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India’s ‘silent’ prime minister becomes a tragic figure

Hu Jintao is pretty quiet as well.

But he does his job well.

Criticise him ,make him fun of him.....do protest against him and openly hold placards against him .......Call him Italian pet....................and after that if you are still here and not in someblack cell ..............tell me this !!!

Since PRC media and information it tigtly controlled ....the deficiency if the incumbent will not be highlighted .Since china is not victim to state politics and multi party politics....its system is bit more efficient.....its the credibility if the System.....hu jintao ....dont know......jiang Zemin was better
Hu Jintao is pretty quiet as well.

But he does his job well.

Criticise him ,make him fun of him.....do protest against him and openly hold placards against him .......Call him Italian pet....................and after that if you are still here and not in someblack cell ..............tell me this !!!

Since PRC media and information it tigtly controlled ....the deficiency if the incumbent will not be highlighted .Since china is not victim to state politics and multi party politics....its system is bit more efficient.....its the credibility if the System.....hu jintao ....dont know......jiang Zemin was better
Except that it is not.

Under the Congress Party, India is currently growing at 5%.

Whereas Modi is bringing his province sustained double-digit growth.

Soo China once grew at 12 and over in 2008. Now it is down to 7.5-8.

I am not against Modi or bjp. I am saying the result will same. Gujarat is not India. New delhi is growing at 11% is controlled by congress. Both parties are a mix up of curroupted and good leaders. Modi is not gonnaa be a dicatator and he has to follow democratic rules which are a pain in the ***.
Except that it is not.

Under the Congress Party, India is currently growing at 5%.

Whereas Modi is bringing his province sustained double-digit growth.
That was last year. Also India GDP is combined GDP of all the states. which includes Gujarat 10% (Even before Modi it was same) to some of the lowest may be 2-3% etc. got it?
Dont know how he is so trajic. Then why elected him again..
Was he involved in coal scandal too? Corruption?
One simply does not become a tragic figure!
Except that it is not.

Under the Congress Party, India is currently growing at 5%.

Whereas Modi is bringing his province sustained double-digit growth.
That was last year. Also India GDP is combined GDP of all the states. which includes Gujarat 10% (Even before Modi it was same) to some of the lowest may be 2-3% etc. got it?

Important thing to note here is. When NDA was ruling India their GDP was less than previous congress government. Still they Hijacked MMS financial reforms. You should be lucky to have talented person like MMS.
He knows everything. From corruption to scandals to Indian growth. He takes his share of blame. Who says he doesn't. But its judicairy who desides who is at blame not him.

Why don't you sit on the pms chair and see what happens when ur the leader of India. A country of 1.3 bilion with freedom of speech, finance and prosperity. Lets see how you control these 1.3 billion free minds.

If I were sitting on that chair believe me no Raja -Baja and Co. could have done that..... And you are talking as if no one prior to Manmohan have done better. He is the worst among worst. Completely waste of PM's chair
Except that it is not.

Under the Congress Party, India is currently growing at 5%.

Whereas Modi is bringing his province sustained double-digit growth.
That was last year. Also India GDP is combined GDP of all the states. which includes Gujarat 10% (Even before Modi it was same) to some of the lowest may be 2-3% etc. got it?

Important thing to note here is. When NDA was ruling India their GDP was less than previous congress government. Still they Hijacked MMS financial reforms. You should be lucky to have talented person like MMS.
He knows everything. From corruption to scandals to Indian growth. He takes his share of blame. Who says he doesn't. But its judicairy who desides who is at blame not him.

Why don't you sit on the pms chair and see what happens when ur the leader of India. A country of 1.3 bilion with freedom of speech, finance and prosperity. Lets see how you control these 1.3 billion free minds.
Let me be frank.... The way I see it is....You as a Sikh support him because MMS is also turbanated sikh .
You are identifying yourself with him, many in our Punjab do ....Its a natural defence mechanism in Psychiatry...
Read up

There was a time when I also took proud in his Sikh Ancestory and was willing to fight those opposing him ,but his recent actions seem more of a puppet not a Sikh....frankly now I think of him as blot on our religion's credibility.
Except that it is not.

Under the Congress Party, India is currently growing at 5%.

Whereas Modi is bringing his province sustained double-digit growth.

Growth rate during NDA rule year ending 2000-2004

2000 - 5.5
2001 - 6.0
2002 - 4.3
2003 - 4.3
2004 - 8.3

Average of 5.68%

2005 -6.2
2006 -8.4
2007 -9.2
2008 -9.0
2009 -7.4
2010 -8.4

Sure, 2012 is less. still dint beat NDA score even then world economy was fine

Now see,
1991-92 - 1.3 @ After this manmohan singh was made FM.
1992-93 - 5.1 - Impressive right? He is genius, here he impleted first economical reforms which changed india economy
1993-94 - 5.9
1994-95 - 7.3
1995-96 - 7.8, Then comes NDA...you seee where GDP goes.. :-)
Singh is not a bad guy for starters.

It's just that those fly boys at Congress are way too idealistic and corrupt at the same time :woot:
WTF? :lol:

President Jiang Zemin was a piece of sh*t. He was one of the worst leaders China ever had.

I did not expect to hear such criticism of Joang. Care to explain your opinion?

On topic, I think a certain state minister from the BJP is destined to rebuild the country after years of grid lock and mismanagement.
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