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India retaliates

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That the maid was underpaid is ONLY a CLAIM.

The maid shared a Luxury apartment with the Indian Ambasedor. The Rent for a Luxury apartment in New York is around 4,000 $. That would mean that the Maid's share is 2,000 $ per month.

The food expense in new York is easily another 500 $ per month. A chaufer driven car is another 100$ a day. That is easily around 2000$ a month.

Add that up along with her salary, the total CTC of the maid comes to 2,000$ + 500$ + 2000$ + 750$ = 5,250$ a month.

There is not even a prima facie evidence of labor exploitation.
exactly.this is what i mentioned.perhaps everybody who is thinking that the diplomat did some terrible mistake might answer that.
Indian overreact to the incident, Indian diplomat posted bail after the arrest, now she can hire a lawyer to defend her in the court of law. This just how the police perform their duty in the US search and handcuff suspect.

:) India is putting alot of pressure
Are you kidding?
Compared to Pakistan, China and other countries, India is getting the warm fuzzies from the western media.

Anyway, it's unlikely India will arrest any gay American diplomats, so it doesn't matter.

Meh...just you wait..until you hear more news on small penis, rapists Indians , danger for women..etc...etc.. etc...
Could be normal procedure for ordinary people. For diplomats... rules of engagement is different than normal.

A criminal is a criminal, not much different between a diplomat or ordinary people commit a crime.

:) India is putting alot of pressure

The diplomat humiliated the Indian government with her transgression but the Indian government take it out on the US for properly handle the arresting procedure.
Love the avatar....do you score chicks for hot beards there?

No, I don't have any beard or mustache. This avatar was a direct response to some Pakistani guy who had put something weird about India in his avatar. (These guys were protesting against American drone strikes in Pakistan. Hence I made it as my avatar in response)
Way to go. Give respect and take respect. If this doesn't stop here, that time ain't far when a low profile US diplomat can anytime be arrested even on false charges just to give a clear message. US should keep this sort of behavior limited to its proxies and stooges...not India.
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Way to go. Give respect and take respect. If this doesn't stop here, that time ain't far when a low profile US diplomat can anytime be arrested even on false charges just to give a clear message. US should keep this short of behavior limited to its proxies and stooges...not India.

lol, each and every barrier outside US embassy just vanished , you can even go there and take photos ...the only thing left there is a gate ....
US law superseded any foreign diplomat protocol.
A criminal is a criminal, not much different between a diplomat or ordinary people commit a crime.

The diplomat humiliated the Indian government with her transgression but the Indian government take it out on the US for properly handle the arresting procedure.

how do you see it? this will result in?
A criminal is a criminal, not much different between a diplomat or ordinary people commit a crime.

There is a reason why we have something called Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. These kinda issues falls under it's purview & hence different rules of engagement. If everything falls under the purview of host countries law & legalities, there is no point in having diplomatic immunity.
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