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India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

QUOTE=A1Kaid;3641714]US has to look at bigger picture US Government has moved on its you guys who are stuck about it, although in fairness to you it happened to you directly and in your financial capital. US is co-opting with Pakistan in the WoT so US isn't going to pressure Pakistan over Mumbai otherwise this would have been done already. As for Imran if he said that to Indians, well how nice of him.

US pressure has already worked in relation to the Saudis who made a key arrest in Abu Jundal that was a big catch for India also from the words of a ex CIA official

LeT has emerged as the world's most dangerous terror group and has connections with Pakistan's ISI and army, a former senior CIA officer

Pakistani man arrested on U.S. terrorism charges | Reuters

Pakistani-born man living in northern Virginia was charged with trying to help a militant group in his home country, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and making false statements to authorities, U.S. prosecutors said on Friday.

LOL that shut him up.
Indians 9/11 lol

why these Indians copy everything from western?

westerner got move on now after 9/11 but Indians will keep crying and playing victim card for centuries

Did't bothered to read??? Author is a Canadian economist.
Same for you. You should tell this to your Indian terrorists too who had killed unarmed Pakistani Civilians in Samjhota express inside India.

acts of terror happening in india os none of pakistani business.. then ask your citizens not to come to india.
btw...your terror has been going on much before samjhota express.. samjhota was only a retaliatory measure by some misguiged fanatics who are in prison today. but your terrorists are free still

Tit-for-Tat is going on between Raw & ISI since decades - No need to play holier than thou. Pakistanis who got killed and getting killed are also unarmed.

tell india one name on who is behind it.. india has given details on how each and every terror attack from pak has unfolded..
reason? you cant give any deail.. because RAQ has nothing to do with terrror in pak. its all done by your home grown terrorists who YOU raised to attck india.
1. if we dint find any Indian involved in killings of Pakistanis then howcome you are "trying" someone for Samjhota express terrorism by Indians?

2. Indeed claim for incircumcised by someone was wrong since you dont have much beef for circumcission.

3. the accused of mumbai attacks is hanged already and hence chances of even imgining as PM are finished. and above all its not India where terrorists like Modi can become a PM.

1 - If I come to Pak and I get killed, its internal matter of Pak. similarly samjahuta is not terorrist attack its just internal crime.
2. i have no comments on how you mutilate body parts -
3. modi is the greatest human ever lived, no human in history (living or dead) is more perfect than him. he has been sent by God
Neither ISI's spy was found killing any Indian...... And don't talk about stupid dossier as those are already proved to be nothing but a dose for internal consumption.

Dossiers aside, Pakistani citizens' direct involvement was established and confirmed..Even by Pakistani ministers

It has been about 20 years by the time trial will finish criminals will die their natural death. Last time i also heared that India denied access of Pakistani investigators to Kasab or investigation officer for some unknown reasons

Atleast they are in prison.. Not like Pakistan where a UN designated terrorist is ready to become the Prime minister of the country (or atleast a potent force in country's mainstream politics)
Dossiers aside, Pakistani citizens' direct involvement was established and confirmed..Even by Pakistani ministers

Atleast they are in prison.. Not like Pakistan where a UN designated terrorist is ready to become the Prime minister of the country (or atleast a potent force in country's mainstream politics)

1. We also have Indian citizen in our prison for conducting terrorist attacks
2. Don't start that sh!t again - Provide proofs which can withstand in court, we can't hang people based on yindoo's wish.
3. I don't think he even can win a local body election - becoming PM is product of your delusional mind. On other hand killer of thousands is currently a chief minister of peace loving hypocrites.
You have nothing to do with Pakistani affairs as well.

Those aren't Pakistani affairs..Pakistan is giving headache to the world..from Spain to US to UK to China to India terror links are mostly traced to Pakistan.
We don't have any problem with you guys blowing up eac other,but when you export it then it becomes a problem,and that's what you are famous for!
Who was behind 26/11 Mumbai attacks ? Its just been 4 years.Too less time for Pakistanis to establish facts.

65 years they dont know if Pakistan was intended to be an Islamic state or Islam majority state ?

11 years they dont know WOT this there war or not ?

Give them time.
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