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India’s sea-based nuclear deterrent soon, says Shyam Saran

yes its already going through quality testing phase platform trials might start by the end of this year

i dont think thats correct.even though we're new to the construction of subs.russians experts are directly involved in it..and l&T to which contract is awarded i think is no less compared to anyother proffessional org in the world and tries to get the best tech.IN wouldnt comporomise in its requirements especially when the contract is given to a private org

China knows by 2025 IN will rulw Indian Ocean. That is why they are doing bullshit at the border now. Even USN has ships at Perth Bay, Australia. HongWu's diapers stench increases by the minute.
a friend of mine is associated with it and according to him arihant 2 its a fine sub.not the one of the best in the world but good enough to support our needs.or let me put it this way the tolerances used for chinese subs are pretty higher 4-5 times of what we use in our navy..cant say about stealth but our quality is on par with any of the best in the world.so i dont think we need to worry

I'm not saying we need to worry,did I??Akulas are one of the most quietest subs in the world.even we has one Akula-II(modified version of Akula) in our service.Even Russia uses them.so why would we worry???and nobody knows anything about Chinese subs for sure.several reports says they are noisy,but they are improving it.but how they are comparable with Indian subs,nobody can say for sure..thats why I avoided that "d!ck measuring contest" completely..but they were in this field quite some time now and they has subs capable to launch JL-2 ICBM(though there are reports that JL-2s aren't deployed into new Jin class subs yet)

read here..

Chinese Nuclear Modernization: Smaller and Later - FAS Strategic Security Blog

but there previous subs,like Type-92s are carrying JL-1s(range about 1700 km).

so,Indian Arihant have a great start..we'll see K-4 withing few years and we could easily equip them.
I'm not saying we need to worry,did I??Akulas are one of the most quietest subs in the world.even we has one Akula-II(modified version of Akula) in our service.Even Russia uses them.so why would we worry???and nobody knows anything about Chinese subs for sure.several reports says they are noisy,but they are improving it.but how they are comparable with Indian subs,nobody can say for sure..thats why I avoided that "d!ck measuring contest" completely..but they were in this field quite some time now and they has subs capable to launch JL-2 ICBM(though there are reports that JL-2s aren't deployed into new Jin class subs yet)

read here..

Chinese Nuclear Modernization: Smaller and Later - FAS Strategic Security Blog

but there previous subs,like Type-92s are carrying JL-1s(range about 1700 km).

so,Indian Arihant have a great start..we'll see K-4 withing few years and we could easily equip them.

and latest news is we've initiated to induct k-15 in the latest project.it might begin this year.i mean the next of arihant class.probably we'll see commissioning of 2 subs back to back from 2015.and they would stick to this third one
Submarines: China Once Again Tries To Get Its Boomer On

This is a article that I found that I think really says something about the Chinese Nuclear Sub program. While I am not sure how accurate it is, it seems to be a pretty good guess for the information available.

Surface Forces: China Forms Its First Carrier Escort Group

This describes the non-existent nuclear sub of the battle group which gives me reason to suspect that the first article is at least somewhat true.

Chinese nuclear submarines found snooping in India : News Night: Headlines Today

At about the 4, 5 minute mark begins our story I think

22 detections by Indian navy may mean that the Chinese Submarines are not ready to enter full service and provide a Chinese ability to strike Washington.

India is on its first generation nuclear subs I believe, does India solve some of the problems faced by the Chinese type 94s? I think I read a Indian story that Indian subs went undetected in China seas.

IF this is true does this mean Indian subs are on par or better at this moment?

What is the current balance?

@sancho @Abingdonboy maybe u can answer the above post....

Well I am reminded of this diagram:


And this article:
China's Noisy Subs Get Busier -- And Easier to Track | Danger Room | Wired.com

Both pointing to the fact Chinese subs are atleast 20 years behind the US and 15-20 behind Russian. Where India's indigenous SSBN and later SSNs fall in it is hard to say as this have a blend of Western,Russian and Indian tech and design elements. However it is clear the Akula II SSN the IN presently has (and is possibly interested in more) is,on lapsed at least, superior to any sub in the PLAN's arsenal.
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Well I am reminded of this diagram:


And this article:
China's Noisy Subs Get Busier -- And Easier to Track | Danger Room | Wired.com

Both pointing to the fact Chinese subs are atleast 20 years behind the US and 15-20 behind Russian. Where India's indigenous SSBN and later SSNs fall in it is hard to say as this have a blend of Western,Russian and Indian tech and design elements. However it is clear the Akula II SSN the IN presently has (and is possibly interested in more) is,on lapsed at least, superior to any sub in the PLAN's arsenal.

My best bet is lack of maturity in production standards of anechoic tiles and the reactor itself...may sound dubious....reactor noises are another thing a sonar operator is looking for...not very comforting when you're at the conn. Most such reports hint towards higher reactor noises..they did primarily design it on their own..but they'll fix the kinks in a few years. Besides certain credible sources are trashing the PLAN subs detected story..PLAN subs rarely ever venture out of their sub pens...its China's only real feasible deterrent against the States..the Chinese protect them with great prejudice..specially after they had lost one a few years back. Remember we had help with the reactor design too ergo we'll end up with reduced reactor noises..and we've been putting our machinery on shock absorbing platforms for a while now even on surface combatants..even in the NOPV..and that's a lower rung ship.

For us the real bummer is waiting for the 200mW reactor for subs coming from DAE...man!
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