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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

The fight between women was interesting. Apart from that everything else is rant about Brahminism, Hinduism blah blah...

Don't worry friend, China doesn't contest Sikkim being part of India. This is Moins article, and I don't agree with many of what he says, but he does occasionally write some good stuff.

Sikkin is a 'DONE DEAL'. My personal observation is that East Asians & SE Asians have no problem if in the future any of India, Pak, SL, BD, Afghan, Nepal unite. But there are land and people that would more appropriately be better united with China than India -- I think you will agree as well. And there's also the strategic aspect, China (and Asia as a whole) would benefit from a land-corridor to the West.

Rest assured Chinese people don't fantasize about annexing any India land. China's land claims are based on sound historical and ancestral basis. That is why when some Pakistan members stated that they would like to merge with China, many members instantly replied that 'even though both nations are friendly, there's too much cultural differences'. There is no point in merging or annexing FOREIGN land, especially when it is against the people's wishes. Such a thing is not sustainable, take the Israel-Palestine conflict for example.

Furthermore, a strong China benefits ALL of Asia. A strong China+India is even better. Why do you think so many countries around the world is cheering for China to rise to her rightful place??? Here's the main reasons:

(1) a strong China leads to a stabilizing and peaceful world.

(2) "Rising water lifts all boats" -- shared prosperity and happiness.

(3) counter to powerful nations that bully weak ones.

(4) Economic integration and scientific sharing

(5) Shared history/culture/ancestry

There is no doubt a strong and united India ALSO benefits the world. Two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain -- but who says that's the only type of animal living in the mountain?
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Yo sino indo friendship dude..Since you are so found of Moin Ansari and Zaid Hameed why don't you post the video where Zaid Hameed called Ajmal Kasab Amar Singh.

Get a life man... People like Moin Ansari and Zaid Hameed are nothing but nut jobs.

Don't worry friend, China doesn't contest Sikkim being part of India. This is Moins article, and I don't agree with many of what he says, but he does occasionally write some good stuff.

Here you go
China eventually recognized Sikkim as an Indian state in 2003, on the condition that India accepted Tibet Autonomous Region as a part of China

You should try to keep up with current events.

That is why when some Pakistan members stated that they would like to merge with China

They actually said that !!! :O
I didn't say anything about Sikkim not being a part of India -- just found this article to be historically very interesting, especially the part of the power struggle between the wives.

I don't support Moin's opinion that independent Sikkim has to reversed, since being so small it would have been swallowed by either India or China. But territorial ambitions need to end there, let's not dream of annexing Tibet. :smitten: Sikkim is a done deal, and in 50 years time the descendants wouldn't know the difference! :)

Sikkim is/was more "Chinese" than "Indian". It would have been fine if Sikkim remained independent, but this way is okay as well because now there is a direct path between Indian and China. The area in the NE is also more "Chinese" than "Indian" - looking back at history and forward to the future we need to ensure border demarcation is fairer this time around. Since 'Aksai Chin' is mostly barren, this can be used as land swap. :cheers:

Once this is complete, Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights. There is much land elsewhere that we can settle towards, we just need to learn to share a little. :yahoo:

Could you elaborate on the highlighted portions above please.
Since 'Aksai Chin' is mostly barren, this can be used as land swap.

Once this is complete, Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights. There is much land elsewhere that we can settle towards, we just need to learn to share a little.

I have a better idea.
Give Aski chin back to India... recognize Arunanchal as a part of India and then Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights
Could you elaborate on the highlighted portions above please.

Yes, I am glad you asked. The land-swap should be obvious. Regarding the second sentence, there are two approaches. This is a delicate matter that needs to be handled 'carefully'.

Notice how a small group of people can exercise control of majority of land, wealth, power and resources? That is because they keep the majority divided, fighting amongst ourselves.

Are you familiar with South-South Cooperation?! One key benefit of Sino-Indo Cooperation is the massive power of persuasion. Now imagine the influence of a strong and united Asia. Take it one step further, what about a Pan Asian-African-Arab-Native-Russian Friendship? This is the basis of South-South Cooperation that you will occasionally hear (if you pay attention :agree:).

This is not about making enemies, rather it is about making friends, and lots of them! :cheers: This is strength-in-numbers. :)
I have a better idea.
Give Aski chin back to India... recognize Arunanchal as a part of India and then Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights

Here is where you are mistaken friend, "Aksai Chin" was another part that the British claim as theirs. It was not India to begin with. :) It is a 'barren land', meaning that the harsh mountainous climate (lack of rainwater to nourish plants, livestock, etc) could only support very few people. It also made travel to/from difficult. As a result, little-to-no human settlement exists there, hence it can be termed "disputed land".
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I have a better idea.
Give Aski chin back to India... recognize Arunanchal as a part of India and then Sino-Indo relations can reach new heights

Give back what was not part of india to begin with and obtained by illegal british trickery - Indians cannot come out delusional and deceptive demand.
Sikkim was a country and indian occupied Sikkim by taking advantage of Buddhist non violent practice. Indians don’t have any moral ground to stand on other than bully and aggression
Yes, I am glad you asked. The land-swap should be obvious. Regarding the second sentence, there are two approaches. This is a delicate matter that needs to be handled 'carefully'.

Notice how a small group of people can exercise control of majority of land, wealth, power and resources? That is because they keep the majority divided, fighting amongst ourselves.

Are you familiar with South-South Cooperation?! One key benefit of Sino-Indo Cooperation is the massive power of persuasion. Now imagine the influence of a strong and united Asia. Take it one step further, what about a Pan Asian-African-Arab-Native-Russian Friendship? This is the basis of South-South Cooperation that you will occasionally hear (if you pay attention :agree:).

This is not about making enemies, rather it is about making friends, and lots of them! :cheers: This is strength-in-numbers. :)

Of the two portions highlighted by me, I am more keen to know of the intended land swap. What have you in mind ?

As rgds S-S cooperation,no disagreements.
Give back what was not part of india to begin with and obtained by illegal british trickery - Indians cannot come out delusional and deceptive demand.
Sikkim was a country and indian occupied Sikkim by taking advantage of Buddhist non violent practice. Indians don’t have any moral ground to stand on other than bully and aggression

In that case and by the logic of yours Indians would have annexed Bhutan long time before Sikkim.

advantage of Buddhist non violent practice

Same can be said about Chinese occupation of Tibet which was a separate country.

China had border disputes with USSR as well. In 60's they tried to flex their muscles against the USSR before Khrushchev proved them who is the daddy.

There is no logic here. Sikkim is no different from any other Indian state.

Infact, it joined the Indian Union of its own free will, unlike many regions which were integrated by army action by Sardar Patel.

Can someone please close this useless thread?
There is no logic here. Sikkim is no different from any other Indian state.

Infact, it joined the Indian Union of its own free will, unlike many regions which were integrated by army action by Sardar Patel.

Can someone please close this useless thread?

Finally some sense.

Even China recognized Sikkim as an Integral part of India.
Finally some sense.

Even China recognized Sikkim as an Integral part of India.

Sikkim was an independent country until india occupied it. China has no rightful authority on Sikkim (only people of Sikkim does) and nor Chinese recognition can alter any fact. Fact is india occupied an independent country by force. Therefore, indians cannot abscond from that burden of aggression and proof of being an occupying country.

Here is the indian deception; indians ready to accept Chinese recognition of Sikkim as part of indian territory but refused to accept Chinese rightful claim on Arunachal Pradesh. Only indians can have no shame to have double face in blink of an eye.
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^idune, this is getting tiring.

Either produce proof that India "captured it by force" or stop your useless trolling.

Infact, you'd have an easier time proving that "India captured Bihar by force", than Sikkim.
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