New Delhi for Liberty terror-incident of Lahore prior to inquiry which is still under process. It displays that our country wants to restore the previous cordial environment so that composite dialogue could again be restored in order to settle all Pak-Indian disputes including the core issue of Kashmir. In this context, Pakistan is paying a greater attention to South Asian peace; while on the other hand, New Delhi is thwarting every effort of the former by taking it as policy of appeasement without caring for the development of the region. The fact of the matter is that Indian ambition of regional dominance has continuously been sabotaging South Asian peace.

What happened during and after Mumbai incident? Blame all around, peace process derailed permanently and unilaterally.

Without any doubt, it was New Delhi which tested first atomic bomb in South Asia in 1974 and conducted five nuclear experiments in 1998, forcing Pakistan to follow the suit. Islamabad has already announced to depend upon the minimum deterrence. In this context, India has also been increasing its defence budget every year, giving negative signal to Pakistan which has faced three Indian wars in the past. Nevertheless, South Asian nuclear arms race has been initiated by India which is a greater threat to the regional peace.

Clear example of who is causing escalations.

It is of particular attention that Pakistan’s leadership and some responsible circles of the west have repeatedly said that extremism is common enemy of South Asia from Kabul to Mumbai and from Lahore to Colombo and the Indian-held Kashmir, but Indian rulers are only manipulating the ongoing phenomena of terrorism by implicating Pakistan alone.

This is the Indian agenda.
"In the prevailing adverse circumstances, Islamabad did not blame New Delhi for Liberty terror-incident of Lahore prior to inquiry which is still under process."

Within half an hour of attack one of your minister said it is vengeance of India for Mumbai.It was only after proofs said otherwise that all of them backed off.After all How can they balme after proof show to the contrary.

"Without any doubt, it was New Delhi which tested first atomic bomb in South Asia in 1974"

It was done bacause of china rather than anything to do with with Pak.

"It is of particular attention that Pakistan’s leadership and some responsible circles of the west have repeatedly said that extremism is common enemy of South Asia from Kabul to Mumbai and from Lahore to Colombo and the Indian-held Kashmir, but Indian rulers are only manipulating the ongoing phenomena of terrorism by implicating Pakistan alone ."

Gordon Brown said 90% of terror emnates fron PAK and U.S. has recently decided to focus on PAK and afganistan.Now what do you say all these have been "pressurised " by Inida to say so????
I will quote a few irrefutable key sections from what was posted as I am sure you haven't read them :

What happened during and after Mumbai incident? Blame all around, peace process derailed permanently and unilaterally.

Clear example of who is causing escalations.

This is the Indian agenda.

Point taken Kharian. I would not go as far as claiming a sabotage for the whole "region", but yes, GoI has lately taken a aggressive posture towards GoP. Specifically towards the Pakistan Army. GoI has been vocal and trying its best to make the world declare Pakistan as a terror breading ground.

It no longer wants to be a sitting duck and let pakistan bleed it via the Kashmir front.
Point taken Kharian. I would not go as far as claiming a sabotage for the whole "region", but yes, GoI has lately taken a aggressive posture towards GoP. Specifically towards the Pakistan Army. GoI has been vocal and trying its best to make the world declare Pakistan as a terror breading ground.

I am glad we have found a common ground of understanding in the sense that, GoI has been very aggressive with a pre defined agenda and is using all of its resources and influence to destabilize Pakistan in some way or fashion. Therefore there is nothing wrong with the articles posted as this is their primary argument (Pakistan among others in the region being destabilized by covert and overt Indian agendas). Henceforth, this opens up a myriad of possibilities and conclusions that can be drawn by studying events in our region which usually the least one to benefit from is Pakistan. All the fingers point to India as a destabilizing factor for long term peace, this is the argument.

Sajjad Shaukat

Without any doubt, it was New Delhi which tested first atomic bomb in South Asia in 1974 and conducted five nuclear experiments in 1998, forcing Pakistan to follow the suit.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article[/url]

If India did not get its atomic bomb then wouldnt both India and Pakisthan be at the mercy of china ? The Sino Agression and Tibet are a few things which come to mind

Also doesnt nuclear deterence accutally stabilise a region , without nukes the south asia may have become somthing similar to Israel and the middle east in a vague sence
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