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India running phensidyl industry to destroy Bangladeshi youth

Well then Indians will blame India government and authorities for their inabilities to stop smuggling of Weapons into India .....unlike people like you who blame India for every incompetence of your country.

But contrary to your BS, indian media and govt blame other countries for indian prediciments. And here is the sample to expose your typical indian deception.

China supplying arms to Maoists: India

Sun 8th Nov 2009 14:13:39 New Delhi, Nov 8: In a stunning revelation Home Secretary G K Pillai has accused China of arming the Maoists. He said India was aware that China was supplying small arms to Maoists and taking all necessary steps to counter it.
21 illegal phensidyl factories operate in Kolkata for smuggling produce to Bangladesh

As many as 21 illegal phensidyl factories operate in Kolkata from where the adulterated narcotic syrup is smuggled into Bangladesh, according to concerned sources.

Intelligence officials here said Phensidyl, a drug generally used for easing coughs, is being produced in India. But the adulterated stuff is being produced in Kolkata and smuggled into Bangladesh after bottling in villages close to the border.

Paramilitary Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) has seized around 12.5 lakh bottles of adulterated phensidyl in last five years to March this year. “This is a small part of the total volume of phensidyl that is smuggled into the country,” said one official.

The border guards seized 2.2 lakh bottles of phensydil in 2001, 1.85 lakh in 2002, 2.40 lakh in 2003, 3 lakh in 2004, 2.6 lakh and 48 thousand bottles during the last three months from January to March, BDR sources said.

The spurious phensidyl factories are situated at Chandani Chau Street, Karbala Road, Pias Lane, Tapashia Road, Chatawala Goli, Tiljala Road, Iqbalpur Road in Kolkata, DB Road in Hawra, DB Road of Consuspara in North 24 Parganas, North Toposhia Road in Kolkata, PM Basti, 2nd By-lane in Hawra, 60 Toposhia Road, Picnic Garden Road, Mahta Building, Loghar Chitpur Road, 88A Modan Mohan Barman Street, 72 Modan Mohan Barman Street, Tangri P-1-2 of Ishshor Mondol Lane, Poddar Court near Raymond Showroom, and Dip Electronics of Polok Street in Kolkata.

The intelligence sources said adulterated Phensidyl is transported in plastic jerrycans weighing 10/20 litres each. The bottles of different sizes are sent separately to the border area from Kolkata Bagrimarket. Labels for bottle are also printed in small presses.

Process of bottling is carried out in the townships adjoining the Bangladesh-India border, the sources said.

They named the processing places as Araitila and Bisshramganj of West Tripura District, Shantir Bazar near Belonia of South Tripura district, Indronagar Kalibari and Durga Choumuhoni near Agartola, Baranggapara (Dalu) under West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya, Murabari, Nabinagar and office tila of Udaypur Subdivision, Rupaichari and Manu Bazar of Sarbu Subdivision and Brajopur of Gondachara Subdivision.

But contrary to your BS, indian media and govt blame other countries for indian prediciments. And here is the sample to expose your typical indian deception.

I am sure you have not seen the kind of treatment ..India officials have been getting from India public ....for their inabilities to deliver their duties .....on the same issue....but you would not know that...or you simply chose to ignore them.
You must not came out of the hole for last 40 years , so still locked up in refugee obsession.

Buddy I grew up in the East .... 180 kms from Kolkata. You still want to argue that your refugees stopped coming across in hordes post 1971?

Please give me a break ..... and be grateful that my tax money feeds your countrymen, so that you can save yours sitting in the US, while abusing me and my country and my countrymen on a forum run by the same country whose leader called you guys sons of pigs and from whom my country delivered you less than 40 years ago, by spilling the blood of its own sons.

A healthy dose of Indian-bottled "reality" for you .... to chase that Phensy.

Cheers, Doc
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Another.. ploy of india to DESTROY bangladesh..!!!! ;)) cigrates or alchol that might be available in bangladesh are all ploys by the countries which might export them to bangladesh.. ;)) But i dont understand.. what would india gain by intoxicating poor bangladeshi people..!!!!
Buddy I grew up in the East .... 180 kms from Kolkata. You still want to argue that your refugees stopped coming across in hordes post 1971?

Please give me a break ..... and be grateful that my tax money feeds your countrymen, so that you can save yours sitting in the US, while abusing me and my country and my countrymen on a forum run by the same country whose leader called you guys sons of pigs and from whom my country delivered you from nearly 40 years ago.

A healthy dose of Indian-bottled "reality" for you .... to go with the Phensy.

Cheers, Doc

Well if you grew up with lesson that we as Bangladeshi owe you something then you should go back ask the people who taught you the following - What do we owe Bangladesh for saving us from our enemy??? How many of our people feed from earning from export and smuggling to Bangladesh??
Perils of a cough syrup aggrevated by smuggling

Phensidyl is a codeine based popular cough syrup, which the kids like me were used to be prescribed in late 70s. Some discovered that if the whole bottle is consumed then it acts like a narcotic. In the early 80s, it was banned in Bangladesh under the new drug policy. But consumption of Phensidyl increased day-by-day since it became a contraband item. When Bangladeshi companies stopped producing it, Indian companies picked up the production adding sedative drugs to meet the demand through smuggling. Till today more than 3,000 of illegal drug factories were set up at bordering Indian villages and semi-urban areas along the India Bangladesh border. According to an Indian source, phensidyl is also being produced in Gujarat, Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Tripura, Orissa, Rajasthan and other states of India maintaining a relatively higher quality but little of the "quality drugs" reach to Bangladesh. These drugs are rarely consumed in India and almost wholly smuggled to Bangladesh. Because of the availability of liquor in India this has not made any impact among the Indian youths. But as liquor is banned in Bangladesh, Phensidyl has become popular among the youth as a drug. Moreover it generates no bad odor from the person who consumes it and usually arouse no extreme behaviors in them. The consumer becomes numb and feels drowsy. So the consumption is usually undetectable by the parents and surroundings. The authorities in Bangladesh are trying in vain to control the peddling of Phensidyl within Bangladesh.

This report claims that:

The frontier villagers believe that a section of Indian village level leadership or Panchayet, Border security Force (BSF) officials, some political leaders were actively supporting the drug production but do not allow their marketing in India.

The Border Security Force in India, Bangladesh Rifles, coastguard, customs and police all are beneficiaries of this trade in Bangladesh. The fact that should rise concern of many that there are some 20 lakh drug addicts in Bangladesh and they spend Tk 134 crore a month on drugs. A large portion of them are Phensidyl addicts.

Now both India and Bangladesh should look into the issue seriously and stop the smuggling. If this can be prevented then the illegal productions along the border regions will shut down and millions can be saved from this cough syrup turned drug.

On other hand this reveals why there is a rise in motorcycle theft in greater Kolkata (India) in this monsoon season.

The vehicles are smuggled into Bangladesh. The four-stroke engines of motorcycles are fitted in country boats in Bangladesh. The demand rises during the monsoon, when more boats are in operation.

Another reason to curb illegal border trade both by Bangladesh & India for the benefit of both the countries.
Well if you greww up with lesson that we as Bangladeshi owe you something then you should go back ask the people who taught you the following - What do we owe Bangladesh for saving us from our enemy??? How many of our people feed from earning from export and smuggling to Bangladesh??

There you have it...its your jeleousy...your incompetency.....that is causing such BS on this forum.......

You want to blame India for everything that your country is not doing for you......
Organised syndicates smuggling Indian contraband drugs

RANGPUR, Aug 16:- Unabated flow of smuggled Indian phensidyl, heroine, ganja, wine, pathedrine and other contraband drugs into Bangladesh is continuing through the north-western borders from Satkhira to Kurigram areas by organised syndicates in recent years, reports BSS.

Trafficking of such harmful drugs has reached enormous proportions following clandestine growth of spurious drug factories inside the Indian frontiers creating a real threat to the young generations of Bangladesh, concerned sources and frontier people said.

Law enforcing agencies and sources close to the drug trafficking said that the low-quality and spurious phensidyl produced in those factories set up by Indian businessmen are not at all being consumed or marketed inside India but are totally smuggled into Bangladesh making a brisk business of millions of taka every month by the syndicates.

Most of these drug factories have reportedly been set up inside India along the borders of Jessore, Meherpur, Kushtia, Chapainawabganj, Naogaon, Joypurhat, Dinajpur, Thakurgaon, Panchagarh, Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat and Kurigram districts within a range of half a kilometre to 10 kilometre from the zero line of the common borders.

About 2,000 such drug factories have sprung up across the borderlines as cottage industries engaging over 3,000 Indian nationals there permanently to run the most profitable drug business in the Bangladeshi market.

The worst side of the trade is that these factories produce spurious drugs without maintaining any standard endangering the lives of thousands of Bangladeshi youths both in rural and urban areas throughout the country.

Officials and elite in the northwestern frontier areas told BSS recently that phensidyl was once a widely prescribed cough syrup in the country. But since it’s banning in 1980s, the Indian drug traders are producing sedative chemicals and marketing as phensidyl through illegal ways in Bangladesh and a section of our youths are consuming these spurious and harmful drugs everyday.

According to some competent sources along the frontiers, phensidyl is also being produced in Guzrat, Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, Tripura, Rajasthan and Orissya of India maintaining higher quality to consume these products as medicine inside India.

“But only a very little quantity of these quality phensidyl reach Bangladesh. Nobody can find a single Indian drug-addict to consume phensidyl as a drug anywhere in India which proves that Bangladeshi youths are targeted for consumption of the spurious drugs produced in India,” they said.

Concerned officials said besides the harmful phensidyl, huge quantities of different brands of Indian wines, heroine, ganja, Pathedrine, sex stimulating tablets, narcotic substances and other drugs are being smuggled into Bangladesh through the bordering areas everyday. Only a very little percentage of these smuggled items are seized by the BDR personnel and other law enforcing agencies.

Sources along the north-western borders said after bottling of phensidyl, the factory owners bring the chemicals to warehouses along the borderlines from where a large number of Bangladeshi men, women and children are used to smuggle those inside Bangladesh at dead of nights.

The smuggled-in drugs are then stockpiled in the similar warehouses or thatched houses in bordering Bangladeshi villages before being sent inside the country through different routes and using different modes of transports. “ Syndicates of drug smugglers of both sides are so cooperative that their transactions are generally made through Hundi,” sources said.

A BDR source said, BDR jawans under Dinajpur sector seized over 1.5 lakh bottles of phensidyl, 7,000 bottles of wines, 10 kgs of heroine, over 138 kgs of ganja , huge quantities of pathedrine and other drugs since January 1, 2003 from the 498 km- long common borders in Naogaon, Joypurhat, Dinajpur and Thakurgaon.

Over 600 drug-traffickers were also arrested during the period. Chapainwabganj battalion of BDR also seized huge quantities of such drugs during the same period.

The drug smugglers are so organised that once they attacked BDR personnel on July 15 and August 7 last year when the BDR men challenged them near the zero-line in Hilli border under Hakimpur upazila of Dinajpur. The BDR men were forced to open 33 rounds of blank fire and seized huge quantities of phensidyl, pathedrine and other drugs from the spot.

you need to educated your youth dont drink it, Now dont tell people from India come and Pour forceful into Bangladeshi youth and came back to India......

If INdian yourth dont drink why your youth drinking it?
If INdian yourth dont drink why your youth drinking it?

Border security Force (BSF) officials, some political leaders were actively supporting the drug production but do not allow their marketing in India.
Mate there are various medicines even like IODEX, which is NOT used for oral consumption, yet used in parts of india as drugs.

The problem Exists in India as well not only in Bangladesh. So Its false to say that ONLY Bangladesh has such issues.

India is a leading Medicine manufactuerer in the world.
We have to meet the demands of 110 Crore people.
These people get cough and feel pain .. They need Cough Syrup and Pain Killers.
How can we stop its manufacture ? is it Logical ?

The Issue is Genuine but then Which country is NOT affected with Drug Addiction and If u cant Stop the production of Cocaine, Heroine and Similar Stuff whats real gain to Stop the manufacture of a "Legal Cough Syrup" ?
Border security Force (BSF) officials, some political leaders were actively supporting the drug production but do not allow their marketing in India.

T-50/idune, sorry to burst your bubbles, but there are many Phensy/Cori addicts in India.

The Indian govt. has tried everything.

First they reduced the quantity of codeine ..... the addicts just drank more of it in titrated doses.

Then they removed codeine altogether ...... the addicts sought out and found newer substitutes ..... Linctus Codeinae ..... with new formulations and substitutes.

Then they tried to ban codeine containing cough syrups altogether ..... the addicts shifted to Codeine Sulphate tablets.

And there are always afeem (opium) golis available everywhere to give you a similar though much stronger and lasting trip.

As long as there are drugs of abuse, there will be abusers.

And they will always be one step ahead of the authorities.

When it percolates beyond leisure use in college, and starts affecting the productive years of your youth, that is where the problem starts.

You see it rampant in Iran and Pakistan too don't you (of course, and Afghanistan too .....)? Entire generations drugged out of their skulls. Afeem, ganja, charas ..... the Golden Crescent. And who can forget China when we are talking opium.

It comes from a pervasive cultural feeling of despodency and hopelessness and frustration. It comes from unemployment and poverty and lack of opportunities. Its an escape route from the harsh glare of real life. Your govt. needs to tackle that first and stop blaming India.

Cheers, Doc
Oh Hello i just replying to idene which is on India bashing , If tomorrow, Sun start rising from West , then he blame on india also for this. :rofl:
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