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India’s low-caste still “untouchables”

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leave the caste system aside, in India Hindu-Muslim weddings in upper class is becoming common now days.

Castes in Pakistan

The social stratification among Muslims in the "Swat" area of North Pakistan has been meaningfully compared to the Caste system in India. The society is rigidly divided into subgroups where each Quom is assigned a profession. Different Quoms are not permitted to intermarry or live in the same community. These Muslims practice a ritual-based system of social stratification. The Quoms who deal with human emissions are ranked the lowest.

Lower castes are often persecuted by the upper castes. A particularly infamous example of such incidents is that of Mukhtaran Mai in Pakistan, a low caste woman who was gang raped by upper caste men.

Stephen M. Lyon of University of Kent has written about what he calls "Gujarism", the act of Gujjars in Pakistan seeking out other Gujjars to form associations, and consolidate ties with them, based strictly on caste affiliation.

Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:rofl::rofl: lolzz cast system in Swat? spare us of bharti wiki Bull .Shyt.

Some idiots talking about quom in Pukhtuns lolzzzz. we have tribes in Pukhtuns that is branches of same Pukhtun pool and NO one is untouchable among us. All pukhtun tribes can pray at one Mosque all Muslims from all tribes are allowed to pray at one mosque unlike Hindus' cast plague where lower cast Hindus are considered untouchables

get a life the Hindu cast system is based on religion and untouchability whereas there is No cast system in Islam.
:rofl::rofl: lolzz cast system in Swat? spare us of bharti wiki Bull .Shyt.

Some idiots talking about quom in Pukhtuns lolzzzz. we have tribes in Pukhtuns that is branches of same Pukhtun pool and NO one is untouchable among us. All pukhtun tribes can pray at one Mosque all Muslims from all tribes are allowed to pray at one mosque unlike Hindus' cast plague where lower cast Hindus are considered untouchables

get a life the Hindu cast system is based on religion and untouchability whereas there is No cast system in Islam.

I cannot blame you but only your school textbooks:argh:
Replace "Caste System" with "Shia-Sunni-Ahmadiyya-Ismaili Problem", and "India" with "Pakistan" (Please don't take offense!)

See...both countries have big problems to take care of in the 21st century.

First of all the Indians are trying to justify the hindu cast system which is inhuman and divide human rights on the basis of this silly notion just for monopoly of few. Secondly this thread is about hindu cast system not Pakistan but still if you want to hide behind such notions of bringing sects into this then FYI

Shia Sunni sects in Islam are not Untouchable. Their human rights are the same and they can sit together,eat together and pray together.

unlike hinduism where lower casts are considered untouchables
What about Pakistani Hindus,sikhs?
They live in the Islamic Republic of Prakristan
Do they get acceptance as a Pakistani?
I believe NO.
The word Islamic in Pakistan's full name is itself a living testament of discrimination against minorities in Pakistan.

And it looks wierd when the same Pakistanis are pointing towards India's caste system.
First of all the Indians are trying to justify the hindu cast system which is inhuman and divide human rights on the basis of this silly notion just for monopoly of few. Secondly this thread is about hindu cast system not Pakistan but still if you want to hide behind such notions of bringing sects into this then FYI

Shia Sunni sects in Islam are not Untouchable. Their human rights are the same and they can sit together,eat together and pray together.

unlike hinduism where lower casts are considered untouchables

yes sir, you are right, there are no problems in muslim world, if if they exist, thats not our look out. Yes there is a problem within our society, which is included in Hindusim now, persists in small villages and major politics. The word untouchables is wrong it is the "Shrudras" so please correct yourself. WE have a problem and i take the blame, but still it is out matter, and we are working on it to improve it, which is already extinct in metro cities and major society, thanks for reminding us again and again so when you will come to us in next 25 years it will be long gone.:wave:
What about Pakistani Hindus,sikhs?
They live in the Islamic Republic of Prakristan
Do they get acceptance as a Pakistani?
I believe NO.
The word Islamic in Pakistan's full name is itself a living testament of discrimination against minorities in Pakistan.

And it looks wierd when the same Pakistanis are pointing towards India's caste system.

Buddy one of my roommate is a pakistani, who also in this forum bashing india,lol my wedding photographer is pakistani and couple of my friends who live in my building are pakistanis, i know very well how things work in pakistan, we dont need to remind them. they are already getting, for what they have done in their past, we need to mind our own business and work on our weakness.
What about Pakistani Hindus,sikhs?
They live in the Islamic Republic of Prakristan
Do they get acceptance as a Pakistani?
I believe NO.
The word Islamic in Pakistan's full name is itself a living testament of discrimination against minorities in Pakistan.

And it looks wierd when the same Pakistanis are pointing towards India's caste system.
I wonder who is baghwan das....
First of all the Indians are trying to justify the hindu cast system which is inhuman and divide human rights on the basis of this silly notion just for monopoly of few. Secondly this thread is about hindu cast system not Pakistan but still if you want to hide behind such notions of bringing sects into this then FYI

Shia Sunni sects in Islam are not Untouchable. Their human rights are the same and they can sit together,eat together and pray together.

unlike hinduism where lower casts are considered untouchables

First of all try knowing that the dalit torture happens in small pockets in very rural areas. Since they belong to lower castes they are given more protection and preference in jobs. A considerable amount of seats are allocated to lower castes in colleges and in jobs along with minority quota which assures them job.

And regarding untouchables. well we had a president from dalit community not so long ago. Well everybody did touch him.

There case is far better than the what minorities face there everyday..

yes stray incidents do happen sometimes and will get improved over time.

Get over with it.
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