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India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

1. if we dint find any Indian involved in killings of Pakistanis then howcome you are "trying" someone for Samjhota express terrorism by Indians?

He is an Indian who committed a crime on Indian soil and he is being tried as per Indian Laws... Pakistan has nothing to do with this ..so you guys can't claim it to be a terror attack on Pakistan...

2. Indeed claim for incircumcised by someone was wrong since you dont have much beef for circumcission.

So all incircumcised = Hindus or Indians.... really...

Read this :
Male circumcision is obligatory for the Muslim male if he is able to do it. If, however, he is unable, whether due to fear of injury or if a respected and authoritative doctor has told him he will experience profuse bleeding which may make his life miserable, then the obligation for cirumcision is waived and he does not commit a sin by not having it done.


3. the accused of mumbai attacks is hanged already and hence chances of even imgining as PM are finished. and above all its not India where terrorists like Modi can become a PM.

Thats what international secret agencies are for. Even RAW will do the same and did the same.

ISI had no role in it though being a spying agency ISI should explor every chance to serve interests of the country be it collaboration with CIA or KGB or anyone.

CIA had worked with ISI viz a viz Afghanistan/Russia so by your yardstick, CIA had become ISI stooge too?

From 1947 onwards because of the animosity between India and Pakistan. Pakistan always sided with India's enemies and 26/11 was such an event.
I accept that cooperation between the intel agencies always exist but the cooperation between CIA and ISI is not on equal terms.
CIA had worked with ISI viz a viz Afghanistan/Russia so by your yardstick, CIA had become ISI stooge too?

Yes,There will be always double agents.
And have you found any Indians involved in those Pakistani deaths?? (and I dont count photos of uncircumcised dead bodies as proof that can stand judicial scrutiny even in Pakistani courts ;) )
Neither ISI's spy was found killing any Indian...... And don't talk about stupid dossier as those are already proved to be nothing but a dose for internal consumption.

Last I heard the alleged perpetrators of Samjhauta Blast are being tried and are in prison. OTOH, the main accused in 26/11 is preparing to become the prime minister of Pakistan (in 2019 or earlier if the next govt does not last the whole 5 years)

It has been about 20 years by the time trial will finish criminals will die their natural death. Last time i also heared that India denied access of Pakistani investigators to Kasab or investigation officer for some unknown reasons
He is an Indian who committed a crime on Indian soil and he is being tried as per Indian Laws... Pakistan has nothing to do with this ..so you guys can't claim it to be a terror attack on Pakistan...

You have nothing to do with Pakistani affairs as well.

So all incircumcised = Hindus or Indians.... really...


i dont think so .

From 1947 onwards because of the animosity between India and Pakistan. Pakistan always sided with India's enemies and 26/11 was such an event.
I accept that cooperation between the intel agencies always exist but the cooperation between CIA and ISI is not on equal terms.

India did the same. You also sided with anyone who intend to harm Pakistan. Its a two-way traffic hence your argument is at its weakest level.

Yes,There will be always double agents.

Thats called cooperation and there is nothing called stoog in this regard.
as if Pakistani or world care about your moaning and crying

World certainly cares and after 26\11 ,the kind of proof India put forward has left no doubt in the minds of West about Pakistani Hand in 26\11. This is reason why there has been increased clamoring in American Senate about cutting aid and giving result oriented and only non military to Pakistan.

And other benfit has been that it is increasing becoming difficult for West not provide us with sophisticated weaponary in form of radars and other survilleance equipment that we would use against Pakistan.
And not to forget the international beating that Pakistani image has taken globally and using all this we have hit where it matters most , Pak economy. All bad press Pak has received owing to India and 26\11 has made international investor very vary of pakistan.
What 1 terrorist scumbag for 166 people killed, dream on. its not about revenge kasab is just a small piece of the big puzzle, just a smoking gun, not the hand that pulled the trigger till we get those we will never move on.

There are bigger fish to fry, so keep your head in the sand like an ostrich we don't care. Your government & its people harbor it, nature it and protect it.

so please save your face

Dude you indians hate kasab but what do you think about thousands of kasabs killing innocent kashmiris in indian occupied kashmir?
India did the same. You also sided with anyone who intend to harm Pakistan. Its a two-way traffic hence your argument is at its weakest level.

Thats called cooperation and there is nothing called stoog in this regard.

India majorly followed Non Alignment policy from 1947 but it is pakistan that is happy to be called anti - India.

26/11 case is completely different case to the attacks happened in the past. It exposed the lies of Pakistan and to some extent damaged the image of Pakistan on world stage and it will take decades for Pakistan to gain the same reputation.
With the current terror policy it will be almost impossible.
Indians 9/11 lol

why these Indians copy everything from western?

westerner got move on now after 9/11 but Indians will keep crying and playing victim card for centuries

Lol yeah these....keep copying off of West and now they even copy the name of an American tragedy which was far greater in severity than that minor flare up we saw in Mumbai. It is an attempt by their greasy media to get western and particularly American sympathy for them. By reying to equate Mumbai flare up to 9/11. World said "We are all Americans on 9/11. When Mumbai attack happened world didn't say "we are all Indians" lol that would be embarassing. Truth be told I live here and I can tell you most Americans could careless about Indians and what happened in Mumbai, now since a Indian will bring up drone strikes in US Americans have made demonstrations against them there was no concern for Mumbai.
Pakistan still refuses to grant voice samples of the accused in the 26/11 case this saga will be never ending unless pressure is applied by Interpol and the US.
Pakistan still refuses to grant voice samples of the accused in the 26/11 case this saga will be never ending unless pressure is applied by Interpol and the US.

So why hasn't that happened yet? Why hasn't Interpol and US pressured Pakistan? Better do it soon because Government will be changing in a few months and a more assertive and optimal Government is coming into power.

US doesn't want to hurt its ties with Pakistan any more then it has, especially for the sake of India's Incredible 9/11.
So why hasn't that happened yet? Why hasn't Interpol and US pressured Pakistan? Better do it soon because Government will be changing in a few months and a more assertive and optimal Government is coming into power.

US doesn't want to hurt its ties with Pakistan any more then it has, especially for the sake of India's Incredible 9/11.

US citizens were also victims of the 26/11 attack so thus it has duty to ensure the culprits be brought to book and the Interpol head was in Pakistan recently. Imran Khan has stated also he would like to see those behind 26/11 charged he stated it whilst in India.
US citizens were also victims of the 26/11 attack so thus it has duty to ensure the culprits be brought to book and the Interpol head was in Pakistan recently. Imran Khan has stated also he would like to see those behind 26/11 charged he stated it whilst in India.

US has to look at bigger picture US Government has moved on its you guys who are stuck about it, although in fairness to you it happened to you directly and in your financial capital. US is co-opting with Pakistan in the WoT so US isn't going to pressure Pakistan over Mumbai otherwise this would have been done already. As for Imran if he said that to Indians, well how nice of him.
QUOTE=A1Kaid;3641714]US has to look at bigger picture US Government has moved on its you guys who are stuck about it, although in fairness to you it happened to you directly and in your financial capital. US is co-opting with Pakistan in the WoT so US isn't going to pressure Pakistan over Mumbai otherwise this would have been done already. As for Imran if he said that to Indians, well how nice of him.[/QUOTE]

US pressure has already worked in relation to the Saudis who made a key arrest in Abu Jundal that was a big catch for India also from the words of a ex CIA official

LeT has emerged as the world's most dangerous terror group and has connections with Pakistan's ISI and army, a former senior CIA officer


Pakistani-born man living in northern Virginia was charged with trying to help a militant group in his home country, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and making false statements to authorities, U.S. prosecutors said on Friday.
1. if we dint find any Indian involved in killings of Pakistanis then howcome you are "trying" someone for Samjhota express terrorism by Indians?

2. Indeed claim for incircumcised by someone was wrong since you dont have much beef for circumcission.

3. the accused of mumbai attacks is hanged already and hence chances of even imgining as PM are finished. and above all its not India where terrorists like Modi can become a PM.

It's quite immoral for a girl like you, Jana, to be talking about circumcision.
LeT more dangerous than al-Qaeda: Former CIA official

US pressure has already worked in relation to the Saudis who made a key arrest in Abu Jundal that was a big catch for India also from the words of a ex CIA official

LeT has emerged as the world's most dangerous terror group and has connections with Pakistan's ISI and army, a former senior CIA officer

Pakistani man arrested on U.S. terrorism charges | Reuters

Ok great man I'm off this topic don't really care about it. Later.
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