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India rejects TN resolution against Sri Lanka

Non-tamil Indians have a valid question on why the TN bleeding hearts beats big for SL tamilians if only India has not interfered and hijacked SL tamil issue for its own benefit - not going to repeat the details as I have clearly stated what that is above in other posts - and now you can't wash off the hands when it is the tamilians who are handling all the fallouts and we tamilians in TN and SL were involved knee deep in the SL/TN politics for 1000s of years. Not going to let the issue drop now just because GOI had made a 180 degree turn.

Beyond that, I am not going to get into discussions on this topic.

GOI has a policy which will benefit Tamils in Srilanka (citizens of Srilanka), Regarding LTTE support India made mistake by arming them as a result we lost a prime minister and GOI is amending it.
Do you want to fight an insurgency war along your border just as Pakistani is doing?
Regarding the fishermen issue there are lot of fisher man from Gujarat who were in the jails of Pakistan.

On the Indian side of the fish are fastly becoming extinct because of the use of motor boats as one poster pointed out, becaise of this TN fishermen often cross fish in SL waters.
GOI has a policy which will benefit Tamils in Srilanka (citizens of Srilanka), Regarding LTTE support India made mistake by arming them as a result we lost a prime minister and GOI is amending it.
Do you want to fight an insurgency war along your border just as Pakistani is doing?
Regarding the fishermen issue there are lot of fisher man from Gujarat who were in the jails of Pakistan.

On the Indian side of the fish are fastly becoming extinct because of the use of motor boats as one poster pointed out, becaise of this TN fishermen often cross fish in SL waters.

And I see only stupidity in your post when you talk about SL tamil support and insurgency support synonymously - maybe for India who has done that once i.e converting a non-violent SL tamil movement into a violent one by arming LTTE in 1980s. As for crossing into SL waters learn the history behind it and the question I have raised before in this same thread. :hitwall:
And I see only stupidity in your post when you talk about SL tamil support and insurgency support synonymously - maybe for India who has done that once i.e converting a non-violent SL tamil movement into a violent one by arming LTTE in 1980s. As for crossing into SL waters learn the history behind it and the question I have raised before in this same thread. :hitwall:

India Voted in favor of SL tamils in UNHRC, helping them to rebuild with aid. And is pushing for the implementation of equal rights for Tamils.
Can you suggest what is more to be done?
I don't know how Shiv Sena & MNS and you respond if they were Maratis.............I can point out 3 adds running on all national medias portraying southies a bunch of jokers................Munch, CentreFresh and latest Idea...............Are Shiv Sena & MNS working in National interest or for interest of region..................

My reply would have been the same if it were Marathis in Lanka instead of Tamils
Yes they can only talk tough against fellow citizens. Not against a foreign country that is regularly killing our citizens,

Bunch of weak kneed, pink pantied wussies.

Dude, this is one huge scam.

India cant give the money directly to the Tamils. The money is routed through the sinhalas. Once it reaches them there is no accountability on what happened to it. And this is considering that Congress did not do any scam in that.
The riots occurring are of the internal problem of the Srilanka, so India cannot meddle in Lankan internal issues but India can voice its protest. Through UNHRC resolutions one can check mate any HR violations which India is doing.

Yeah, you know what ? That is bullshit.

It ceased to be their internal affair, the moment their President, along with this two brothers, came to delhi to ask for our help in battling the LTTE and also promised to us to implement the 13th Amendment Plus once the war is over. Now its been 4 years since the war ended and instead of implementing the political autonomy that was promised they are actually passing laws like the Divi Neguma Bill which reduces even existing power of provinces and also continue the militarization and sinhalization of Tamil areas. Simply put we were supposed to be the guarentor of peace in Lanka and we terribly failed the Tamils in that role. Please dont give excuses of "internal affairs" for that. It never was their "internal affair", nor will be.

There are protocols and rules when directly dealing with other country's internal matters which may back fire on India. Are you suggesting India should intervene in Srilanka like what we did with IPKF?

At the time when IPKF was fighting Srianka reached an agreement with LTTE and so the move backfired.

Dude I dont think you know what happened then. It was New Delhi's duplicity tat made LTTE our enemy, not the other way around.
....that will make srilanka get close to China and Pakistan and it will endanger our security.

Ayyo rama...when will you people understand that they are ALREADY in bed with China ? They dont need any indian action for that. You think the 2 billion plus china invested in Hambantota is simply to mess up India in the short term ? They have long term goals here and are here to stay. So I suggest come out of this "big-daddy-china" syndrome and make foreign policy on basis of confidence rather than fear.
GOI has a policy which will benefit Tamils in Srilanka (citizens of Srilanka), Regarding LTTE support India made mistake by arming them as a result we lost a prime minister and GOI is amending it.
Do you want to fight an insurgency war along your border just as Pakistani is doing?
Regarding the fishermen issue there are lot of fisher man from Gujarat who were in the jails of Pakistan.

On the Indian side of the fish are fastly becoming extinct because of the use of motor boats as one poster pointed out, becaise of this TN fishermen often cross fish in SL waters.

And what is this policy ? why doesnt India apply this policy for own Tamil citizens instead of Sri Lankans?
TN govt. did it job by passing a resolution against SL and taking decision in the best interest of Tamils.

Indian govt. did its job by rejecting parts of that resolution and taking decision in the best interest of all Indians.

Just mature democracy in action .....
if Indian govt pass Tamil ezham resolution then forget a friendly srilanka and we lose control over them.

You think India has control over them now ?

other than that India will lose face if it support Tamil ezham and then take a different stand on self determination of Kashmir.

Kashmir and this issue are as different as chalk and cheese.

lastly Tamils in Lanka right now is a liability, they will become an asset once they get their rights, we will ensure it but slowly and steadily.

Seriously you need to stone hearted to say this man. By time you ensure their rights slowly and steadlily tey may cease to exist as a group.

GOI has a policy which will benefit Tamils in Srilanka (citizens of Srilanka), Regarding LTTE support India made mistake by arming them as a result we lost a prime minister and GOI is amending it.

No the mistake was not in arming them. But in backstabbing them by making them agree to a ceasefire and the accord, make them surrender their weapons and then violating the terms of the same accord and handing over 17 of their commanders to sinhalas. Many of them committed suicide by taking in cyanide including famous commanders like Pulendran, Kumarappa and that single act of betrayal by India is what made LTTE our enemy.

On the Indian side of the fish are fastly becoming extinct because of the use of motor boats as one poster pointed out, becaise of this TN fishermen often cross fish in SL waters.

See this is why people shouldd read up on the issue before commenting on big things like "national interest". The waters may be Lanka's but we are permitted to fish there in those waters accordin the agreement by which India ceded an island (illegally) to Lanka. They are violating that agreement by killing our citizens and we have our own people spporting their story. :rolleyes:
@KS - do you know of the ground situation in TN wrt SL tamil issue now after the colleges opened?
@KS - do you know of the ground situation in TN wrt SL tamil issue now after the colleges opened?

I am not too sure as I am not there..But I can say the general feeling is one of anger, frustration primarily at this Govt in New Delhi than even at Colombo. Even I feel that. Anyway lets leave it at that.
I am not too sure as I am not there..But I can say the general feeling is one of anger, frustration primarily at this Govt in New Delhi than even at Colombo. Even I feel that. Anyway lets leave it at that.

India today this edition has interesting cover story. Need to get hold of it.
Yes they can only talk tough against fellow citizens. Not against a foreign country that is regularly killing our citizens,

Bunch of weak kneed, pink pantied wussies.

Dude, this is one huge scam.

India cant give the money directly to the Tamils. The money is routed through the sinhalas. Once it reaches them there is no accountability on what happened to it. And this is considering that Congress did not do any scam in that.

Mate regarding the highlighted part ??

If we consider the Tamils in the Srilanka as our citizens lets relocated them here.
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