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India, Russia may build supercomputer to rival China's Tianhe-2

Digging up articles from 2007/2008/2009 to prove you once had a supercomputer. If we take that approach, we should dig back several millenia and notice that Indus Valley Civilization once had a functioning sewage system (which I consider much more impressive than your shupa-komputaa) but several millenia later, the country is now one massive open-air toilet :rofl:. As we can see, resorting to ancient accomplishments only highlights how far you've regressed - where are your accomplishments today :)?
Six Sigma is not a tech. :omghaha: You have no clue what you're talking.
So you probably decided to skip my question using an excuse that i didn't use technique instead of tech.

There was never an Indian supercomputer ranked at no.5
So you're another Indic or srivinas. All these lies and brainless bragging make your feel better about yourself and your country? Good luck to India.
Ignorance is bliss . Hope you get it this time

Digging up articles from 2007/2008/2009 to prove you once had a supercomputer. If we take that approach, we should dig back several millenia and notice that Indus Valley Civilization once had a functioning sewage system (which I consider much more impressive than your shupa-komputaa) but several millenia later, the country is now one massive open-air toilet :rofl:. As we can see, resorting to ancient accomplishments only highlights how far you've regressed - where are your accomplishments today :)?

You see this sentence:
There was never an Indian supercomputer ranked at no.5

On that the report was posted. Now stop trolling.

@Oscar @Emmie @Aeronaut Using Inappropriate language, Trolling and Derailing Thread.
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So you probably decided to skip my question using an excuse that i didn't use technique instead of tech.

Ignorance is bliss . Hope you get it this time

You see this sentence:
There was never an Indian supercomputer ranked at no.5

On that the report was posted. Now stop trolling.

Good that you admitted you didn't know what is Six Sigma.
Can't really have an discussion with someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Disagree. Ignorance is low IQ.

Learn to read deeper. You don't make a supercomputer by Installing routers on an already made Hewlett-Packard Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c system. :rofl:

If so, anyone can build one.
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"India, installed a Hewlett-Packard Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c system. They integrated this system with their own innovative routing technology and achieved 117.9 TFlop/s performance.

The No.5 system is also a new Hewlett-Packard Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c system and installed at a Swedish government agency. It was measured at 102.8 TFlop/s."

Wonder why the rules are changed.

It's the same story as your so called indigenous weapons. :rofl::rofl:

The Tianhe-2 was built by the National University of Defense Technology in China. It has a total of 3,120,000 Intel processing cores, but also features a number of Chinese built components and runs on a version of Linux called Kylin, which was natively developed by the NUDT.

Good that you admitted you didn't know what is Six Sigma.
You can't really have an discussion with someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Excuses and :blah:
BTW you still didn't answer my question
The Tianhe-2 was built by the National University of Defense Technology in China. It has a total of 3,120,000 Intel processing cores, but also features a number of Chinese built components and runs on a version of Linux called Kylin, which was natively developed by the NUDT.

The industry standard is Intel chips, everyone uses 3rd party OS, but you need to build your own hardware and configuration.
This is different from adding router on a system built by Hewlett Packard :rofl:
We are just warming up, the real run is yet to start. :drag:

Same with us, we're only just at the very beginning of our run.

We have the world's #1 largest population, we should not be content to play second fiddle to the USA, we should be surpassing them.

It will take time sure, but a few decades is just a drop in the bucket compared to the history of Chinese civilization. We've been near the bottom of the world for the past 200 years, time for the balance to be restored.
If they don't sell, then what's use of it for them. I mean they are a commercial company they sell these things then why they wouldn't want to sell it?

Boeing, GE, HP, Lockheed, Pratt&Whitney, Raytheon etc are commercial companies too.

Plenty of their stuff are not for export...and some of it falls under "black projects",
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The awards only say that Indian IT can provide comparable service at lower cost. There is NOTHING that Indian IT provides in terms of innovation or exceptional capability that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

Countries like Pakistan cannot compete because they don't have stable political environments. Other countries can't compete because their English fluency is not as good as India's.

Indian IT is only competitive in the developed world where it can undercut pricing by local providers. Indian IT companies have not made significant inroads in other parts of the world. Even in South America, Indian IT mostly caters to their US/European MNC clients.

Compare that to products which are inherently superior and, therefore, find consumers in poorer countries. People in India will buy Apple iPhones, BMW and Mercedes -- even though they are produced by a richer country -- because the product itself is worth the price premium.
India has both the top end and bottom covered. For eg TATA Comincations is the official networking provider for the entire Formula 1 sport.
I see it as good healthy competition , what is wrong in it.

Come on China , and come on India : you both can do it :enjoy:
China is far ahead of India in the supercomputing race. We started first but they beat us miserably. Anyways supercomputing is one field where a quick catchup is possible unlike infrastructure which can take decades. But the point is not to have supercomputers. Point is that has India industry reached the point where supercomputers are needed?? Well not yet!!. Anyhow, I would still support this initiative. India needs a strong electronics sector never the less.
Five years is a life time in computing. India WAS in the 4-5th place in 2007? That's seven, eight years ago!!!!
What progress has India made since then???? NOT MUCH!!!!!!
Russia is a long con and India is a perfect pigeon.
What can India offer to Russia but $$$$?
Talk about delusional!!!!
So is it still that it "may" happen, or are there any concrete deals yet?
China has the funds to invest and go it alone but for India and Russia it makes sense to work together in this field as we both parties can share the cost as well as the technology.
China has the funds to invest and go it alone but for India and Russia it makes sense to work together in this field as we both parties can share the cost as well as the technology.

Both India and Russia have the funds and talent to go it alone.
If tiny Switzerland can develop a supercomputer, then surely Russia and India can.
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