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India, Russia ink S-400 missile system deal

Of course If we buy Russian stuff it will hurt American Industry

And we always spend our own money to buy oil. We don't get it in aid or at subsidised rates
Actually it wont hurt American Industry but it will support Russian Industry Thats why they are After Blocking S400 Everywhere. They have plenty of Very Rich buyers who dont bother with Russian Weapons, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, NATO Countries, Canada, Israel, GCC Countries i.e the whole of the developed world having tons of Money. Russian weapons and Russian Inspired chinese Weapons are for the most part for us 3rd World Countries markets only.
They just want to kill Russian Defense Industry which is the only competitor to US in capability has having no control from the Yanks Washington.
Buy Russian Equipment more. Support them. We don't want Western Hegemony on Defense equipment.
Hold your fvcking horses. It is not us who are making claims about sanctions. It is your own master US which has promised to sanction those who purchase Russian military equipment. Also, it is the US which is looking for another oil supplier for India LOL

@ Moderators:

Please ban any topic citing this fake news source.
Another historic deal for poverty stricken, backward savages who have been dominated by Muslims since eternity :lol:

Tejashit is in gutter and rafaels are no where to be seen. Hindus have not fought one major history altering war in their recorded history and will never do so. No worries from these docile, weak peoples. Our armed forces will keep them caged inside their gangalands

Spot on , Hindus are dying of hunger , they don't ave the means to survive. Government is doing nothing for them and this BJP rapist is busy in dealing expensive gadgets.What good will it bring to you? Nothing.You will be still dusted if you ever poked you nose in our busniess.
The deal for 126 aircraft was never signed. Unlike Pakistan, India doesn't have unlimited amount of money and foreign exchange reserve. Instead of the 126, 36 Rafales were bought in G2G deal for now.

Now get back to your rumor mongering, perhaps call up some imaginary PAF base commander to get some "inside news". :rofl:
Feel sorry for you Dalit teacher that you have proved to be such a moron.
Even your former air force commanders are questioning as why the original requirement of 126 was cut back to just 36.......as for inside news, it's again beyond your ability to comprehend.

Spot on , Hindus are dying of hunger , they don't ave the means to survive. Government is doing nothing for them and this BJP rapist is busy in dealing expensive gadgets.What good will it bring to you? Nothing.You will be still dusted if you ever poked you nose in our busniess.
Feel sorry for you Dalit teacher that you have proved to be such a moron.
Even your former air force commanders are questioning as why the original requirement of 126 was cut back to just 36.......as for inside news, it's again beyond your ability to comprehend.

Yeah well its hard to comprehend bullshit pulled out of someone's arse. If the base commander is not available, you can always call up the military attache in Pakistani embassies around the world for exclusive insider news :lol:
INR is goin to the dogs daily , oil prices are increasing yet Hindustan traded less oil for s400 , comeon.
We did alter your history and geography in 1971 though :rofl:

You did neither of those. You just helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) win a CIVIL WAR against another Muslim side (us). THAT is your level of guaging historical military success? Civil wars? :rofl::lol:

No wonder weak hindus were conquered, plundered, and ruled over by superior Muslims for 1000s of years.

Muslims utterly erased indic civilization from Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, East Bengal, Sindh, North-Western subcontinent, and most of Punjab. Ancient homeland of hindus were divided into many, many parts after the dawn of Islam. THATS the real change in geography and history altering military conquests. Not interfering in a non-significant civil war :haha:
Hanuman is nothing in frot of devine F-16 Pakistani pilots ;)
Well when Hanuman is said to be conducting missions, it leaves out all the possibilities....no man or machine stands a chance. :(

Then why your army signed the instrument of surrender with Indian commanders you surrendered in front of us not Bengalis....
Just for your eyes

You did neither of those. You just helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) win a CIVIL WAR against another Muslim side (us). THAT is your level of guaging historical military success? Civil wars? :rofl::lol:

No wonder weak hindus were conquered, plundered, and ruled over by superior Muslims for 1000s of years.

Muslims utterly erased indic civilization from Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, East Bengal, Sindh, North-Western subcontinent, and most of Punjab. Ancient homeland of hindus were divided into many, many parts after the dawn of Islam. THATS the real change in geography and history altering military conquests. Not interfering in a non-significant civil war :haha:
Buying weapons doesn’t mean you are progressing. Building own weapons from own technology would show your real strength.Just one whomp from Trump’s sanction box and India has to retreat just like they had to retreat on Iran. You maybe smarter but you just can’t have it both ways. There’s no such thing in the era of Trump who needs loyalty more than diplomacy.Time will tell us soon.
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