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India’s children neither healthy nor happy

One wishes the likes of your's stop wasting the bandwidth space with your nonsense - That stands true for you.. And India is trying to take care of its kids but what's Pakistan doing training kids and sending to UK only to be caught every now and then for obvious reasons.. More important, since Olympic is nearing they are on witch hunt looking for kids from certain country. goes on to show how kids from certain place are viewed.

We have seen your contributions which are always to take dig at India ignoring your Pakistani problems. Your inherent insecurities clearly shows up every time you try to come up with such troll threads. And when you are shown where you belong you start crying river..

And another Inter NUT Hindu jumps into the ring. you do live up to your name......hunting in packs. :lol:
And one wishes the likes of yous stop wasting the bandwidth space with your nonsense, and if it burns you in the wrong place, make yourself useful and write to the newspapers who print such material.
We also feel this prestigious Pakistani forum gets maligned, when certain category is allowed to join here who have nothing to contribute except rant their usual BS. But then what else can one expect.`

Lol !!! We understand why Presence of certain category ditches you. Well I can feel the pain of getting slapped with truth on face when you start ranting BS about India. I really feel sympathy for you.

By the way thanks for Your Advice, but Sir Practice what you preach. How useful are you is now being witnessed by every pakistani & non-pakistani PDF members here.

I have very good image of common pakistanis as I am fortunate I have met good pakistanis before seeing certain useless people on PDF.Dont embarass your countrymen by such useless pointless banned PDF topics about indian issues when your country sucks more in them .
children and women of pakistan


• Pakistan’s maternal mortality ratio is estimated to be between 350 and 600 per 100,000 live births
One in ten children does not survive their fifth birthday with the majority of deaths due to diarrhoea, pneumonia or vaccine-preventable diseases.
• Thirty per cent of children are chronically malnourished and lack safe water and household sanitation, especially in rural areas.
• Pakistan spends less than 2.5 per cent of its GDP on the education sector.
• Just over half of the 19 million children of primary school going age are enrolled in primary education.
• Compared to 58 per cent of boys, there are 48 per cent of girls enrolled in primary school.
• over two third of Pakistani women are iliterate.

• An estimated 3.6 million children under the age of 14 work, mostly in exploitative and hazardous labour

UNICEF Pakistan - Overview - Background
children and women of pakistan


• Pakistan’s maternal mortality ratio is estimated to be between 350 and 600 per 100,000 live births
One in ten children does not survive their fifth birthday with the majority of deaths due to diarrhoea, pneumonia or vaccine-preventable diseases.
• Thirty per cent of children are chronically malnourished and lack safe water and household sanitation, especially in rural areas.
• Pakistan spends less than 2.5 per cent of its GDP on the education sector.
• Just over half of the 19 million children of primary school going age are enrolled in primary education.
• Compared to 58 per cent of boys, there are 48 per cent of girls enrolled in primary school.
• Just over two third of Pakistani women are iliterate.

• An estimated 3.6 million children under the age of 14 work, mostly in exploitative and hazardous labour

UNICEF Pakistan - Overview - Background

Quite sad.

Hope they can focus on the real issues facing the country rather than running all those world famous training centers that attract every wannabe terrorist in the world.
And another Inter NUT Hindu jumps into the ring. you do live up to your name......hunting in packs. :lol:

JAMMY, How do always open a thread on Banned Topic and get away with this, what is the secret.............
Atleast our childrens donot have polio anymore unlike pakistan which one of the last three countries with this desease.....and can pak gov provide free meal to 150 million!!!! school kids like India?
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