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India Requires Russian Nod to Arm Su-30MKI With Israeli Derby Missiles


Jul 10, 2017
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India Requires Russian Nod to Arm Su-30MKI With Israeli Derby Missiles Published June 15,
2019 | By admin SOURCE : SPUTNIK Amid reports of India planning to arm its fleet of Su-30MKI multirole fighter jets with Israeli Derby missiles, the Indian Defence Ministry requires Russia’s permission to make changes in the frontline fighter of the Indian Air Force (IAF), sources said. According to Indian defence sources, as per the “licence technical documentation”, any modification to integrate third country armaments requires the original equipment manufacturer’s permission. Last month, several reports suggested that the IAF was planning to integrate Israeli Rafale’s I-Derby missile with the Su-30MKI by 2022 in view of the limited range of the R-77 BVR missile currently fielded on the fighter. Meanwhile, the Russian missile manufacturer Vympel, which is part of Russia’s consolidated JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV), offered the RVV-MD short-range missile, the RVV-SD medium-range missile, and the RVV-BD long-range missile to India. The other BVR missile in the IAF inventory — MBDA Mica, fitted on the Mirage — cannot be integrated with the Su-30MKI because of restrictions of the French government. The I-Derby extended range beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) is considered to be a highly capable weapon for medium and short range engagements, and is equipped with a software-defined radar seeker and a dual-pulse solid rocket motor to provide the missile a “fire and forget” engagement capability, beyond visual range and under all weather conditions. The missile has a range of 100 km and has been selected to be the primary air-to-air missile to arm the IAF’s Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) following successful test-firings in July 2018. Currently, around 200 Su-30MKIs multirole fighter jet are operational in the IAF. State-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has been producing and assembling the aircraft under licence production from Russia. Besides an earlier contract of supplying 272 Su-30MKI to the IAF, the Bangalore-based firm has also offered to license-produce 40 additional Su-30MKIs; however, no decision has been made to date.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/india-requires-russian-nod-to-arm-su-30mki-with-israeli-derby-missiles/ .
I said it before Russia wont give permission.
ha ha.. no way Russia wants Israel poking around their top of the line radar !!
so first india claimed raphail hota to baat banti, as all Russian fighters are useless.....now They are saying, India can make Russian fighters usable if Israeli mejails can work with Russian fighters.....

Russia must be very desperate to keep selling arms to Shupa powa 2012.
Where and why not Indian own highly claimed Astra ??

Astra has already been integrated with Su30 and orders have been placed for Astra missile to be produced to be part of weapons package of Su30 and Tejas. IDerby is a long range missile and it seems R77 isnt doing the job.

Yes Russian permission is required and talks are going on.
india always requires someone's Nod to do something all the time.. that's why they are primitive Red indians they even named their country india.
MKI's avionics already has good portion of non-Russian equipments. Integrating iDerby-ER therefore will not have much trouble. Even Aur launched version of stunner (when it matures) might get integrated .
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