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India’s low-caste still “untouchables”

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Lol did you just really compare that with your caste system? And then one of your sources was wikipedia :rofl:I can also find millions of articles on how the caste system in india is considered a human rights abuse by the UN and all that. Anyways stop going off topic this is about untouchables in india not this "caste system" in Pakistan

The first post was from Express Tribune A Pakistani Newspaper, if you didn't notice.I just replied your question. And I don't think its off topic.

Indians know fully the ills of caste system. That is why the government has made positive discrimination and quotas to uplift the oppressed castes. Has Pakistan done anything to improve the situation of the minority or the oppressed?
Even though I am against affirmative action, I still believe Mayawati government has done a great job in UP to empower the lower caste. Yes corruption is rampant in the government but still the people belonging to lower strata of the society (vast majority) are happy under her rule. If they also focus a bit on development the state could benefit a lot.
this is complete BS......... I belong to a high cast and never once in my life i did differentiated my frnds based on religion and cast most of my frnds are Dalits...... don't post some idiotic news letter may be there are in some remote part of the country say villages but not every where as pointed by the post
i am rajput and i live with my harijan(which SOCOM called untouchable) roommate in hostel and i don't feel any hesitation. i don't know how he is untouchable. i think SOCOM know it better than me bcoz he read "Rupeenews".
I belong to a lower caste. Caste has never played a role in my life. I am happy to be what I am.

I am really tired of others taking cheap shots at Indians highlighting the caste issue. It of course exists in rural areas and is some times considered during marriages. But it is no where close to a big issue in India. I would add India , like all other societies is segregated more on class than caste.
Caste system is rejected by mostly educated people and it unfortunately still exists in some villages thanx to our unducated mukhiya's of villages and corrupt politicians. I have friends who are low caste but us it does not exist. There is no such thing as untouchables, they were called shudras. Now there is only one term Hindu. No castes. It is no big deal with different castes though in every society or religion, there are different sects or castes. I have a muslim friend, he told me even they have caste system, which was shocking to me.

Guys move on, World is moving on. When education will come 100% people will get over these ancient dose.
Guys... do we really need to clarify and prove here that caste issue is purely a political ticket and not a social evil anymore.

I hate to see us Indians trying to prove a point here and whereas my Pakistani friends keep trying to prove that it indeed is present. Frankly I have read more about caste issues on this forum than I ever came across in my entire life.
I belong to a lower caste. Caste has never played a role in my life. I am happy to be what I am.

I am really tired of others taking cheap shots at Indians highlighting the caste issue. It of course exists in rural areas and is some times considered during marriages. But it is no where close to a big issue in India. I would add India , like all other societies is segregated more on class than caste.

Doesn't really say much considering you're in the US and whatever time you spent in India was probably as a child when one doesn't encounter or understand such issues.
dezi look wat achuyut is saying ....is not that diff frm wat u were saying .
The caste system can no way be compared to some ethnic divisions or religious divisions that occur in a lot of countries including india. And a lot of what you said is total BS sindhi's and punjabis not getting along, Baloch's treated with disdain :rofl:

Atleast in India ,the so called Evil Upper caste yindoos dont strap suicide jackets around their waist and go around up blowing the others, they believe are the lower castes.

So before laughing your head off at other's problem take some time to think about your own house.No wonder your country is in this position --- always spending your energy to look at some one else's fault/problem, putting up a smirk and going into the comfort cocoon.

I surprised to hear responses such as yours - seems to me, generally Indians are cool with caste - I mean I have read many responses such as yours, and it seems Indians are not interested to understand WHY caste just won't die.

Seems to me that Caste came into being, in other words, was CREATED, as a solution to problems -- of course Caste has now changed over and over again through time and instead of solving a probrlem, it's now a problem intself - in other words, it seems Indians have a two fold attituce towards it - they like the "community" and "exclusivity" it offers, but on the other hand the kinds of values it is based on, are a problem - is that a fair understanding?

Perhaps the Indian Government is not a part of the solution - I mean it's not like high caste types don't occupy high positions in government, isn't it? And some Indian posters have pointed to what they call "positive discrimination" by the government, that's pretty much promoting caste system isn't it?

How can we better understand this problem for Indians?

It is a fair understanding. The thing is the caste system is strong in rural and uneducated people or first generation of educated people. For example, people are now less caste sensitive than they were 2 decades ago, when it was almost a law written in stone.

It loses its significance as people get educated-with each passing generation. But the thing is that a new generation takes over after every 20 years, so it takes a lot of time. So it will eventually get reduced to insignificance but it will take another 60-70 years.
Doesn't really say much considering you're in the US and whatever time you spent in India was probably as a child when one doesn't encounter or understand such issues.

If a child living in U.S. understands its ethnicity, religion and family culture values, then i am pretty sure, one by remembering its childhood
can mostly seperate the positives and negatives of its homeland.
Caste system may not exist soon(due to education), but castes as identity are here to stay for long.
People will still get together based on caste, and demand better deal.

Same about minority religions. It will remain their identity and they will bargain better deal in democracy using religion.
My best friend who is a wealthy landlord is going to marry a low caste girl next month, honestly we don't even think about it. I almost feel stupid even talking about it.
100 years from now, religious identity would be in question. most people would start turning into Athiest, as science progress.
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