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India running phensidyl industry to destroy Bangladeshi youth


Dec 14, 2008
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Stop phensidyl marketing
O H Kabir

We have made enquiries with narcotic officials, police and BDR personnel, railway guards, bus and truck drivers, medical and drug stores and many others. They have told us that phensidyl is not produced in our country, there is not a single phensedyl factory in our country.

Where from, how and why thousands of bottles of phensidyl are being sold in almost all cities, towns, markets and bazaars of Bangladesh?

In many areas of West Bengal and Assam of India bordering Bangladesh, Indian Marwaris have set up phensidyl factories and they are producing huge quantities of phensidyl for consumption in Bangladesh for their financial interest.

They in collaboration with some Bangladeshi terrorists and miscreants smuggle out thousands of bottles of Indian phensidyl for marketing and sale in our country and earn crores of taka every year at the cost of sweat and blood of our poor people.

The affects of phensidyl are very dreadful and harmful. Our people, mostly the young generation, unemployed youths, students and frustrated poor workers get intoxicated with phensidyl and they commit all sorts of crimes -- hijacking, rape and murder.

We don't understand why different law enforcing authorities have so far failed to stop smuggling of phensedyl from India.
We are also surprised why our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not lodged any protest with its Indian counterpart or raised the question of illegal production of phensidyl in West Bengal and Assam and large scale smuggling into Bangladesh at the SAARC conference or the SAARC Secretariat as yet?

We would also like to mention here that different government organisations and NGO's in our country are making an all out campaign against smoking and Aids but we are shocked to see that they are not taking any action to stop phensedyl consumption by the future generation of our country.

Firearm, phensidyl seized, 2 held UNB, C'NAWABGANJ

Aug 24: BDR jawans, in separate drives, here seized one revolver, 850 bottles of Indian phensidyl syrup and 470 Indian intoxicating injections and held two drug peddlers on Friday and Saturday.
Sources said Sona Masjid land port workers caught Indian truck helper Aiyub Sheikh of Maldaha district of West Bengal while he was selling 470 intoxicating injections to local drug peddler Shafiqul Islam on Saturday noon. They later handed over Aiyub and Shafiq to the BDR members.

In another incident, a BDR team recovered 850 bottles of Indian phensidyl syrup from a boat on the river Paddma near bordering Bakchar area in Sadar upazila at about noon. No body could be arrested in this connection as the peddlers managed to flee the scene.

:: The Daily Independent Bangladesh :.. Internet Edition
PHENSIDYL: a problem for youths in Burma

July 5, 2001; Mizzima News Group (Mizzima News)

While consignments of Burma's heroin are making their way from the
border areas of the country into the north-eastern states of India,
Phensidyl a legal cough syrup in India has been smuggled through the
same routes into Burma.
Phensidyl has become a problem for Burma since many youngsters in the country consume it as drug. The youngsters particularly in the cities imbibe Phensidyl to escape their sense of disillusionment and frustration over the country's situation. Under the military junta, which tightly controls the country and does not allow any political organizational activities, many university students and youth spend their time at tea shops or isolated places to consume Phensidyl or other psychotropic substances.

While a bottle of Phensidyl (which has 10% of Codeine) is sold at 39
Indian rupee in the chemist's in Delhi, it is traded at around 5,000
kyat when it reaches to the cities in Burma. That is about 15 times of
the price in Delhi. In fact, many government servants from Tamu of Burma come to opposite Moreh town in Manipur just to imbibe phensidyl, according to local people.

Phensidyl is being smuggled across the Indo-Burma border areas like
Moreh in Manipur and Aizawl in Mizoram state. Moreover, India's
Phensidyl crosses to Bangladesh and then through the Bangladesh-Burma border, it is smuggled into Burma's cities.

It is clear that several Burmese military officers, police and custom
personnel stationed along the borders are involved in these smuggling
rackets. One will have to pass through several check-points of various
security forces while traveling from the country's border areas to the
cities inside Burma. The smugglers give "bribe" or "Line Kyay" (haftha
money) to the security personnel so that their contrabands are not

There are some cases when the Burmese security forces seized Phensidyls and other drugs. But, most of them are small-scale smugglers and the "big" smugglers are not caught. Even if they are caught (very rarely), they come back clean after paying heavy bribe to concerned security persons. And most of these big smugglers are in tow of military officers in high places.

Nowadays, the youngsters in Burma are turning their eyes to other
Psychotropic substances such as diazepam, amphetamines, nitrazepam and even the preparation Spasmo Proxyvon (which contains dextropropoxyphene, a synthetic opioid used as an analgesic). As Phensidyl is becoming expensive whereas other drug-like tablets are easily available with cheaper price, many youngsters in Burma start using the "tablets".

Phensidyl is the problem not only for Burma but also for Nepal,
Bangladesh and even north eastern states of India since increasing
number of students and youth in these countries are consuming it as
drug. The International Narcotics Control Board in its latest report has
pointed out that the abuse of psychotropic substances has drastically
increased in Asia in the past few years. "In Bangladesh, the abuse of
the codeine-based cough syrup Phensidyl has continued and there has been an alarming increase in the smuggling of Phensidyl from India". "Illicit methamphetamine laboratories continue to operate in the border areas between Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand and between Myanmar and China", said its report 2000.
So you want India to stop factories...but you wont stop Bangladeshis from Consuming it.....

No we want all Indian foxes to become beautiful deer of Sundarban, I mean becoming honest after leaving treacheries like putting more codeine on those Fencies, which are specifically made off for Badeshi youths.
The affects of phensidyl are very dreadful and harmful. Our people, mostly the young generation, unemployed youths, students and frustrated poor workers get intoxicated with phensidyl and they commit all sorts of crimes -- hijacking, rape and murder.

What crap. Journalists really should try the stuff they are writing about before indulging in finger-diarrhea.

Like any other opioid, both corex and phensy leave you in a semi-awake drowzy stupor where all you want to do is listen to trance/house, chain smoke cigarettes, and drink endless cups of hot sweet tea ..... all against the backdrop of a heavy trip of undiluted euphoria and feeling of well being and happy all-the-world-is-my-brother type thoughts.

Most definitely not the state where you get up and go out to rape and murder somebody.

But yes, not conducive to any type of mental/physical work either ...... and very addictive (psychologically and physically), unlike dope. Ditto with Iodex, which is more the NE trip, than cori/phensy as mentioned above.

Cheers, Doc
What crap. Journalists really should try the stuff they are writing about before indulging in finger-diarrhea.

Like any other opioid, both corex and phensy leave you in a semi-awake drowzy stupor where all you want to do is listen to trance/house, chain smoke cigarettes, and drink endless cups of hot sweet tea ..... all against the backdrop of a heavy trip of undiluted euphoria and feeling of well being and happy all-the-world-is-my-brother type thoughts.

Most definitely not the state where you get up and go out to rape and murder somebody.

But yes, not conducive to any type of mental/physical work either ...... and very addictive (psychologically and physically), unlike dope. Ditto with Iodex, which is more the NE trip, than cori/phensy as mentioned above.

Cheers, Doc

If so, as a doctor please prescribe this to Mr.Idune. He badly needs one of this kind...:lol:
What crap. Journalists really should try the stuff they are writing about before indulging in finger-diarrhea.

What bothers me more is that certain members actually believe the GoI is doing this to destroy Bangladeshi youth. What's up with all this paranoia doc?

Like any other opioid, both corex and phensy leave you in a semi-awake drowzy stupor where all you want to do is listen to trance/house, chain smoke cigarettes, and drink endless cups of hot sweet tea ..... all against the backdrop of a heavy trip of undiluted euphoria and feeling of well being and happy all-the-world-is-my-brother type thoughts.

I should've gone to med school in India :lol:, the states isn't half bad though ;)

Most definitely not the state where you get up and go out to rape and murder somebody.

You know it.

But yes, not conducive to any type of mental/physical work either ...... and very addictive (psychologically and physically), unlike dope.

Maybe India is doing all this to 'ruin' BD's glorious economy and culture :devil: damn those sneaky, spindly legged hindus! Lets dump all our failures on them! :hitwall::hitwall:
Indians sprung up these phensidyl factories along the bordering states knowing very well these are used as drugs and destrying youths. Indian govt after repeated complain just looked the other way. Now indians dont like their drug lord like face in the mirror and crying wolf. What a pathetic bunch!!
Indians sprung up these phensidyl factories along the bordering states knowing very well these are used as drugs and destrying youths. Indian govt after repeated complain just looked the other way. Now indians dont like their drug lord like face in the mirror and crying wolf. What a pathetic bunch!!

Bangladeshis cant stop their countrymen from helping spread the use of phensidryl nor can they themselves stop consuming it. Bangladeshi govt. cant provide jobs to these unemployed youths neither can it control its own citizens selling it, so the media starts blaming India. So the Bangladeshis dont like their junkie and helpless face in the mirror. What a pathetic bunch!!
What's up with all this paranoia doc?

Search me buddy. For the life of me I have not been able to figure out why the Bangladeshis dislike us so much. Pakistanis I can understand ..... but why these guys. We give them a country. We let them keep the country. We harbour and feed their destitute in the millions. And they hate us. Why bother ....

I should've gone to med school in India :lol:, the states isn't half bad though ;)

:cheers: Med schools the world over are the best man ..... one needs to experiment in pharmacology first before prescribing the same. ;) And some like the AFMC never ever grew out of the the flower-power era ..... :whistle:

Cheers, Doc
Bangladeshis cant stop their countrymen from helping spread the use of phensidryl nor can they themselves stop consuming it. Bangladeshi govt. cant provide jobs to these unemployed youths neither can it control its own citizens selling it, so the media starts blaming India. So the Bangladeshis dont like their junkie and helpless face in the mirror. What a pathetic bunch!!

Did indians able to produce anything other than copy and paste??? Well beyond indian inventive predicament, Bangladesh has been cracking down as much as possible but with indian authorities actively supporting these drug industries along the borders, its not possible for any one to stop the sort of destruction india is causing. Indian is the source of the problem and thats where it need to be addressed. If one take your logic at work then any one can say that there are great demand of arms and ammunation among few dozens independent seeking group inside india, so why not make business out of that. Lets see how that goes down your throat??
Did indians able to produce anything other than copy and paste??? Well beyond indian inventive predicament, Bangladesh has been cracking down as much as possible but with indian authorities actively supporting these drug industries along the borders, its not possible for any one to stop the sort of destruction india is causing. Indian is the source of the problem and thats where it need to be addressed. If one take your logic at work then any one can say that there are great demand of arms and ammunation among few dozens independent seeking group inside india, so why not make business out of that. Lets see how that goes down your throat??

Stop getting all worked up buddy. Its free market dynamics at play here ..... there is demand and there is supply ..... across a porous border.

So we send a few bottles of cough syrup across ..... while you send across millions of refugees ..... now if thats not a trade deficit, I don't know what is.

Cheers, Doc
Did indians able to produce anything other than copy and paste???

This is coming from the biggest Xerox Machine on the forum.....:oops:

Well beyond indian inventive predicament, Bangladesh has been cracking down as much as possible but with indian authorities actively supporting these drug industries along the borders, its not possible for any one to stop the sort of destruction india is causing.

Well slam your Government agencies for being unsuccessful...

If a drug is not legal in Bangladesh and Legal in India ...Bangladesh Authorities should make efforts that smuggling is stopped...now don't blame your own incompetence on India.

Indian is the source of the problem and thats where it need to be addressed.

Only for people like you ...who have a tendency to see snake in every rope..

If one take your logic at work then any one can say that there are great demand of arms and ammunation among few dozens independent seeking group inside india, so why not make business out of that. Lets see how that goes down your throat??

Well then Indians will blame India government and authorities for their inabilities to stop smuggling of Weapons into India .....unlike people like you who blame India for every incompetence of your country.
Stop getting all worked up buddy. Its free market dynamics at play here ..... there is demand and there is supply ..... across a porous border.

So we send a few bottles of cough syrup across ..... while you send across millions of refugees ..... now if thats not a trade deficit, I don't know what is.

Cheers, Doc

You must not came out of the hole for last 40 years , so still locked up in refugee obsession. Other than that freee market demand of arms and amuunation in indian North East are very good, I am sure there many interested parties on that business.
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