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India’s vanishing Parsis

very good thread. Thanks to all Indian and Iranian contributors. I never knew that the parsi's are not of Indian origin. But nvm, they have contributed a lot in India's development.

What I gathered from this thread is that some group of persians after loosing ot arab's, came to India to re-group to claim there land back. But that never happened. And now they are part of our nation.

I hope the tibetians refugees present in India should take a clue from what happened to parsi's. As the similar fate awaits for them.(note: it's not that I wish so, but that's the harsh reality). I hope the futute gen. of tibetian living in India would also contribute like parsi's in Indias development (if they are already not contrubuting). Hopefully I can hear about Tata's and other from tibetian living in India too.
I'm interested to know what you think about the symbol of this group. Their logo is their version of farvahar. Do you find it insulting or you don't mind? you can see the symbol right at the start of the video. Oh and they're very into Indian music/culture for some reason. They always have an Indian girl singing in their music for some reason.

U tube, FB, etc are blocked at work here bro. Can you post a screenshot or something?

Why do you think Iran would become a super power if the country became Zoroastrian? We would then be the only Zoroastrian nation in the world.


China is the only Chinese nation in the world.

India is the only Hindu nation in the world.

Not saying we are superpowers. Just pointing out that the world respects a people with roots a whole lot more than those who lost theirs and profess a new identity.

Makes the current powers more secure in their status quo.

Which is what needs to be shaken up.

@ angeldust
Can Arta alone be a name?

Personally, I'd go with Zal.

Seems to suit your persona.
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Let there be some changes to present state, and let the present state be such a "past" of the future.
past is past there once was roman empire n their roman gods. nothing left

u r missing the main point of life that everything changes
I was away from this thread for sometime.

Developer:- You would repeat the same even if the enter iranians come on to this forum and express their prspective. And as i mentioned before, to cover up your insecurity now you are catching hold of Dabashi.

God one fine day Hamid dabashi makes a statement otherwise (dont know what he actually told), developer would lose his mind.

When i went to Iran last time, i was invited one of their under-ground party. Quite shocking! I saw a huge community that is quite nationalistic and had little interest in islam. One guy asked what is my favourite brand of liquor. Trust me they had all the brand in their collections.

I dont want to share too much information though, but am sure Iranians would break this totalatarian regime into pieces soon.

You, and many of the Iranians on this forum, represent the vocal elite that Hamid Dabashi describes. I have never denied the existence of your group, or the fact that you may adopt Zoroastrianism -- you, personally, have admitted as much before -- but that does not mean that "Iran" as a country will revert to anything. I also know, as Dabashi describes, how much you guys hate Turks, Indians and even the silent heartland of Iran, whom you condescendingly dismiss as brainwashed sheep. You guys will accept Arabs as equals before you accept Parsis (OK, maybe not that extreme!).

I accept that you guys are much more visible on the net, on campuses and in global media, but you don't represent the silent heartland of Iran. The reason I know that is because I have known literally hundreds of Iranians first hand over several years, from all walks of life, not just internet warriors, so I know exactly what I am talking about.

Of course, as long as the Indians here feed your appetite for anti-Arab, anti-Islam rants, we will see the expected response.
Abii here is a link to the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario with contact details and phone numbers.

Zoroastrian Society of Ontario - POA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION

Apparently they have 5000 Zoroastrians registered with them (not bad). They also claim the Zoroastrian population of the world in the 7th century AD was 15 million :P

For conversions, there is a site called bozorgbazgasht.com

Which literally translates to "The Great Return Organisation"

They seem to be very active, and have actually performed many Navjotes (which they call Sedreh Pooshi) in places like Russia, Norway etc. (they have photos too)

They say Bozorg Bazgasht Org will soon organize new Sedreh Pooshi/Navjote ceremonies for those who wish to join Zarathushti Religion in different countries. (they have given a map of the world with all continents marked and named and there is a Persian language option as well)

Please contact us via email or post if you wish to attend the ceremonies or need help for holding a Sedreh Pooshi / Navjote ceremony in your city.

Here is something about them:

Anjuman-e Bozorg Bazgasht (great return organization) is part of Det Norske Zarathushthriske Trossamfunn (Zarathushthrian Association of Norway).

Its goal is to help people all around the world to learn and convert into Zarathushthrian religion. (pretty radical by our standards! but I guess people got to do what people got to do)

Bozorg Bazgasht Org. is a religious association without any political interest. Bozorg Bazgasht warmly welcomes cooperation in religious activities with all Zarathushthrian groups and Anjumans in the world.

We have proudly helped many to learn the faith and to convert to our ancestor's religion. If you wish to learn or convert into Zoroastrianism you may contact us by E-Mail and we will arrange the conversion service free of charge no matter where your location is.

This organisation is a non-profit organisation and relies on donations from lovers of Ashoo Zartosht and enthusiasts of ancestor's religion who believe that our effort will make a change. If you have any questions, suggestions or you like to donate so please contact us by E-mail.

Here is what their CONVERSION section reads like (perfect for you):


Anjuman-e Bozorg Bazgasht (great return organization) is established in order to help people who want to join Zarathushthrian religion regardless of race, religion was born in,language and nationality. Zarathushthrian religion is belong to mankind. Everyone who wishes to convert into the faith should educate himself/herself in Zarathushthrian theology, ideology, philosophy, history and basic prayers known as "Avestaye Bayesteh" , which is daily prayers one should learn before being initiated.To learn above subjects ,we suggest you to study recommended books written by Zarathushthrian scholars.

How to convert into Zarathushthrian religion?

To learn about Zarathushtrianism you will need to study holly Avesta and recommened books written by Zarathushthrian scholars.Here is list of books we suggest you to read:

- The Zoroastrian Tradition,

By Farhang Mehr

- Zoroastrianism, An Ethnic perspective,

By Khojesteh P. Mistree (the guy I was telling you about)

- The Gathas of Zarathushtra,

By Piloo Nanavutty

- Mazdayasni,

By Ervad Peshotan Framarz Peer

- Afrin Paigambar Zarathosht,

By Adil Firoze Rangoonwalla

- A Zoroastrian Tapestry, Art, Religion and


By Godrej & Punthakey Mistree (I have this book. Huge!)

- In search of Divine Light, The

Zarathushtrian Way,

By Behram D.Pithavala

- Khordeh Avesta,

By Ervad Maneck Furdoonji Kanga (nice standard version. He is a mobed)

- Gathas of Zarathustra ,

By Irach J. S. Taraporewala

- A Zoroastrian Tapestry Art, Religion &


By Pheroza J. Godrej

- The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the

Parsi Religion

By S.A.Kapadia

- The Gathas of Zarathushtra: Hymns in Praise of Wisdom

By Piloo Nanavutty

- Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices

By Mary Boyce

- A history of Zoroastrianism

By Mary Boyce

You can read this book online on Google Books in below link:

A History of Zoroastrianism: The early period - Mary Boyce - Google Books

- Zoroastrianism in the Light of Theosophy
By Nasarvanji F. Bilimoria

- Zoroastrianism Ancient and Modern: Comprising a
Review of Dr. Dhalla's Book of Zoroastrian Theology
(Classic Reprint)

By Phiroze Shapurji Masani

- Zoroastrianism in the Light of Theosophy; Being a
Collection of Selected Articles from the Theosophical

By Nasarvanj Bilimoria

Please also visit below websites where you can find lots of good information about Zarathushthrian religion:

Books for Sale

AVESTA -- Zoroastrian Archives

After studying above books you can request Bozorg Bazgasht to perform an initiatin ceremony (also called Sedreh Pooshi in Persian and Navjot in Gojrati) for you.

If you need help for finding or ordering above books or how to read religios texts and prayers please contact us via email,phone or mail.

Hope that helps! (more homework :lol:)

Best bet - get in touch with Zarathostis. They will do the rest. Just make sure they are young. The older ones may be cranky.
I was away from this thread for sometime.

Developer:- You would repeat the same even if the enter iranians come on to this forum and express their prspective. And as i mentioned before, to cover up your insecurity now you are catching hold of Dabashi.

God one fine day Hamid dabashi makes a statement otherwise (dont know what he actually told), developer would lose his mind.

When i went to Iran last time, i was invited one of their under-ground party. Quite shocking! I saw a huge community that is quite nationalistic and had little interest in islam. One guy asked what is my favourite brand of liquor. Trust me they had all the brand in their collections.

I dont want to share too much information though, but am sure Iranians would break this totalatarian regime into pieces soon.

This discussion is above your head. You don't understand the concept of statistics, verifiable trends, and sociological analyses.

Statements need to be substantiated by hard evidence. If you have objective evidence that "Iran is reverting to Zoroastrianism", then please provide the statistics. If you have evidence that any significant percentage of expat Iranians are converting to Zoroastrianism, then let's see the numbers. The vast majority of increase in Zoroastrians in the West is due to their migration out of Asian countries.

Otherwise, just sit in a corner and keep shouting "insecurity" as a magic word.
Let there be some changes to present state, and let the present state be such a "past" of the future.

we r talking about religion over here

n yes iran is changing but not toward zoroastrianism
I love our Parsi Indians. But I dream a country for Parsis.

Parsi must do something to increase there head count (Reverting Iranian ) ...
As an Indian Zoroastrian it is truly an eye opener for me how much small pockets of Zoroastrians all over the world are doing to bring the faith back.

I think like all old faiths we have become mired by conservatism in India and need a serious kick up our behinds.

It would be a real tragedy if after 1400 years of resistance the faithful turn to any source to fulfil their need to become Zoroastrian, and thus create a wedge between the new converts/reverts and the original community.

In effect Zoroastrian sectarianism.

I love our Parsi Indians. But I dream a country for Parsis.

Parsi must do something to increase there head count (Reverting Iranian ) ...

We Parsis have our country. We are not going anywhere.

But yes, Zoroastrianism needs its empire back.
You still have not given an logical reply to previous question, instead you ran away crying that it will open a can of worms. The discussion was quite below your "head" then right? And as i mentioned before my points are based on frequent interactions with lots of my Iranian friends (Not Iranians staying in US or UK or Canada) and colleagues. I am talking about discussing with Iranians about this subjects in Iran.
Regarding statistics and sociological analysis, its just not possible to perform such a research in the current Iran under this totalitarian regime , unless Ahmadinejad and Khomenis does it themselves. If they had free will of religion, then we would have got better statistics to make a comment on.

I am only claiming that a sizable majority has not interest in their current religion and are highly nationalistic, cherish their great heritage and how some ideology was forced onto their head. And this phenomenon is rapidly catching the moment.

Insecurity either magic or non-magical is insecurity. And because of which some people cannot even imagine or hear truth and they will try to run away from the reality. Because, for them their whole existence is put under stake when their political supporters are leaving them. Your explanation are within the frame work of this magical word such that we know what would be your future comments as well.

Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! ( Courtesy :- Leonardo Da Vinchi).

This discussion is above your head. You don't understand the concept of statistics, verifiable trends, and sociological analyses.

Statements need to be substantiated by hard evidence. If you have objective evidence that "Iran is reverting to Zoroastrianism", then please provide the statistics. Otherwise, just sit in a corner and keep shouting "insecurity" as a magic word.

I was also talking about the same Mr Darkprince.

Could you please enlighten us where Iran is changing to ? Seems like you know a lot more that everyone else in this forum knows.

we r talking about religion over here

n yes iran is changing but not toward zoroastrianism
You still have not given an logical reply to previous question, instead you ran away crying that it will open a can of worms. The discussion was quite below your "head" then right?

Wrong. Your question was off-topic since this thread is about Indian Parsis and I wanted to bring it back to topic.

And as i mentioned before my points are based on frequent interactions with lots of my Iranian friends (Not Iranians staying in US or UK or Canada) and colleagues. I am talking about discussing with Iranians about this subjects in Iran.
Regarding statistics and sociological analysis, its just not possible to perform such a research in the current Iran under this totalitarian regime , unless Ahmadinejad and Khomenis does it themselves. If they had free will of religion, then we would have got better statistics to make a comment on.

I am only claiming that a sizable majority has not interest in their current religion and are highly nationalistic, cherish their great heritage and how some ideology was forced onto their head. And this phenomenon is rapidly catching the moment.

Insecurity either magic or non-magical is insecurity. And because of which some people cannot even imagine or hear truth and they will try to run away from the reality. Because, for them their whole existence is put under stake when their political supporters are leaving them. Your explanation are within the frame work of this magical word such that we know what would be your future comments as well.

So, a long rant but no actual numbers, eh?

Just as I expected.
Parsis are only going to make an offer to Ahmadinejad he cant refuse. Parsis are not as stupid as you are and this time statistics speaks the truth.
go 2 iran tell it 2 mahmoud ahmedijad

he's put a bamboo in ur *** :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wrong. Your question was off-topic since this thread is about Indian Parsis and I wanted to bring it back to topic.

So, a long rant but no actual numbers, eh?

Just as I expected.

Where are your numbers?

I went through the whole thread, read a lot from you, but I do not see any numbers from you?

Besides of course the hundreds of your Iranian friends who are still happily Muslim or Jew or Bahai.

But NOT Zoroastrian. :flame:
Where are your numbers?

I went through the whole thread, read a lot from you, but I do not see any numbers from you?

Besides of course the hundreds of your Iranian friends who are still happily Muslim or Jew or Bahai.

But NOT Zoroastrian. :flame:

Logic 101.

YOU are the ones making the claims about these mass reversions. You need to prove your claim with statistics.
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