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India, Russia ink S-400 missile system deal

I say THE SAME about ninja suits IN 30 DEGREES heat WTF LOL LOL LOL
Guess you ran out of words. So much for a comeback. :lol:

Nobody gives a damn for your fake cult and nobody converts to Sikhism either.

Not some unimportant community on the world stage.
I say THE SAME about ninja suits IN 30 DEGREES heat WTF LOL LOL LOL

Now you know what im talking about

Turbans, niqabs all these things are not of these countries

When things go tits up here do you think your hairy *** isnt going to get a full ramming from a racist public
We are going off TOPIC

With turbans & ninja suits

S400 and the kick *** system

:lol::lol::lol::lol::enjoy: Because you're lapdog of USA/West to contain China, that's why the don't bothering you

GAY SHUPA DUPA POWAA HIND OF THE UNIVERSE @Storm Force :sarcastic::sarcastic::suicide2::suicide::lol:;):enjoy:
Nice try. The level of intellect shows.
We don't fight China for Americans causes. When we do, it is for our border issues. State an example to support your absurd assertion.
Being in punjab you people should be the most peacenik like as in a full war punjab will be devastated

Nobody Wants War HUSSAIN

But like every nation WE WILL DEFEND our LAND our INTERESTS

and THE PUNJABIS and the SIKHS will be the FIRST TO FIGHT

regardless of the fact we only represent 2% of indian population YET make up over 13% of the military and over 40% of the officer corps .

Indian military & fighting is in the SIKH blood
Somebody who’s not afraid to shove your nose in shit, in your own house nonetheless. Now shut your whiny *** and stop crying little piglet.

Little kali mata piglet go r@pe someone and stop your r@ndi rona here.
Am aware of the article... but I provided another source which is a CNN network channel after the deal.. looks like you are awaiting for sanctions to India..
That another channel is also india based :)
Once the system becomes operational, fly a drone every now and then into the Indian territory.

But that being aside, haven't the Indians always bought latest toys and still failed to man up?

All the S-400 in the world cannot buy you balls.

India gets he latest tech from Russia, Pakistan gets it from China.

As far as Rafael is concerned, in the past the the Indians had bought the latest jets of that time.

As long as this S-400 deal gets Modi reelected, it is good in my books.
GAY SHUPA DUPA POWA HIND OF THE UNIVERSE @Osiris :lol::lol:;):enjoy:

Ohh how things have come a full circle. 5 decades back Ayub Khan said the same about Americans.
You people are never gonna learn.


Here is an example of Russian radar target acquisition ranges compared with target radar cross section:


For reference, the F-35 has an estimated frontal radar cross section of about 0.005 m2, while the F-22 has 0.0001 m2, according to GlobalSecurity.org; for reference, an insect is about 0.001 m2 on a radar. These are likely estimates/assessments, as actual data tends to be highly secretive.

So while the S-400 could probably detect the system, this would likely be at a relatively close range. One of the most important air superiority missions flown by the United States is “SEAD”, or Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. One of the primary SEAD weapons is the AGM-88 HARM (“High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile”) missile, which locks onto active radars on the ground. Theoretically you could turn off your radar and the HARM wouldn’t be able to track you anymore, but later versions of the HARM missile have countermeasures to take that into account.

The latest version of the HARM is the AGM-88E AARM-ER (“Advanced Anti-Radiation Missile, Extended Range”), which fits in the internal bays of the F-35 (and therefore, the F-35 would maintain its stealthy nature). The missile itself has an operational range of around 300 km due to a new motor that doubles the range from previous versions. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of how far away the missile could detect a radar and obtain a lock. The F-35’s own passive sensors (passive radar + EODAS/SAIRST) could also detect a radar and transmit its location to the missile, but again, I’m not sure of the max detection range of these systems, as they are passive, not active, systems.

So, in summary, the U.S.’s likely primary method to achieve air superiority in an environment where S-400’s are known to be deployed will likely involve extensive use of stealth fighters (particularly the F-35, as it can internally hold SEAD-capable HARM missiles; the F-22 cannot internally carry these). How effective these things are at that role is something that is reserved for expert military analysts and assessments, using data, intelligence, and information that common people like me do not have access to.

One thing is likely for certain: any environment with the S-400 will be highly dangerous for legacy 4th and 4.5th generation planes used for SEAD. The U.S. has historically relied on the F/A-18 Hornet, particularly the E/F Super Hornet variants (Navy), and the F-16 Fighting Falcon (Air Force) for these purposes. These planes have larger radar cross sections (~1 m2 for the F/A-18; ~1.2 m2 for the F-16C), so they’d be detected from further away, certainly enough to rule these aircraft out when it comes to SEAD against S-400 and the future S-500.

(This is part of why I’m appalled Trump has asked Boeing to offer the F/A-18E/F Advanced Super Hornet as a competition to the F-35. The Advanced Super Hornet, while certainly better than previous Super Hornet and Hornet variants, will never be as low observable as the F-35. While it can perform many functions that are currently needed, what happens when the U.S. goes to war against a country equipped with newer technology that isn’t from the Cold War? The F-35, all absurd numbers of them that the U.S. wants to build, are absolutely essential for American military capability for the next few decades. The entirety of the U.S. doctrine relies on first establishing aerial supremacy, and SEAD is one of the fundamental aspects of doing so. I firmly hope that Trump’s message to Boeing is solely intended to make Lockheed Martin get its act together on the F-35, and not for the purpose of actually supplanting planned F-35’s with F/A-18’s. They’ve already cut a lot of planned F-22’s in favor of the cheaper F-35; don’t cut more stealth fighters that are deemed essential for future U.S. military capability.)

In conclusion, stealth fighters, in addition to electronic warfare techniques, cruise missiles launched from ships, etc. are likely to form the backbone of the future American forces’ defense against systems like the S-400 and S-500.

Nobody Wants War HUSSAIN

But like every nation WE WILL DEFEND our LAND our INTERESTS

and THE PUNJABIS and the SIKHS will be the FIRST TO FIGHT

regardless of the fact we only represent 2% of indian population YET make up over 13% of the military and over 40% of the officer corps .

Indian military & fighting is in the SIKH blood

Then you will be truly homeless..

Pakistan will defend its land and people, Kashmir is unfinished business unlike dickless Sikhs, kashmiris want freedom from a hindu india as per The whole point of Partition

We will continue to counter any indian action and plan to defend ourselves
Then you will be truly homeless..

Pakistan will defend its land and people, Kashmir is unfinished business unlike dickless Sikhs, kashmiris want freedom from a hindu india as per The whole point of Partition

We will continue to counter any indian action and plan to defend ourselves

Your not getting Indian Kashmir
And those Kashmiris are Indians
the Sikhs are not getting Khalistan ITS bunch loser Sikhs
Pakistan is far too weak both economically & politically/diplomatically to force a Kashmir change
Don't even go down the military route … You no chance

look at China they will never get Taiwan. USA will not let it happen
Arabs will never get palestine
Kashmir is no issue its outsiders causing trouble
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