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India’s ambitions to encircle Pakistan

OMG, India's secret has been compromised, for god's sake what was RAW doing??? How this brigadier got the secret which India was holding close to it's chest???

OK, since it is out let me tell u everything:

We have "strings of stones" policy to encircle Pakistan (since pearls are precious & reserve only to encircle India :lol:), where IA is having maximum of it's forces faced towards Pakistan, also IAF is having many sukhoi squadron along the Pakistan border with plans to base Rafales also on that border. IN is planning to blockade Karachi & Gwadar whenever a war breaks (since it has done been past, it can be done in future also), Tajikistan base of IAF is a gem of a stone :lol: with plans to base fighter jets there, ac can reach Pakistan within minutes, also with Afghanistan on India's side, ANA taking training from IA & possibility of India's forces being stationed there (covertly of course) can be a threat to Pakistan. Even we have agreement with Iran where in any outbreak of Indo-Pak wars, India can use Iran bases. Man that's call true encirclement ;)
India needs to have power first in its cities before it can call itself World power and while you are at it , make sure there is enough to feed the people sleeping on streets

Rest of countries don`t need to do much when the poverty difference will increase to unbearable extent , revolution will start from with in ...

One one side you have mega rich flats and on others you have slums enough said

And we are not doing much better either

don't worry we are working on our society. In future you will see shockingly decrements in poverty and starvation in India. India is far more superior to Pakistan. Our leaders and Military is not thinking about Pakistan anymore as Pakistan is on self destruction mode we have to achieve much greater goals. Problem for Pakistan is they have lost everything to accomplish only one goal "kill INDIA" they worked with America and become infamous as traitor in Muslim world, they become economically weak despite of better resources , they are losing their image in world community.
Typical bakwas article. Why we Pakistanis are so obsessed with India? This love and hate relationship and obsession with india put question mark on pakistan movement and two nation theory.
Like an indian member said pakistanis should think independantly.

sadly reverse psychology has gotten to the ignorant, ill informed.
Here is another similar article but this time written by another Brigadier named Nadir Mir:

The enemy and Pakistan Army

Who is Pakistan’s existential enemy – USA, India or the militants?

The obvious answer is India! The reason this question needs to be answered is to clarify the hazy image of national security. Indeed, a security policy built on mixed views is bound to fail. And “if the policy is faulty, even a brilliant strategy will flounder.” Existential threat here means a threat posed to the unity, demography and integrity of Pakistan. The very basis of the state or its physical existence stands challenged.

No army can successfully fight on many fronts. Napoleon’s army and Hitler’s Wehrmacht both fell victims to imperial overstretch. Pakistan’s army is already facing numerous threats: India’s Cold Start strategy, USA’s de-nuking agenda, foreign sponsored separatists in Balochistan, Indian rekindled Sindhudesh movement, Karachi based ethnic/mafia groups, militants in Pakhtunkhwa and spill over of war in Afghanistan.

The army’s primary task is to guard the borders against foreign threats. This essentially means deterring an Indian attack or a de-nuking attempt by any foreign power. The rest of the threats mentioned above need to be dealt with politically and with the support of the security forces. An internal security or specialised anti-terror force needs to be established. Therefore, the army should not be employed to solve political or economic issues; or tasks that are meant for specialised forces.

From 1947 till 2001, the existential threat from India was clear. The muddying of waters began after USA’s invasion of Afghanistan. Although the 11-year long war was waged in that country, Pakistan had to bear the brunt. It converted Pakistan into a battlefield. ‘AfPak’ was meant to create the perception of a war zone on both sides of the western border. Buzz words like GWOT, non-state actors, al-Qaeda, Haqqanis, Blackwater and terrorists served as a ‘Strategy of Deflection’. First, the US aim was to use Pakistan’s assets to help defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Second, shift Islamabad’s strategic orientation away from New Delhi so that India could be pampered to compete with China and also entrench itself in Afghanistan (both were part of the neocon geopolitical wish list).

The Indians played along. After the 2001-02 military standoff, India pacified Pakistan’s eastern border, but inflamed its western border. In the bargain, it established a network of consulates in Afghanistan to destabilise Pakistan. The corrupt and nonchalant Pakistanis took peace with India seriously; they saw their salvation in friendship with it.

A decade long bombing terrorist campaign further confused the issue. The Taliban, al-Qaeda, Blackwater, Indian agents were all blamed. The lethality of terrorist strikes mostly indicated a high degree of sophistication with some being run-of-the-mill crude attacks. There was method in the madness. Apparently, multiple forces were involved conveniently labelled as Taliban.

Apparently, the Taliban have two basic motivations. First to eject the occupying forces from Afghanistan; and second to impose their version of Islam. Since Pakistan was perceived to be a US ally, hatred towards it has grown into a ferocious militant bombing campaign. Simultaneously, separation seeking Baloch militants are being supported and financed by foreign intelligence agencies, while the Sindhudesh militant leader, reportedly, seeks succour in Kabul.

The US, while partially withdrawing from Afghanistan, wants to embroil our army further into the hornet’s nest. Washington’s mantra that Pakistani army is fighting its lost war is endless. The Indians, too, are keen to get it bogged down on the western border through operations in North Waziristan. So the Malala incident is being exploited and misdirected. An orchestrated Indo-US media campaign, supported by liberals in Pakistan, aims to lure the Pakistani army. Their baited gambit seeks to launch it against its own people. This could create a massive backlash and terrorist campaign, further destabilising the state.

With our army engaged in an endless war in Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh, the stage will be set for coup de grâce. This could set in motion Pakistan’s denuclearisation and balkanisation; plans that were conceived in hostile foreign lands. Perhaps, a perfect time to initiate the Cold Start strategy or denuclearisation campaign. Even a limited version of this scenario aims to pit our army against the Taliban and those fighting the foreign troops in Afghanistan. With the Americans leaving and the Indians vulnerable in Afghanistan, they seek to diminish Pakistani influence in Afghanistan. Our enemies want war in Pakistan and clamour for peace in the region. But Pakistan needs peace at home and peace abroad.

The American geopolitical wish list was endless and frequently not doable, which resulted in an 11-year long war in Afghanistan. In addition to an exit strategy from Afghanistan complicated by USA’s desire to leave India – not Pakistan – as the winner. America is now perceived in some circles as the most dangerous threat to Pakistan. Yet logically speaking, hostility is an insane option for both USA and Pakistan. Islamabad and Washington can be friends again after the US leaves Afghanistan. Pakistan’s alliance with China, new friendship with Russia and old ties with the Taliban can help bring balance and peace in Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, the threat to Pakistan from India commenced long before 1947. The Indians wanted to replace the British Raj and were loath to see the subcontinent divided. Unable to prevent the partition, they conspired to ensure that a moth-eaten Pakistan comes into being. Since 1947, their strategy has been to harm the country in every conceivable manner. India’s hegemonic agenda and its support for terrorists and separatists in Pakistan have spoiled their relations. Hence, the present existential threat to Pakistan is mainly from India.
How can India isolate Pakistan?

1) Afghanistan - Religious and Cultural links are the same.

2) China - Very strong relationship. Chinese officials jokingly tell the American counterparts that Pakistan is their "Israel."

3) Saudi Arabia - Very Strong Relationship, Saudi Arabia would not dump Pakistan for India

4) Oman- Good relationship, we know them and they know us. Cannot possibly see how India make Oman prefer India over Pakistan.

5) Iran - Relationship is not hostile or that great either. Pakistan and Iran have never fought a war in contemporary times and we don't have conflicts with them. How can India turn them against us?

6) UAE- We have good relationship with their ruling Sheikhs.


I'm quite curious as to how they came up with idea, because to be quite frank I don't it see happening.

7) Nepal- We have decent relations with them.

8) Sri Lanka - We have decent relations with them.

Thats pretty everyone in the immediate neighbourhood.

So how does India plan to encircle Pakistan. In my opinion I see India encircled.

India has China and Pakistan as enemies. Sri Lanka and many in Nepal don't like India too much.

Then you are left with Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar.

I guess Indian relations with Bangladesh and Bhutan are decent.

Myanmar tries to a keep balance between China and India.

Afghanistan will probably have a Pro-Pakistan government in the future.

So how is India encircling Pakistan? Where is the developments?

This is the problem with Pakistan, they choose and look other nations from the eyes of how 'India friendly' they are.

And we are not, that is the reason only one country is hostile to us in the earth.
2) China - Very strong relationship. Chinese officials jokingly tell the American counterparts that Pakistan is their "Israel."

Do you feel happy about this? being called the Israel of China?.
Allah kisi ko itna ghatiya, nich or ****** neighbour na day jitna Pakistan ko india ki shakal mein diya hai !!

Although most of the Pakistani brothers are not going to like this but Pakistan is also far from being an ideal neighbor. It has poked its nose whenever possible on the Western side. It has, in the past, supported anti-state elements on the neighbor on the Eastern side. It has provided a breeding ground for those less-than-peaceful elements that have been a nuisance to countries in its neighborhood and beyond.

India's role as a neighbor has remained far from perfect; but then it takes two to tango.

Regardless, we can't choose our neighbors. How much we wish, we can't bring Zimbabwe / Israel / Iraq / Russia / US in our vicinity and have to live with what we have. Both India and Pakistan have to somehow learn to live with each other. That can happen only if paranoids at both ends (they will always remain there) are moved to backseats.
And here we have it folks! The classic audience which the author of the original article intended to reach out to!

Dont worry leader, allah sirf apse itni nafrat karta tha jo apko india jaisa nich aur ghatiya neighbour diya hai :D

baki neighbours ka bhi india kay baray mein yeh khiyal hai :lol:

bas ji azmish hai, Allah kare jald khatam ho jaye :D
Sorry Brig. (Retd) Asif Haroon Raja, India simply is not interested in Pakistan. We have larger fish to catch.

And then Indians wake up to the same nightmare where 500 millions beings live on 50c a day people actually live in gutters and eat rat and mouse to stay alive and corruption is rampant and u dream , of catching a big fish, not possible for another 50 years remember that big fish is trying to catch the biggest fish. So keep chasing the tail. Dreaming it does not cost u nothing.
Without Pakistan's interest it will be very hard for any country to bring peace n developments in afghanistan. Now if India think she can sideline Pak to have existence in afg then we will see another Masla e Kashmir in progress!!

In simple words Inida possess a serious threat and perhaps start a no ending war in Afg..Instead of causing more problems in the name of developments, india must act as mature n savvy partner in all this mess .!! There is always a civilized way of doing things, India must use proper channel to be able to have trade or any kind of talks in afg.. which is thru Pakistan, Period!Any other short cuts will end up in long cuts .!!
And here we have it folks! The classic audience which the author of the original article intended to reach out to!

Dont worry leader, allah sirf apse itni nafrat karta tha jo apko india jaisa nich aur ghatiya neighbour diya hai :D

baki neighbours ka bhi india kay baray mein yeh khiyal hai :lol:

bas ji azmish hai, Allah kare jald khatam ho jaye :D
How can India isolate Pakistan?

1) Afghanistan - Religious and Cultural links are the same.

2) China - Very strong relationship. Chinese officials jokingly tell the American counterparts that Pakistan is their "Israel."

3) Saudi Arabia - Very Strong Relationship, Saudi Arabia would not dump Pakistan for India

4) Oman- Good relationship, we know them and they know us. Cannot possibly see how India make Oman prefer India over Pakistan.

5) Iran - Relationship is not hostile or that great either. Pakistan and Iran have never fought a war in contemporary times and we don't have conflicts with them. How can India turn them against us?

6) UAE- We have good relationship with their ruling Sheikhs.


I'm quite curious as to how they came up with idea, because to be quite frank I don't it see happening.

7) Nepal- We have decent relations with them.

8) Sri Lanka - We have decent relations with them.

Thats pretty everyone in the immediate neighbourhood.

So how does India plan to encircle Pakistan. In my opinion I see India encircled.

India has China and Pakistan as enemies. Sri Lanka and many in Nepal don't like India too much.

Then you are left with Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar.

I guess Indian relations with Bangladesh and Bhutan are decent.

Myanmar tries to a keep balance between China and India.

Afghanistan will probably have a Pro-Pakistan government in the future.

So how is India encircling Pakistan? Where is the developments?

Superlative delusion !
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