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India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

Come on Indian Friends.
I never knew that entire Indian members on here this forum will follow me after becoming so frustrated over my comments against India :disagree:

so the moral is never do any comments against India:cheers:
Then why are you behaving as an drinker.

I request you once again, can we get back to topic.

I am behaving as a drinker :lol:
Well, I am not now, but I wonder if I will behave like drinker then you may seek more support from more other Indians.

I am behaving as a drinker :lol:
Well, I am not now, but I wonder if I will behave like drinker then you may seek more support from more other Indians.



If you can read english.

What topic by the way? This thread was created to bash us. No meaning of this thread. The whole world knows Sikkim is integral part of India and is gonna stay that way forever.

All those in doubt can simply use google to research and not waste everybody's time creating stupid threads.
Cool down. Mr.India
I am writing and reading in english here not in norwegian or in french.

Yes, come to the topic.

What topic.

You already wasted so much time of mine.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Till then have some BEER.
What topic.

You already wasted so much time of mine.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Till then have some BEER.

I wasted your time?
Well, it was not me who welcome you to go ahead with this topic.
Sorry, I cannot take some beer. But I can take some thing else than that.
It is you who require some Cold kind of drink, but not some real drink. Because more you drink the more you become frustrated.

Nirash na hoakaro.
Saab Mangal Kooshal Hoga!!!

I wasted your time?
Well, it was not me who welcome you to go ahead with this topic.
Sorry, I cannot take some beer. But I can take some thing else than that.
It is you who require some Cold kind of drink, but not some real drink. Because more you drink the more you become frustrated.

Nirash na hoakaro.
Saab Mangal Kooshal Hoga!!!


Ha Ha Ha...

Now tell me one thing...

Who is Frustrated.
By the way I forgotten to say that:

Moon Mein Ram Ram
Bhagal Mein Schorri

Now this is what not come from me.
We all know it. :agree:

I don't believe some morons actually use this saying to 'profile' hindus :) Once i heard some jamati hate monger say the same.

If the saying is abt hindus, then

Sau choohe khake billi chali haj

has to apply to muslims only right ;)

What retards!!!
Looks like that Indian Extremist are in full action here in this forum too.

Ha Ha Ha...

Now tell me one thing...

Who is Frustrated.

You RAW member,

Your Organization already doing its best to destabilize Pakistan. So don`t put your so much energy here to defend your India.
I don't believe some morons actually use this saying to 'profile' hindus :) Once i heard some jamati hate monger say the same.

If the saying is abt hindus, then

has to apply to muslims only right ;)

What retards!!!

Sorry, that I hurt you and you came just reply for:


Billi bichari ne Haj pe kia jana hai:disagree:
Chohe choden tab na!
just becoz someone finds some crap saying sikkim is occupied by india doesnt mean we have to follow that BS and lose our cool......

india bros.....calm down.....its india bashing at its best....

instead i would say if someone is so worried about india grabbing new lands....then show your guts and stop us from doing so....then do the talking...

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