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India, Russia ink S-400 missile system deal

Here comes the rumor monger! The 126 Rafale deal was never signed, stop talking out of your arse.
Well i suggest you pull your head out of your own a$$ and get your pea brain active....what was the original MMRCA requirement.... comprehend before blabbering your habitual nonsense.

India had originally awarded Dassault an order for 126 Rafales in 2012 after the twin-engine fourth-generation fighter beat rivals in a decade-long selection process, but subsequent talks collapsed.

Lmao, this cunt's *** is on fire. Calm the fck down, just the deal has been signed, we haven't received the S-400 or Rafale's yet. You can start panicking the day we start inducting these platforms.

Here comes the rumor monger! The 126 Rafale deal was never signed, stop talking out of your arse.

Lol, I'm not the one swearing. Did I hit a poor slumdog nerve? :lol:
Typical Indian behaviour of washing the soap before hands and boxing above weight.
We saw the same racket when the deal for 126 Rafale was signed and six years later, look where it stands now, we also know how the Admiral Gorshkov went pair shaped, then the fanboys were raving over the MiG-29K.....terming it the best in Asia, whatever it's capabilities, with the IN it was once tethering at 15% operational availability.
Not to mention the struggling production and maintenance of the MKI.
As for S-400, if all goes to plan, it will be a few years before it becomes operational with Indian forces and who knows by then, what else would be sitting out there.
Here's a small example, when Tejas started life, there was no sign of say the JF-17.....and look where they both stand today.
Genuis, 126 rafale deal was neever signed. Dont pull out BS from your ...
It’s thread about S-400 not MMRCA , I think for Pakistan even 36 raffles are enough oh no they are not how can India forget the super PAF pilots of F-16 they can kill S-400 and Rafales in one eye blink ;) man behind machine
Well i suggest you pull your head out of your own a$$ and get your pea brain active....what was the original MMRCA requirement.... comprehend before blabbering your habitual nonsense.

India had originally awarded Dassault an order for 126 Rafales in 2012 after the twin-engine fourth-generation fighter beat rivals in a decade-long selection process, but subsequent talks collapsed.

Sir please share something when your PAF super pilots just blinked their eyes and S-400 get jammed instantaneously........
Hope you creatures will not waste the S-400 for blowing up any more balloons leave that to your Agni Pankh Patils.
India traded S-400 with Iranian Oil so there won't be any US sanctions.

Dodging S-400 will be whole different ball game for PAF pilots now though India always had S-300s so its not like a complete surprise package for our air force. However, Indian defense capabilities will be boosted tremendously.
India traded S-400 with Iranian Oil so there won't be any US sanctions.

Dodging S-400 will be whole different ball game for PAF pilots now though India always had S-300s so its not like a complete surprise package for our air force. However, Indian defense capabilities will be boosted tremendously.

Wishful thinking of Pakistanis.
It’s thread about S-400 not MMRCA , I think for Pakistan even 36 raffles are enough oh no they are not how can India forget the super PAF pilots of F-16 they can kill S-400 and Rafales in one eye blink ;) man behind machine
Well, after Rapptor of the East, the invincible, we are keen to hear what you creatures name the next thing.....may be Dalit.....so it's totally untouchable. :lol:
Well i suggest you pull your head out of your own a$$ and get your pea brain active....what was the original MMRCA requirement.... comprehend before blabbering your habitual nonsense.

India had originally awarded Dassault an order for 126 Rafales in 2012 after the twin-engine fourth-generation fighter beat rivals in a decade-long selection process, but subsequent talks collapsed.


The deal for 126 aircraft was never signed. Unlike Pakistan, India doesn't have unlimited amount of money and foreign exchange reserve. Instead of the 126, 36 Rafales were bought in G2G deal for now.

Now get back to your rumor mongering, perhaps call up some imaginary PAF base commander to get some "inside news". :rofl:
Another historic deal for poverty stricken, backward savages who have been dominated by Muslims since eternity :lol:

Tejashit is in gutter and rafaels are no where to be seen. Hindus have not fought one major history altering war in their recorded history and will never do so. No worries from these docile, weak peoples. Our armed forces will keep them caged inside their gangalands
Another historic deal for poverty stricken, backward savages who have been dominated by Muslims since eternity :lol:

Tejashit is in gutter and rafaels are no where to be seen. Hindus have not fought one major history altering war in their recorded history and will never do so. No worries from these docile, weak peoples. Our armed forces will keep them caged inside their gangalands

We did alter your history and geography in 1971 though :rofl:
The propaganda artists of enemy if put so much energy in their own things rather creating load of crap out of thin air but alas it is in their nature ,propaganda regarding S400 deal that somehow US decides on indian interests and india is subservient to US come from those who are subservient to other powers one way or the other for most part of their existence , India won't attack the enemy just because of S400 but it does keep the enemy off balance ,there won't be any war unless initiated by the enemy which has been there forte that is going to war without knowing about consequences ,don't think india is such naive
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