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India rejects TN resolution against Sri Lanka

No the mistake was not in arming them. But in backstabbing them by making them agree to a ceasefire and the accord, make them surrender their weapons and then violating the terms of the same accord and handing over 17 of their commanders to sinhalas. Many of them committed suicide by taking in cyanide including famous commanders like Pulendran, Kumarappa and that single act of betrayal by India is what made LTTE our enemy.

It is a huge mistake on the part of India to support armed rebellion. In case of war the above mentioned things do happen you can take any example all over the world.

See this is why people shouldd read up on the issue before commenting on big things like "national interest". The waters may be Lanka's but we are permitted to fish there in those waters accordin the agreement by which India ceded an island (illegally) to Lanka. They are violating that agreement by killing our citizens and we have our own people spporting their story. :rolleyes:

When the fishermen were captured Lanka is arguing that they were captured in their waters , they are also putting them under trial. There are some unfortunate incidents like killing, there are initiatives for setting up joint patrol by India and Srilankan forces in the disputed areas and this will ensure the reduction of such unfortunate incidents.

Yes they can only talk tough against fellow citizens. Not against a foreign country that is regularly killing our citizens,

Bunch of weak kneed, pink pantied wussies.

Dude, this is one huge scam.

India cant give the money directly to the Tamils. The money is routed through the sinhalas. Once it reaches them there is no accountability on what happened to it. And this is considering that Congress did not do any scam in that.

India is making sure that the aid is accountable and reaching the Tamil citizens of Lanka. There is also visit of opposition leaders like Sushma Swaraj in this regard.
Yeah, you know what ? That is bullshit.

It ceased to be their internal affair, the moment their President, along with this two brothers, came to delhi to ask for our help in battling the LTTE and also promised to us to implement the 13th Amendment Plus once the war is over. Now its been 4 years since the war ended and instead of implementing the political autonomy that was promised they are actually passing laws like the Divi Neguma Bill which reduces even existing power of provinces and also continue the militarization and sinhalization of Tamil areas. Simply put we were supposed to be the guarentor of peace in Lanka and we terribly failed the Tamils in that role. Please dont give excuses of "internal affairs" for that. It never was their "internal affair", nor will be.

Yes the agreement is still there, is the same reason India is pressurizing Lanka, Modern day wars are fought with Lobbys, the stronger the Tamil lobby in Lanka the better Indian interests are served.
The UNHRC is one tool to put Lanka under pressure to implement the agreements between Lanka and India. India is doing all the things necessary to ensure the welfare and rights of Tamils there.
And what is this policy ? why doesnt India apply this policy for own Tamil citizens instead of Sri Lankans?

I am talking about Foreign policy of Srilankan Tamils. Domestic policies are applied for citizens of TN.
Yes the agreement is still there, is the same reason India is pressurizing Lanka, Modern day wars are fought with Lobbys, the stronger the Tamil lobby in Lanka the better Indian interests are served.
The UNHRC is one tool to put Lanka under pressure to implement the agreements between Lanka and India. India is doing all the things necessary to ensure the welfare and rights of Tamils there.

I disgaree with both -

-->India is not pressurizing Lanka

-->And India is doing almost nothing to ensure the welfare of the Tamils there.

They are just collaborating with the tyrants there to stonewall any/all request to devolve the power to Tamils and do a credible investigation into the war crimes.
It is a huge mistake on the part of India to support armed rebellion. In case of war the above mentioned things do happen you can take any example all over the world.

So why cry about LTTE killing the PM..that is also fair in war !

Point is we made them our enemy...they did not make us one. We left them no ch

When the fishermen were captured Lanka is arguing that they were captured in their waters , they are also putting them under trial. There are some unfortunate incidents like killing, there are initiatives for setting up joint patrol by India and Srilankan forces in the disputed areas and this will ensure the reduction of such unfortunate incidents.

You are talking like the same useless words as the foreign ministers whenever they are asked about the killings - some crap joint patrol has been set up and things will be ok. NO they are not. There was a killing as recently as two weeks ago. The coast guard simply does not care. The mandarins in Delhi do not care.

And as for the bolded part - that maybe their waters but we are allowed to fish there legally. That is the condition the island was eve given to them. Now they are violating that agreement. And India has failed to enforce the agreement and is turning a blind eye to these violations from SL Navy.

India is making sure that the aid is accountable and reaching the Tamil citizens of Lanka. There is also visit of opposition leaders like Sushma Swaraj in this regard.

Yeah "will make" "will make"..that is what everyone has been telling for 4 years now. But nothing has actually happened on ground.
So why cry about LTTE killing the PM..that is also fair in war !

Point is we made them our enemy...they did not make us one. We left them no choice.

No body said Srilankan Tamils killed Indian PM and so we seek revenge, it is you who is getting exited here.

You are talking like the same useless words as the foreign ministers whenever they are asked about the killings - some crap joint patrol has been set up and things will be ok. NO they are not. There was a killing as recently as two weeks ago. The coast guard simply does not care. The mandarins in Delhi do not care.

And as for the bolded part - that maybe their waters but we are allowed to fish there legally. That is the condition the island was eve given to them. Now they are violating that agreement. And India has failed to enforce the agreement and is turning a blind eye to these violations from SL Navy.

Yeah "will make" "will make"..that is what everyone has been telling for 4 years now. But nothing has actually happened on ground.

This issue is common in bordering countries, things may be moving slowly I am hopeful, why not Tamils stress for this initiative instead of fighting themselves and scoring browne points?
I disgaree with both -

-->India is not pressurizing Lanka

-->And India is doing almost nothing to ensure the welfare of the Tamils there.

They are just collaborating with the tyrants there to stonewall any/all request to devolve the power to Tamils and do a credible investigation into the war crimes.

There are investments which ONGC and others are doing in Srilanka, these investments will allow SL tamils to have some degree of control in the on going process there by making them a strong lobby.
This shyt is getting funnier by the day.. Just need to sit back relax and enjoy the comedy show enfold.. :lol:.. I'd say Channel 4 has done it's job perfectly

TN students, Congress cadres clash over Sri Lanka

The anti-Sri Lanka protests by college students are turning into anti-Congress protests in some parts of Tamil Nadu. A group of students attempted to lay siege the office of Virudhunagar MP Manick Tagore on Saturday and clashed with Congressmen, days after students and Congress workers clashed in Trichy.

“I have to inquire about the incident. I was not in my office,” Tagore said. But he said the students appeared to be affiliated to political parties. “If all the college students stage a protest, we can assume that it is spontaneous. But if only a handful participate, it means they have come not as students but only as party sympathisers,” he said.

On the clashes between college students and Congress leaders, he said it the handiwork of certain elements who are trying to divert attention from the real issue.

The attack happened when a group of students from Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar’s Senthikumara Nadar College marched towards the office of Tagore raising slogans. As they came near the office, a group of Congress cadres asked them to keep away. But as they closed in, cadres attacked them with pipes, said police who detained some Congress cadres and students but released them after interrogation.

“As no complaints were given by the students, no case has been registered against the Congressmen,” said a police officer.

A case has been registered against the students for unlawful assembly. - ToI
So why cry about LTTE killing the PM..that is also fair in war !

A foreign terrorist group killed the Indian PM. Unlike you, our sympathies are not divided. The LTTE guaranteed its destruction on that day & that happened. No one in the rest of India sheds any tears for the LTTE. As for your comment on it being fair in war, so be it. You acknowledge that the LTTE was at war with India, they then got what they deserved. Why whine only when they lost since every single Tamil party said that India must stay away & not involve itself in Sri Lanka actively when the LTTE had the SL army cornered at elephant pass. The reaction in TN is counterproductive putting off the people in the rest of the country from any interest in this issue. What has TN proved with the banning of the SL players? That the rest of India simply does not care what TN thinks? The same with this stupid resolution. Instead of isolating the Sri Lankans, the only ones looking isolated are the proponents for intervention in SL. The DMK withdrew support, now what? Most national parties scorned the TN parties line across the board. Who benefits? Does the SL government see a strong united India opposing it? Or just a bunch of loonies who will have no effect except to damage some property within TN itself & create internal friction among Tamils themselves (let alone the rest of India) on the course to be followed.

End result? SL wins. Only someone completely blind to facts sees anything different.
A foreign terrorist group killed the Indian PM. Unlike you, our sympathies are not divided. The LTTE guaranteed its destruction on that day & that happened. No one in the rest of India sheds any tears for the LTTE. As for your comment on it being fair in war, so be it. You acknowledge that the LTTE was at war with India, they then got what they deserved. Why whine only when they lost since every single Tamil party said that India must stay away & not involve itself in Sri Lanka actively when the LTTE had the SL army cornered at elephant pass. The reaction in TN is counterproductive putting off the people in the rest of the country from any interest in this issue. What has TN proved with the banning of the SL players? That the rest of India simply does not care what TN thinks? The same with this stupid resolution. Instead of isolating the Sri Lankans, the only ones looking isolated are the proponents for intervention in SL. The DMK withdrew support, now what? Most national parties scorned the TN parties line across the board. Who benefits? Does the SL government see a strong united India opposing it? Or just a bunch of loonies who will have no effect except to damage some property within TN itself & create internal friction among Tamils themselves (let alone the rest of India) on the course to be followed.

End result? SL wins. Only someone completely blind to facts sees anything different.

This is exactly why the people of TN have to be all the more vocal about this issue. Because the rest of the nation does not care. They probably justify all the injustices done in Lanka with Rajeev Gandhi's assassination. And the more you show your apathy, you risk alienating TN further more.
I don't agree with everything the students and politicians of TN do. But at least we keep the issue alive. We show the hypocrisy of the center and rest of Indians who cry for every single conversion of a Pakistani Hindu but turn a blind eye towards the Tamil issue.

This shyt is getting funnier by the day.. Just need to sit back relax and enjoy the comedy show enfold.. :lol:.. I'd say Channel 4 has done it's job perfectly

How does it feel to be in the news only for the wrong reason throughout your history? I guess you guys are beyond any sense of shame now.
The SL Tamil issue has seeped into Tamil politics more so in the past 6 months than it had in the past 10 years. If the political class in Tamil Nadu does not moderate its voice and give way to reason, I fear Chennai will loose its serenity. It will loose its luster, it will loose its charm.

I voted for the current TN government with hopes for better administrative efficiency. Unlike her previous stint, the ADMK supremo has taken to appeasing just about anyone who cares to raise a flag this time. First it was the Kudankulam issue, then the Viswaroopam fiasco and now the SL Tamil cause. From one 'revolution' to another, the state government has decided to play safe and not constructive. I only hope that the ABC news agency has already played its last card on the issue.
This is exactly why the people of TN have to be all the more vocal about this issue. Because the rest of the nation does not care. They probably justify all the injustices done in Lanka with Rajeev Gandhi's assassination. And the more you show your apathy, you risk alienating TN further more.
I don't agree with everything the students and politicians of TN do. But at least we keep the issue alive. We show the hypocrisy of the center and rest of Indians who cry for every single conversion of a Pakistani Hindu but turn a blind eye towards the Tamil issue.

It is not that the rest of India does not care, it is about what should be done. I have consistently maintained that the only option available to us is to maintain relentless pressure on SL to do right by its Tamil citizens. This is best done imo by quiet diplomacy. Public posturing like is being done in TN is not helping one bit. Not only does it make SL resentful of such an attitude, it exposes the issue as being driven by narrow, parochial considerations. How else would you explain the apparent disconnect between some in TN(not all) & the rest of India? That disconnect is brought out because some leaders in TN, for their own considerations, have seen fit to play football with this issue. I have repeatedly maintained that sentiments of either those in TN or the Tamil diaspora have to be secondary to the well being of those Tamils still present in SL. They are the ones who will bear direct consequences of no movement on any deal.

The points I make are not because I have no interest in the issue. I only differ with the pro-intervention posters here & the protestors elsewhere on how best to tackle the issue.

(btw, your analogy on the Pakistani Hindus is incorrect. No one is questioning the Tamil emotion but the demand that intervention be on more severe lines is something that I haven't heard anyone make on the Pakistani Hindus or any similar issue)
Important: Please for god sakes dont bring in the boogey of LTTE to justify the apathy. I'm not asking them to be revived again nor am I saying they were 100% faultless . They did their share of mistakes and hence suffered. Though I, as a Tamilian, would have liked them to have changed their course post 2002 peace talks and stayed on as the guarentor of safety to Tamilians there, I recognize it was their intransigence of "Eelam or nothing" that led to their demise.

Hence my entire argument is simple - LTTE paid for their mistakes. Now its time of for the Sinhalese for their warcrimes.

A foreign terrorist group killed the Indian PM. Unlike you, our sympathies are not divided.

Its not about divided loyalties or sympathies. The point is the utterly callous attitude in which he said "so what, its normal in a war". No its not. Its not normal in a war to systematically and deliberately target and kill civilians in tens of thousands.

The LTTE guaranteed its destruction on that day & that happened. No one in the rest of India sheds any tears for the LTTE.

Hmm no. It did not. Actually the Eelam war phase II and phase III saw some of the most significant victories for the Tigers against the Sinhalas.

What did them in was their instransigence in wanting all or none and the changed western perceptions after 9/11. Most of the funding came from Tamil diaspora in UK,Canada, Europe, US and Australia and these nations cracked hard on the financial sources after that. So while India may have played a partt in the ultimate demise, it did not in any way create it nor was the attack on RG suicidal. If the LTTE had agreed to the extensive autonomy in 2002, they would be there still now,

As for your comment on it being fair in war, so be it. You acknowledge that the LTTE was at war with India, they then got what they deserved.

It was a war our stupid bureaucrats and politicians in Delhi thrust on them by their inaction (during the fasting of Col.Thileepan) and betrayals (handing of the 17 LTTE commanders to Sinhalese in breach of the Accord).

The reaction in TN is counterproductive putting off the people in the rest of the country from any interest in this issue.

Thanks for saying what I already knew. The attitude of rest of India towards SL Tamils and also the Tamil fishermen getting killed is not - in a large part - because of any national interest - but because of the simple notion - these Tamils are saying something, we need not care about it or must oppose it.

And it was not as if the rest of nation cared when we did not make any noise. That time it was of apathy. Now its of anti-pathy. So this charge of us being counterproductive is only dubious. Either way it did not make a positive difference.

New Delhi must acknowledge that Tamil Nadu has a vital interest in this issue and hence our concerns must be factored in. Decisions which affect the Tamils on both sides of the straits cant be taken by some ignorant chap who has no knowledge of the ground situation in Tamil Nadu.

Mamata actively hijacked the PM's agreement with BD citing "state concerns". Why wasn't there so much outrage on that ? Is that state holding the FP to ransom acceptable but not in our case ?

What has TN proved with the banning of the SL players? That the rest of India simply does not care what TN thinks? The same with this stupid resolution. Instead of isolating the Sri Lankans, the only ones looking isolated are the proponents for intervention in SL. The DMK withdrew support, now what? Most national parties scorned the TN parties line across the board. Who benefits?

Dont fault us for that. We are just sick and frustrated from the extreme apathy and antipathy of the Central Govt to this issue and the fishermen issue. You are just seeing our reaction and judging us without acknowledging the actions that led to this.

And no not all parties took the same stand. Listen what Yashwant Sinha said on that issue in Rajya Sabha. He was spot on in his assesment.

Does the SL government see a strong united India opposing it?.

Oh please. its not as if India was united (in the true sense) ever and it was only this issue that split it - due to us chauvinistic chaps. We (as in Indians from all states) were always split on regional lines on one issue or other and its just the faultlines are coming out in the open. It is what prompted the Lankan high commisioner to say openly that North Indians (from whom apparently the sinhalese derive ancestry) must not support the Tamils. Any other self-respecting nation would have rapped the high commissioner for openly promoting such thoughts and even sent him back. But no, not here, because in the back of our minds we know its true.

And btw the "strong united" India had 4 years to deal with this. What has it done that you expect us to believe that India will ever do anything on this ?

End result? SL wins. Only someone completely blind to facts sees anything different.

SL and China win. And the fault is with GoI. India will realize its mistake in the future, as I said that day, lets just hope it is not too late by then.

The Sinhalese will not pay for their mistakes because China is with them and hence Pak,Iran,Russia as well and America and UK wont push for a showdown even if India back the Tamils exclusively.
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