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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

^idune, this is getting tiring.

Either produce proof that India "captured it by force" or stop your useless trolling.

Infact, you'd have an easier time proving that "India captured Bihar by force", than Sikkim.

Have you borned yesterday? Read post 1 and 12 before making comments which will make you a naive. And do learn meaning of the word troll; my posts record in this forum will apply troll to you rather than me.
Oh please. On the internet, you can find articles which claim that the earth is flat.

Would you like me to post such an article for your reading pleasure?
Oh please. On the internet, you can find articles which claim that the earth is flat.

Would you like me to post such an article for your reading pleasure?

There are much better evidence posted than what an indian absconding occupation responsibility can provide.
American government is ****. They helped Kuwait because of oil.
Helped afghani in Russian war because to destroy Russia.

On the other Indians had bad relation with almost all of its neighbors because Indian want more land.

Forget UN and human right they are made for weak.

Every Country has

Pak also has bad relation with its neighbors, afgan, india
china with russia , japan, Seoul, Vietnam , list going on

Bangdesh : India and Myanmar

soo what you wanna prove here, only india had problem no other country ?
Have you borned yesterday? Read post 1 and 12 before making comments which will make you a naive. And do learn meaning of the word troll; my posts record in this forum will apply troll to you rather than me.

You don't have useful contribution, when its anything Anti-India. I don't know BD state otherwise, I would too contribute in your matters.

P.S. Your post record thus proved you troll a lot. ;)
American government is ****. They helped Kuwait because of oil.
Helped afghani in Russian war because to destroy Russia.

On the other Indians had bad relation with almost all of its neighbors because Indian want more land.

Forget UN and human right they are made for weak.

Should I prove that China has more disputes than India. For you information China has dispute with your land too. Do you need proof.
Sorry, I think dispute on Land between China and Pakistan is likely over as Pakistan didn't intended to fight and gave Part of Gilgit to China in 1963.

As per agreement, until issue gets resolved it's part of china. If Kashmir is solved and Pakistan gets Jammu and Kashmir then treaty will be replaced.

So, most likely the land has been given for forever.

That's the quality of your post? Your bharamist IQ is incredible!

Disputes - international:
continuing talks and confidence-building measures work toward reducing tensions over Kashmir that nonetheless remains militarized with portions under the de facto administration of China (Aksai Chin), India (Jammu and Kashmir), and Pakistan (Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas); India does not recognize Pakistan's ceding historic Kashmir lands to China in 1964; China and India continue their security and foreign policy dialogue started in 2005 related to the dispute over most of their rugged, militarized boundary, regional nuclear proliferation, and other matters; China claims most of India's Arunachal Pradesh to the base of the Himalayas; lacking any treaty describing the boundary, Bhutan and China continue negotiations to establish a common boundary alignment to resolve territorial disputes due to cartographic discrepancies;:tup: Chinese maps show an international boundary symbol off the coasts of the littoral states of the South China Seas, where China has interrupted Vietnamese hydrocarbon exploration; China asserts sovereignty over the Spratly Islands together with Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and possibly Brunei; the 2002 "Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" eased tensions in the Spratly's but is not the legally binding "code of conduct" sought by some parties; Vietnam and China continue to expand construction of facilities in the Spratly's and in March 2005, the national oil companies of China, the Philippines, and Vietnam signed a joint accord on marine seismic activities in the Spratly Islands; China occupies some of the Paracel Islands also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan; China and Taiwan continue to reject both Japan's claims to the uninhabited islands of Senkaku-shoto (Diaoyu Tai) and Japan's unilaterally declared equidistance line in the East China Sea, the site of intensive hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation; certain islands in the Yalu and Tumen rivers are in dispute with North Korea; North Korea and China seek to stem illegal migration to China by North Koreans, fleeing privations and oppression, by building a fence along portions of the border and imprisoning North Koreans deported by China; China and Russia have demarcated the once disputed islands at the Amur and Ussuri confluence and in the Argun River in accordance with their 2004 Agreement :tup:; China and Tajikistan have begun demarcating the revised boundary agreed to in the delimitation of 2002 :tup:; the decade-long demarcation of the China-Vietnam land boundary is expected to be completed by the end of 2008, :tup: while the maritime boundary delimitation and fisheries agreements in the Gulf of Tonkin, ratified in June 2004, have been implemented; citing environmental, cultural, and social concerns, China has reconsidered construction of 13 dams on the Salween River, but energy-starved Burma, with backing from Thailand, remains intent on building five hydro-electric dams downstream despite regional and international protests; Chinese and Hong Kong authorities met in March 2008 to resolve ownership and use of lands recovered in Shenzhen River channelization, including 96-hectare Lok Ma Chau Loop; Hong Kong developing plans to reduce 2,000 out of 2,800 hectares of its restricted Closed Area by 2010


Disputes - international:
since China and India launched a security and foreign policy dialogue in 2005, consolidated discussions related to the dispute over most of their rugged, militarized boundary, regional nuclear proliferation, Indian claims that China transferred missiles to Pakistan, and other matters continue; various talks and confidence-building measures have cautiously begun to defuse tensions over Kashmir, particularly since the October 2005 earthquake in the region; Kashmir nevertheless remains the site of the world's largest and most militarized territorial dispute with portions under the de facto administration of China (Aksai Chin), India (Jammu and Kashmir), and Pakistan (Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas); India and Pakistan have maintained the 2004 cease fire in Kashmir and initiated discussions on defusing the armed stand-off in the Siachen glacier region; Pakistan protests India's fencing the highly militarized Line of Control and construction of the Baglihar Dam on the Chenab River in Jammu and Kashmir, which is part of the larger dispute on water sharing of the Indus River and its tributaries; UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has maintained a small group of peacekeepers since 1949; India does not recognize Pakistan's :tdown: ceding historic Kashmir lands to China in 1964; to defuse tensions and prepare for discussions on a maritime boundary, India and Pakistan seek technical resolution of the disputed boundary in Sir Creek estuary at the mouth of the Rann of Kutch in the Arabian Sea; Pakistani maps continue to show its Junagadh claim in Indian Gujarat State; discussions with Bangladesh remain stalled :tdown: to delimit a small section of river boundary, to exchange territory for 51 Bangladeshi exclaves in India and 111 Indian exclaves in Bangladesh, to allocate divided villages, and to stop illegal cross-border trade, migration, violence, and transit of terrorists through the porous border; Bangladesh protests India's attempts to fence off high-traffic sections of the border; dispute with Bangladesh over New Moore/South Talpatty/Purbasha Island in the Bay of Bengal deters maritime boundary delimitation :tdown:; India seeks cooperation from Bhutan and Burma to keep Indian Nagaland and Assam separatists from hiding in remote areas along the borders; Joint Border Committee with Nepal continues to examine contested boundary sections, including the 400 square kilometer dispute over the source of the Kalapani River :tdown:; India maintains a strict border regime to keep out Maoist insurgents and control illegal cross-border activities from Nepal


One word: China has resolved all land disputes left by history with its neighbors but India. China is preceeding with historical maritime disputes.

India resolves none of historical land dispute with none of its neighbors.
No we were not "borned" yesterday. Here's another fact for you to ponder as you ramble on with your anti-India rhetoric -

97.5% of the people of Sikkim voted to join India in 1975.

If they did not vote for India, your bharami army will kill them all, like the palace guard that you did to him.
good one.....save sikkim.....knock knock :)

An independent Republic of Sikkm will serve the interest of the People of Skkim, India, and China. It will serve as a buffer zone to separate India and China from conflict.

Just look at the Golden Temple tragedy of 1984.

We definitly need a knock.
An independent Republic of Sikkm will serve the interest of the People of Skkim, India, and China. It will serve as a buffer zone to separate India and China from conflict.

Just look at the Golden Temple tragedy of 1984.

We definitly need a knock.

How about an independent Tibet??:smokin:

I'm sure its gonna create far bigger buffer zone to separate India and China from future conflicts .

Also it'll surely be in the interests of India ,Tibet and china.:cheers:
Give back what was not part of india to begin with and obtained by illegal british trickery - Indians cannot come out delusional and deceptive demand.
Sikkim was a country and indian occupied Sikkim by taking advantage of Buddhist non violent practice. Indians don’t have any moral ground to stand on other than bully and aggression

It seems Trolling is ur favourite sports.

Let me join u...okay , india 'll consider about Sikkim only after Bangladeshi govt take back crores of illegal Bangadeshi immigrants settled in different states and cities of india and prevent further infiltrations happening on daily basis.
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