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India, Russia to sign S-400 missile deal this week: Kremlin

Ahhh I see.

On topic - India receiving S-400 is yet another export win for Almaz. These things are starting to sell and proliferate around the world, only giving the US more reason to figure out ways to overcome it. On goes that little arms race I suppose. I think China will indigenise the S-400 and make navy version of it for new destroyers. I wonder if India will apply the technology and improve their own SAM industry from lessons learned. It would be a wasted opportunity not to, even if India doesn't copy it completely.

Indian military research is very slow because of very low funding. Indigenous development is relegated to labs. It is easier to purchase from Russia and Israel, because they will always be ahead. Joint projects with Russia is the way to go. Alone, we are just reinventing the wheel.

Indian government should quadruple weapons research funding to be able to compete with the world in military hardware development and production.
You need to take a sip of camel urine to remember that he has been to KSA recently.
So let me get this right, when your PM gets invited to a country, he is there to beg and collect some toilets.
So let me get this right, when your PM gets invited to a country, he is there to beg and collect some toilets.

Our PM is not like yours.he has been respected because he is not shameless as yours.We don't beg for money.
Do you really live in US.Your pathetic English speak otherwise.

HRK you are a pathetic creature.You have hell lot of ego that you even cannot face truth.Your countrymen themself say that your PM begs around the world.entore world says that,media report says that but when we speak the obvious you rate us negative.You are a kid who has been given power and you are misusing it.

Hahaha pathetic creature does not have any answer.
Tell me who has given us money ? Post a source which tells that the world is giving us money to contain China.

Dont deviate from the topic. Be here is you have something to contribute.

Relax. Do not take either this forum OR members here OR what they post OR what you post too seriously. If you get too perturbed about negative ratings, you will get more.
They will rate you negatively just to rile you up.

Be sure and comfortable in one thing. Their country is in doldrums and probably beyond the point of no return. On the other hand, we are doing good. So whats a few ratings in a Pakistani defence forum. Chill!
Relax. Do not take either this forum OR members here OR what they post OR what you post too seriously. If you get too perturbed about negative ratings, you will get more.
They will rate you negatively just to rile you up.

Be sure and comfortable in one thing. Their country is in doldrums and probably beyond the point of no return. On the other hand, we are doing good. So whats a few ratings in a Pakistani defence forum. Chill!

I wouldn't call it beyond the point of return. Depends on how committed China is in saving Pakistan's economy. Keeping Pakistan's economy afloat is easy for China. But it has to be seen what China would demand in return.
I think China will indigenise the S-400 and make navy version of it for new destroyers.

Nope, the S-400 is a stop-gap until the HQ-2X (allegedly the "HQ-20") can enter service in significant numbers. HQ-2X is a SAM that can alternatively act as a terminal-stage anti-ballistic missile. It will work in conjunction with dedicated ABMs like the HQ-19 and naval HQ-26.


Nope, the S-400 is a stop-gap until the HQ-2X (allegedly the "HQ-20") can enter service in significant numbers. HQ-2X is a SAM that can alternatively act as a terminal-stage anti-ballistic missile. It will work in conjunction with dedicated ABMs like the HQ-19 and naval HQ-26.



BMD should just be dedicated. For need of terminal ones maybe upgrade HQ-16 and HQ-9. Should be enough. How come a new system is being created? S-400 already purchased so HQ-9s range is improved and if they want they can reverse engineer S-400 and make as many copies as they want. Saves money. Otherwise why buy S-400?
BMD should just be dedicated. For need of terminal ones maybe upgrade HQ-16 and HQ-9. Should be enough. How come a new system is being created? S-400 already purchased so HQ-9s range is improved and if they want they can reverse engineer S-400 and make as many copies as they want. Saves money. Otherwise why buy S-400?

Having a SAM with ABM capabilities simplifies logistics and allows for some degree of redundancy in the battlefield. And no, the HQ-16 and HQ-9 have limited, if any, anti-ballistic capabilities. The new system has a lineage tracing back to before China has ever considered purchasing the S-400, so it wouldn't make sense to develop a new variant of the S-400 at this point.
Yes H16 and HQ9 have very little BMD but I mean China will have dedicated BMD separate from those missiles so they can just improve them. They buy S400 because already improved to maximum so they need a newer missile system to either provide cover for longer range or to make themselves. S400 cannot match Chinese dedicated BMD but it is for longer reach compared to HQ9. So they all have a place. I agree with you on the logistics and redundancy. Just think they will want to copy some good new improvements from S400 missile for a SAM with very long range. Russia's S500 is their BMD. China has HQ19, 20, 26 or something. Many different programs all being tested and compared at the moment. BMD is meaningless because Russia and USA all have enough nuclear weapons to destroy any defense. They can just detonate the warhead near countries to kill all population. BMD is dead man's gambit. Waste of money. Only useful against smaller nuclear threats like North Korea/ Pakistan/ India/ Israel. Useless against Russia and USA. But China very unlikely go to nuclear war with any other nation on earth except maybe USA so BMD using missile and rockets is waste of money. Need electronic or new technological method to kill all ICBMs if possible. Hard kill warheads will be very expensive to buy in big numbers when modern ICBM all have many warheads. Much better to spend the money on more nuclear missiles and long range SAMs like S-400.
oh re
EbdAli is the last thing you should wish for!!! It wasn't pretty the last time he appeared, and it won't be different either if he shows up again in future....
oh really ??? come out of it , stop being a nomad , this is 2019 and more than half people living in Bharat are hardcore non vegetarians now , and trust me they wont hesitate to be as barbarous as anyone can ever be . so put those ebdali or ahmed abdali or whatever thief you want to patronize in to the garbage .
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