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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

Jun 22, 2009
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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed
Posted on August 17, 2009 by Moin Ansari

When Saddam Husein of Iraq, wanted to take over the tiny kingdom of Kuwait, the American Ambassador Gillespie told Saddam Husein that the USA would consider it an inter-Arab affair–giving him the green light to reintegrate Kuwait as the 22nd province of Iraq. After he crossed the border and took over Kuwait city, President Bush (41) took a coalition of allies and forced Saddam Husein back to the border of Kuwait.

When the USSR in response to the machinations in Kabul invaded Afghanistan, the entire world turned against them and forced the Soviet Union to withdraw from the graveyard of empires.

Map Sikkim Bhutan Chumb: Schone la peak south of Chumbi Valley in Tibet (China). Bhutan is negotiating Chaumb Valley to China. The pregnable Siluri corridor the thin land between Nepal, Bangladesh, and slightly south of Bhutan and Chinese Tibet. The Siliguri corridor is 500 km north of Chumbi valley

However 34 years ago when Bharati armies rode into Gangtok the capital of Sikkim, world conscience was asleep and has been asleep since then. While there are huge demonstrations for Tibet in the Western world, no celebrity has chosen to fight for the rights of a peaceful nation taken over by Bharat.

The world has forgotten about Sikkim and condoned Delhis act of naked aggression perpetuated on an innocent and docile population. The world has also not spoken up against the cruelty of Delhi on South Tibet (an area which it occupied from China).

Bhutan faces a similar fate. Bharat’s expansionist dreams have no end.

Bharati aggression against her neighbors has to opposed and reversed. Sanctions must be imposed on Delhi for taking over countries. Delhi must learn that aggression does not pay.

India ensalves 450 million Dalits and schedules caste people as Untouchables. Severe economic sancitons must be imposed on India ’till she liberates those millions who are in bondage.

Sikkim has lost its independence, its national identity, and Buddhism exterminated from the rest of Bharat now faces the bayonets of Brhamanism. One of our regular contributors sent us the link to this fantastic article publishedin the Nepali Times.

King Palden Thondup Namgyal, the Chogyal of Sikkim was in his palace on the morning of 6 April, 1975 when the roar of army trucks climbing the steep streets of Gangtok brought him running to the window. There were Indian soldiers everywhere, they had surrounded the palace, and short rapid bursts of machine gun fire could be heard. Basanta Kumar Chhetri, a 19-year-old guard at the palace’s main gate, was struck by a bullet and killed-the first casualty of the takeover. The 5,000-strong Indian force didn’t take more than 30 minutes to subdue the palace guards who numbered only 243. By 12.45 it was all over, Sikkim ceased to exist as an independent kingdom.

Map of Sikkim: China has wavered on accepting Sikkim as part of Bharat

Captured palace guards, hands raised high were packed into trucks and taken away, singing: “Dela sil, li gi, gang changka chibso” (may my country keep blooming like a flower). But by the, the Indian tri-colour had replaced the Sikkimese flag at the palace where the 12th king of the Namgyal dynasty was held prisoner. “The Chogyal was a great believer in India. He had huge respect for Mahatma Gnadhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Not in his wildest dreams did he think India would ever swallow up his kingdom,” recalls Captain Sonam Yongda, the Chogyal’s aide-de-camp. Nehru himself had told journalist Kuldip Nayarin 1960: “Taking a small country like Sikkim by force would be like shooting a fly with a rifle.” Ironically it was Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi who cited “national interest” to make Sikkim the 22nd state in the Indian union.

In the years leading up to the 1975 annexation, there was enough evidence that all was not well in relations between New Delhi and Gangtok. The seeds were sown as far back as 1947 after India gained independence, when the Sikkim State Congress started an anti-monarchist movement to introduce democracy, end feudalism andmerge with India. “We went to Delhi to talk to Nehru about these demands,” recalls CD Rai, a rebel leader. “He told us, we’ll help you with democracy and getting rid of feudalism, but don’t talk about merger now.” Relenting to pressure from pro-democracy supporters, the 11th Chogyalwas forced to include Raiin a five-member council of ministers, to sign a one-sided treaty with India which would effectively turn Sikkim into an Indian “protectorate”, and allow the stationing of an Indian “political officer” in Gangtok.

Map of the independent kingdom of Sikkim--now occupied by Bharat

As a leader of international stature with an anti-imperialist role on the world stage, Nehru did not want to be seen to be bullying small neighbours in his own backyard. But by 1964 Nehru had died and so had the 11th Chogyal, Sir Tashi Namgyal. There was a new breed of young and impatient political people emerging in Sikkim and things were in ferment. The plot thickened when Kaji Lendup Dorji (also known as LD Kaji) of the Sikkim National Congress, who had an ancestral feud with the Chogyal’s family, entered the fray. By 1973, New Delhi was openly supporting the Kaji’s Sikkim National Congress. Pushed into a corner, the new Chogyal signed a tripatriteagreement with political parties and India under which there was further erosion of his powers. LD Kaji’s Sikkim National Congress won an overwhelming majority in the 1974 elections, and within a year the cabinet passed a bill asking for the Chogyal’sremoval. The house sought a referendum, during which the decision was endorsed. “That was a charade,” says KC Pradhan, who was then minister of agriculture. “The voting was directed by the

Indian military.”

India’s “Chief Executive” in Gangtok wrote: “Sikkim’s merger was necessary for Indian national interest. And we worked to that end. Maybe if the Chogyal had been smarter, and played his cards better, it wouldn’t have turned out the way it did.”

It is also said that the real battle was not between the Chogyal and Kaji Lendup Dorji, but between their wives. On one side was Queen Hope Cook, the American wife of the Chogyal and on the other was the Belgian wife of the Kaji, Elisa-Maria Standford. “This was a proxy war between the American and the Belgian,” says former chief minister, BB Gurung. But there was a third woman involved: Indira Gandhi in New Delhi.

Chogyal Palden met the 24-year-old New Yorker, Hope Cook, in Darjeeling in 1963 and married her. For Cook, this was a dream come true: to become the queen of an independent kingdom in Shangrila. She started taking the message of Sikkimese independence to the youth, and the allegations started flying thick and fast that she was a CIA agent. These were the coldest years of the Cold War, and there was a tendency in India to see a “foreign hand” behindeverything so it was not unusual for the American queen to be labelled a CIA agent. However, as Hope Cook’s relations withDelhi deteriorated, so did her marriage with the Chogyal. In 1973, she took her two children and went back to New York. She hasn’t returned to Sikkim since.

Then there was Elisa-Maria, daughter of a Belgian father and German mother who left her Scottish husband in Burma and married LD Kaji in Delhi in 1957. The two couldn’t have been more different. Elisa-Maria wanted to be Sikkim’s First Lady, but Hope Cook stood in the way. “She didn’t just want to be the wife of an Indian chief minister, she wanted to be the wife of the prime minister of an independent Sikkim.” With that kind of an ambition, it was not surprising that with annexation, neither Hope Cook nor Elisa-Maria got what they wanted.

Meanwhile in New Delhi, Indira Gandhi was going from strengthto strength, and India was flexing its muscles. The 1971 Bangladesh war and the atomic test in 1974 gave Delhi the confidence to take care of Sikkim once and for all. Indira Gandhi was concerned that Sikkim may show independent tendencies and become a UN member like Bhutan did in 1971, and she also didn’t take kindly to the three Himalayan kingdoms, Bhutan, Sikkim andNepal, getting too cosy with each other. The Chogyal attended King Birendra’s coronation in Kathmandu in 1975 andhobnobbed with the Pakistanis and the Chinese, and there was a lobby in Delhi that felt Sikkim may get Chinese help to become independent.

In his book on the Indian intelligence agency, Inside RAW, The story of India’s secret service, Ashok Raina writes that New Delhi had taken the decision to annex Sikkim in 1971, andthat the RAW used the next two years to create the right conditions within Sikkim to make that happen. The key here was to use the predominantly-Hindu Sikkimese of Nepali origin who complained of discrimination from the Buddhist king and elite to rise up. “What we felt then was that the Chogyal was unjust to us,” says CD Rai, editor of Gangtok Times and ex-minister. “We thought it may be better to be Indian than to be oppressed by the king.”

So, when the Indian troops moved in there was general jubilation on the streets of Gangtok. It was in fact in faraway Kathmandu that there were reverberations. Beijing expressed grave concern. But in the absence of popular protests against the Indian move, there was only muted reaction at the United Nations in New York. It was only later that there were contrary opinions within India-Morarji Desai said in 1978 that the merger was a mistake. Even Sikkimese political leaders who fought for the merger said it was a blunder and worked to roll it back. But by then it was too late.

Today, most Sikkimese know they lost their independence in 1975, and Siliguri-bound passengers in Gangtok still say they are “going to India”. The elite have benefited from New Delhi’s largesse and aren’t complaining. As ex-chief minister BB Gurung says: “We can’t turn the clock back now.” 25 years after SIKKIM

Next month, it will be 25 years since the Indian annexation of Sikkim. Sudheer Sharmalooks back at how a Himalayan kingdom lost its sovereignty. Nepali Times
look! i dont wanna start bout Xinjiang or Tibet or the usual stuff which other Indian members are gonna post. But Sikkim hardly makes any noise compared to your newly annexed provinces.. So my advise is for you to make a quiet exit from this thread. Am sure, there aint gonna be much reactions to this thread. yeah! Lot of thanks from certain members.. When they thank , I would tell that i told you so ;) For the moment, one thing is clear. your so called vision of Rise of Asia is nothing but hot gas.

Today, most Sikkimese know they lost their independence in 1975, and Siliguri-bound passengers in Gangtok still say they are “going to India”.

Today, most Sikkimese know they lost their independence in 1975, and Siliguri-bound passengers in Gangtok still say they are “going to India”.

LOL, So now after AP,Sikkim is also disputed. I am wondering when CPC and Mao will lay claim on new delhi and washington. Their Glorious record is as follows (apart from Tinaman square:china:) :


-boundary with India in dispute

-dispute over at least two small sections of the boundary with Russia remain to be settled, despite 1997 boundary agreement

-portions of the boundary with Tajikistan are indefinite

-33-km section of boundary with North Korea in the Paektu-san (mountain) area is indefinite

-involved in a complex dispute over the Spratly Islands with Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and possibly Brunei:woot:
(Mao scored a home run!!)

-maritime boundary dispute with Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin

-Paracel Islands occupied by China, but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan

-claims Japanese-administered Senkaku-shoto (Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Tai), as does Taiwan

-agreement on land border with Vietnam was signed in December 1999, but details of alignment have not yet been made public

Am i going NUTS or Is this list INSANELY LONG???:woot::woot::rofl:

CIA -- The World Factbook 2000 -- Disputes - international
By moin ansari.....hahahah....lol,not worth my time.... sinoindus ,cya in another anti-india thread of yours
Please provide the source of this interesting article...!!!

Today, most Sikkimese know they lost their independence in 1975, and Siliguri-bound passengers in Gangtok still say they are “going to India”.

Since nobody else, including china, seems to have a problem about sikkim, should we expect you to come and free sikkim with a stick in your hand?
yeah right, for our neighbours the very existance of India is disputed!:rolleyes:
American government is ****. They helped Kuwait because of oil.
Helped afghani in Russian war because to destroy Russia.

On the other Indians had bad relation with almost all of its neighbors because Indian want more land.

Forget UN and human right they are made for weak.
i urge you to spread this book around, especially chinese and pakistani brothers

India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

an amazon review

Since the book tells the truth of Nehru's government's foolishness, arogance, adventurism and opportunist mentality, this otherwise excellent book however was not very popular in India, even to this date.

The disputed McMahon Line was a unilateral imaginary line drawn by the British colony authorities without the awareness of the Chinese and without consulting to the Chinese government. Therefore it was not challenged by the Chinese government before British withdraw from India in 1947. During Nehru's rein, he foolishly pursue the so called "Forward Policy" to take effective control the territory and border that the British imagined and wished to establish. But China in 1962 is no longer the China 1897 under Ching Imerial dynasty who was unable to exercise a strong protection of her own territory. Now Nehru faced with was a formidable Chinese Red Army (PLA) who was battle hardened and had just defeated Chiang Kai-Sheik in 1949 and have fought a war at par with the US army in Korea (1950-1953). Nehru foolishly believed China has no will to defend her territory by force. Therefore Nehru advanced to McMahon Line and tresspassed it. The "Forward Policy" inevitably provoked the Chinese garrison force and the war was erupted inevitably. Although the Chinese has tried to settle this by negotiations, but it was flatly refused bny Nehru's government. The result is the illprepared Indian force suffered humiliating defeat on both west and east fronts. The war however was stopped by a surprising Chinese unilateral withdraw back to the north of McMahon Line. The rest, is history.

Neville Maxwell's book was the result of his extensive research of the Indian Defense Department's archive. It sould be noted that Maxwell was unable to access the records from the Chinese side. So how could it be biased against India? For the reason along, how could it be said he was a Indophobe and a Sinophile? For a loser who does not learn from his mistakes and admit his own failure and shortcomings, a bigger disaster is waiting to happen.
Sinoindus,ccp accepted sikkim as a part of india and above all people of sikkim want to be a part of india....so,CUT THE CR@P!

I didn't say anything about Sikkim not being a part of India -- just found this article to be historically very interesting, especially the part of the power struggle between the wives.

I don't support Moin's opinion that independent Sikkim has to reversed, since being so small it would have been swallowed by either India or China. But territorial ambitions need to end there, let's not dream of annexing Tibet. :smitten: Sikkim is a done deal, and in 50 years time the descendants wouldn't know the difference! :)

Sikkim is/was more "Chinese" than "Indian". It would have been fine if Sikkim remained independent, but this way is okay as well because now there is a direct path between Indian and China. The area in the NE is also more "Chinese" than "Indian" - looking back at history and forward to the future we need to ensure border demarcation is fairer this time around. Since 'Aksai Chin' is mostly barren, this can be used as land swap. :cheers:

Once this is complete, Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights. There is much land elsewhere that we can settle towards, we just need to learn to share a little. :yahoo:
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