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India releases water into River Sutlej, worsens flood in nearby villages


Jan 3, 2010
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India releases water into River Sutlej, worsens flood in nearby villages – The Express Tribune

LAHORE: One hundred thousand cusecs of water will pass through Head Ganda Singh within 18 hours — a record amount since the last 25 years, reported Express News.

India released water into River Sutlej for the second time despite flooding in nearby villages. As a result, villages located by the river bank will most likely be destroyed completely while more than 50 villages near the river will suffer damage.

These villages are being evacuated by rescue teams and the residents are being taken to relief camps on higher ground.

The flood in River Ravi has so far deluged 17 villages including Dalwan, Chishtian, Hashim Chakreeb, Jungle Seet and Bhopri in Mian Channu. Some of the villagers have alleged that not opening the gates of Head Sidhnai could have saved them by causing water level in the river to fall but this was not done.

In Kasur, crops over hundreds of acres of land have been damaged and several villages inundated due to flood in River Sutlej. The flood has so far affected Ganda Singhwala, Bhikki Wind, Gitti Kalunger, Nagar Aimen, Mahiwala, Talwar Post, Basti Bangladesh and Bilalwala.
The health, livestock and other departments concerned have set up camps to vaccinate livestock.

The Khanewal district administration has said that it is prepared to deal with any emergency in Kabirwala and Mian Channu in case of a flood.
There must be a protocol to inform them before water is released, right?
There must be a protocol to inform them before water is released, right?

Yes there is, but now they just do it and inform 24 hours before as far as I know, otherwise they are suppose to inform us a week or two before the release of water, sudden release and the amount of release both causes massive flooding !
There must be a protocol to inform them before water is released, right?

There is, but due to the distractions on the LoC, they forgot to inform them this time. :oops:

(J/K. I'm pretty sure that India will not deliberately flood districts in Pakistan, unless a state of war or serious hostility exists. And if they actually did that, there would be massive uproar across Pakistan, and would be front page news. As it is, only a few disreputable news sources are accusing India.)
Yes there is, but now they just do it and inform 24 hours before as far as I know, otherwise they are suppose to inform us a week or two before the release of water, sudden release and the amount of release both causes massive flooding !

A week before you wont even know how much water the resorvoir will receive and whether you will release the water.
In India I think its 4 hours or something but am not sure.
It does not work this way.. This is basis a particular level in the reservoir. THe warning is issued for downstream areas once a warning level is reached and water is released once the required level is crossed. Time between the 2 events (warning and release) is dependent on the speed at which water is rising( based on intensity of rains)
A week before you wont even know how much water the resorvoir will receive and whether you will release the water.
In India I think its 4 hours or something but am not sure.

I remember india used to inform us weeks before releasing water.. the news would appear in newspapers and radio would continuously do analysis of the situation based on past experience.

It does not work this way.. This is basis a particular level in the reservoir. THe warning is issued for downstream areas once a warning level is reached and water is released once the required level is crossed. Time between the 2 events (warning and release) is dependent on the speed at which water is rising( based on intensity of rains)

basically its expected in monsoon...
I remember india used to inform us weeks before releasing water.. the news would appear in newspapers and radio would continuously do analysis of the situation based on past experience.

basically its expected in monsoon...

dont know about that but predicting monsoon is not exact science, yet. Sometimes its nearly 4 to 5 days late or early. Another thing, now a days weather is erratic, sometimes you get same rainfall in 1 day that you expect over a period of month.

May be there should be a mechanism to constantly update level so that once the danger level is breached, it wont come as shock.
@Leader, in monsoon..you can't give enough notice...even hour's notice is good.

They might have been informing the 'water level' frequently then inform the release of water.
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dont know about that but predicting monsoon is not exact science, yet. Sometimes its nearly 4 to 5 days late or early. Another thing, now a days weather is erratic, sometimes you get same rainfall in 1 day that you expect over a period of month.

May be there should be a mechanism to constantly update level so that once the danger level is breached, it wont come as shock.

do you have weather prediction department in India?
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