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India rejects Organization of Islamic Cooperation's resolution on Jammu and Kashmir

Sir please make some sense, Baloch freedom strugle is more dead then even Khalistani strugle. We all saw on tv what Khalistani people did couple of weeks ago.
Unlike Khalistanis,the Balochis are attacking the Pakistani armed forces daily.Trains going to Quetta from Rawalpindi are routinely attacked by BLA rebels.Recently the BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) claimed responsibility for the bomb blast in Islamabad.Am I right or wrong.U have a armed struggle going in Balochistan right from 1947.What I meant to say is that if u don't solve the problem in accordance with the wishes of the Baloch ppl,the armed struggle will go,that's all.Just recently I read in DAWN newspaper about the attack on Pakistani armed forces in Balochistan.The OIC should not ignore the BALOCH issue.
Unlike Khalistanis,the Balochis are attacking the Pakistani armed forces daily.Trains going to Quetta from Rawalpindi are routinely attacked by BLA rebels.Recently the BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) claimed responsibility for the bomb blast in Islamabad.Am I right or wrong.U have a armed struggle going in Balochistan right from 1947.What I meant to say is that if u don't solve the problem in accordance with the wishes of the Baloch ppl,the armed struggle will go,that's all.Just recently I read in DAWN newspaper about the attack on Pakistani armed forces in Balochistan.The OIC should not ignore the BALOCH issue.

Sir terrorism is not strugle for freedom. Mr nationalistic Baloch parties are ruling Balochistan and are very patriotic Pakistanis.
The OIC should also discuss about the freedom struggle going in Balochistan,that's all I want to say.U cannot have different rules for different countries.Otherwise the armed struggle in Balochistan will go on & there will be more fallacious allegations.
The armed struggle in Balochistan has been going on from 1947.The OIC should not ignore the Baloch issue.The OIC should appoint a special envoy to Balochistan.A referrendum or a plebiscite will do

Pakistan pursues railway track bombers

Posted: March 20, 2012 in Central Asia Online, Published in
Tags: attacks on rail tracks in Sindh, JSMM, SDLA, SDLA pamphelts, Shafi Muhammad Burfat,Sindhu Desh Liberation Army

by Zia Ur Rehman

Feb 29, 2012

Pakistan pursues railway track bombers - Central Asia Online

KARACHI – After a series of 14 blasts on railway tracks across Sindh Province February 25, Pakistani authorities are pursuing the Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SDLA), a banned separatist group, Central Asia Online has learned.

Miscreants planted low-intensity explosives along railway tracks in Sindh, including in Karachi, Hybderabad, Shaheeb Benazirabad, Mirpur Mathilo, Pud Eaidan, Khairpur and Ghotki, said Zafarullah Kalhore, a senior official of Pakistan Railways (PR). The ensuing track damage caused massive disruptions in train service.

No passenger or cargo trains were near the blast sites at the time, otherwise major casualties could have occurred, he said.

The blasts caused 17 express trains to halt for around six hours at different railway stations, leaving thousands of passengers stuck while the damages were repaired, he said. Similar attacks have taken place along railway tracks in Sindh before, but this was the first time that 14 blasts were carried out almost simultaneously, he said.

SDLA involved :

Sindh Home Minister Manzoor Wassan told the media February 25 that investigations were ongoing and that the culprits, once arrested, would be punished.

Police officials and security experts believe that the SDLA is involved in the recent attacks.

“The police found pamphlets from the place of incidents according to which SDLA, an underground terrorist outfit, accepted the responsibility of blasts,” Muzaffer Shiekh, senior police official at Railway Police, told Central Asia Online. The SDLA carried out a series of attacks on PR tracks in February 2011.

In the pamphlets, SDLA Chief Commander Darya Khan Marri calls on Sindhi’s on to take up arms and join the movement to make Sindh an independent state, Shiekh said.

Yaqoob Jatt, another senior police official at Hyderabad, claimed that Lala Aslam Pathan, a central leader of SDLA, is involved in the recent attacks. On his directives, suspected miscreants – identified as Shah Nawaz Bhutto, Ramzan Jamali, Bashir Malah, Faqir Najeeb Qureshi and others – carried out the blasts. Jatt said.

“Police have started a crackdown against the group and are carrying out the raids to arrest the culprits,” Jatt told Central Asia Online.

SDLA linked with JSSM :

The SDLA is an underground Sindhi terrorist organisation comprised of different splinter factions that broke away from various Sindhi nationalist groups. Its main commanders are Marri and Ghulam Hussain Chandio, said Raees Ahmed, a senior journalist and visiting professor at Sindh University who monitors SDLA activities.

He said the SDLA is, in fact, an offshoot of Jeay Sindh Mutahida Mahaz (JSMM), a Sindhi nationalist political party headed by Shafi Burfat.

The Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Sindh police has formally inducted Burfat, in its Red Book list of terrorists, the Daily Times reported February 27, citing Ghulam Shabbir Sheikh, assistant inspector general of police. Police are collecting information about Burfat, the Times said.

The SDLA has bombed railway tracks in the past. It has always left pamphlets at the scene denouncing alleged atrocities against the Sindhi people and vowing to continue its struggle for Sindh “freedom,” Ahmed told Central Asia Online.

He said the SDLA emerged as a serious threat when an alleged terrorist died March 2, 2011, while planting a bomb at a railway track in Jumma Goth, Karachi.

Law enforcement agencies recovered SDLA literature after a March 7, 2011, blast at a house in the Ibrahim Hyderi limits. SDLA-linked militant Zulfiqar Kulachi was killed, and Ismail Abubakar and Sardaruddin Dino were injured, in that explosion.

Fayyaz Laghari, then head of Sindh Police, told media March 8, 2011, that terrorists were making bombs to blow up the railway tracks and they were using that house as SDLA’s Karachi headquarters.

“After the death of Kulachi and a crackdown by law enforcement agencies in the light of information received during interrogations with Abubakar and Dino, the network of SDLA was shattered, but after lapsing of almost 11 months, the series of rail track blasts show that the group has become again active in the province,” Ahmed said. Recent incidents indicate that the SDLA is following the same approach of Baloch separatist groups, in targeting railway tracks, gas lines and other government installations. “

The bomb explosions at rail tracks in Sindh could be due to ‘a sense of deprivation’ among the Sindhi people and this sense of deprivation had been created after the assassination of PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto,” said Wassan, adding that the government, however, has been actively trying to eliminate this sense of deprivation by creating jobs.

Baloch rebels inspire separatists in Sindh
Posted: March 20, 2012 in Published in, The Friday Times
Tags: Darya Khan Marri, Freedom March, Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz, JSMM, JSMM Muzaffer Bhutto, JSQM, Missing Sindh people, Muzaffar Bhutto, SDLA, SDLA pamphelts, Serai Qurban Khuhawar, Shafi Muhammad Burfat, Sindhu Desh Liberation Army

by Zia Ur Rehman

March 9-15, 2012

Report: Baloch rebels inspire separatists in Sindh by Zia Ur Rehman

Recent bomb attacks on railway tracks across the Sindh province indicate the rise of a separatist movement that takes inspiration and strength from the freedom movement in Balochistan, political analysts say.

At least 16 bombs targeted railway tracks in various parts of Sindh on February 25, stopping all train traffic. Low-intensity explosives were planted on railway tracks in Karachi, Hyderabad, Benazirabad, Mirpur Mathilo, Pud Eaidan, Khairpur and Ghotki, damaging tracks in the entire province, according to a senior Pakistan Railways official. There were no trains close to the sites of explosion, he said, therefore there was no major damage and no casualties.

“The police found leaflets from the bombing sites in which Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SDLA), an underground separatist outfit, claimed responsibility for the attacks,” said Muzaffar Sheikh, a Railway Police officer. He said the group had bombed railway tracks in the past.

Denouncing alleged atrocities against the Sindhi people and vowing to continue its struggle until Sindh’s freedom, SDLA’s chief commander Darya Khan Marri asks other Sindhis, in the leaflet, to take up arms and join the movement. The SLDA says Sindhi separatists must get the same worldwide recognition as the separatists in Balochistan, and asks people to stand up against the “opportunist” People’s Party government, the army, and the ISI.

Sindhi separatist groups, which have never been popular in the province, have taken strength from recent move by a group of US Congressmen calling for the right of self-determination for the Baloch people. “Because of bad governance, nepotism, corruption and incompetence of the politicians, there is a lot of frustration and disappointment among Sindhi people, especially the young,” according to Imdad Soomro, a senior journalist who studies Sindh’s ethnic politics. Some of them might be involved in subversive activities, he says, but a majority of them believe in a peaceful political and democratic struggle.

The PPP seems to have taken the threat seriously. “The bomb attacks on railway tracks in Sindh could be due to a sense of deprivation among the Sindhi people, a sentiment that is also prevalent in the province of Balochistan. This sense of deprivation has been created after the assassination of PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto,” Sindh home minister Manzoor Wasan told reporters. The government, he said, had been trying to tackle the problem by creating jobs.

The demand for the separation of Sindh from Pakistan has been made time and again, but the separatist movement has not posed a serious threat to the state so far. Low-scale insurgent attacks from the SDLA have been reported intermittently in recent years.

The SDLA is believed to be an offshoot of the Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM), a Sindhi nationalist political party headed by Shafi Muhammad Burfat. Some of its members also broke away from various factions of the Jeay Sindh Tehrik (JST), founded by prominent Sindhi ethnic leader GM Syed. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Sindh police has added Burfat to its Red Book, Sindh IG Ghulam Shabbit Sheikh told reporters on February 27, and was gathering information on him. Yaqoob Jatt, a senior officer in Hyderabad, said police believed the attacks were orchestrated by SDLA leader Lala Aslam Pathan, and carried out by suspects he identified as Shahnawaz Bhutto, Ramzan Jamali, Bashir Malah, and Faqir Najeeb Qureshi.

Sindhis are predominantly represented in parliament by the PPP, but Sindhi ethnic parties that follow the political ideology of GM Syed also have a strong influence on provincial politics. After the demise of GM Syed, his JST split into at least 11 political groups: Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) Bashir Qureshi Group, Burfat’s JSSM, JST led by Dr Safdar Sarki, JSQM-Arisar Group, Jeay Sindh Mahaz Riaz Chandio Group, Jeay Sindh Qaumparast Party led by Qamar Bhatti, Sindh United Party led by GM Syed’s grandson Jalal Mehmood Shah, Jeay Sindh Mahaz (JSM) led by Abdul Khaliq Junejo, JSM Rasool Bux Thebo Group, JSM Sufi Hazoor Bux Group, and JST Shafi Karnani Group. Dr Qadir Magsi’s Sindh Taraqqi Pasand Party, Rasool Bukhsh Paleejo’s Awami Tehrik, and Amir Bhambaro’s Sindh National Party were not aligned with GM Syed’s ideology.

Burfat belongs to Tehni, a small village of Taluka Sehwan in Jamshoro district. He was a close associate of Dr Qadir Magsi in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and was accused along with Dr Magsi of orchestrating the September 30, 1988 carnage.

“Pakistan’s intelligence agencies are targeting our leaders and activists only because we are demanding our fundamental political rights,” said a JSMM leader in Hyderabad. He said the party’s secretary general Muzaffar Bhutto had been picked up several months ago and its vice chairman Serai Qurban Khuhawar, leader Rooplo Choliani and central committee member Noorullah Tunio were killed in Sanghar on April 21, 2011. He accused intelligence agencies of creating “a Balochistan-like situation” in Sindh.

The SDLA emerged as a serious threat in February last year when it bombed several railway tracks, a CID official said. A suspected terrorist died on March 2 apparently trying to plant a bomb on a railway line near Jumma Goth in Karachi. After an accidental explosion in a house that killed SDLA-linked Zulfiqar Kulachi and injured Ismail Abubakr and Sardaruddin Allahdino when they were trying to make a bomb on March 7 2011, police seized SDLA literature and other evidence. Information gathered from the literature and questioning of the injured men led to a crackdown in which all key members of the group were arrested. Eleven months later, the group has resurged with new attacks, apparently after being inspired by Baloch separatists, according to CID officials. But the SDLA is not as popular as the Baloch separatists, and that is why law-enforcement officials believe they can bust the group before it becomes a major threat.

Sindh militants blow up railway tracks
Posted: February 19, 2011 in Central Asia Online
Tags: Karachi, Militants, railway track, Sindh, Sindhu Desh Liberation Army, TTP
By Zia Ur Rehman
For CentralAsiaOnline.com

KARACHI – Two blasts that damaged the main railway track in the Shah Latif Town area of Karachi, and interrupted rail traffic for an hour February 17, are the latest in a recent wave of such attacks.

Two unknown men travelling by motorbike planted .5kg of explosives in Shah Latif and set them off manually, police said.

In the past week bombs throughout Sindh Province have targeted railway tracks, disrupting upcountry train service. The blasts are the work of the Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SDLA), an underground terrorist organisation linked with the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a security official said.

The SDLA collaborates with the TTP and BLA and exchanges weapons and terrorists with them, the official said. Central Asia Online has previously reported on the links between the BLA and TTP.

More than a dozen low-intensity blasts halted train service for hours, an official of Pakistan Railways (PR) told Central Asia Online.More than a dozen low-intensity blasts halted train service for hours, an official of Pakistan Railways (PR) told Central Asia Online. On February 11 two blasts damaged the track in Karachi near the Baloch Colony area; four blasts occurred in Mehrab Pur; two were set off in Hyderabad; and four occurred in Nawab Shah. In Khairpur on blast was set off February 13; and followed one in Kotri a day earlier, the PR official said.

The explosion near the Baloch Colony bridge area in Karachi injured two people, but no injuries have been reported in the other explosions, the official added.

Rail attacks lead to financial losses

The February 11 attacks compelled PR to halt trains carrying cargo up-country, causing a loss of Rs. 5m (US $58,700), the official said. All of the damaged track have been repaired and service restored, the official said.

Sindh Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza has ordered the inspector general of police Sindh to investigate and to arrest the culprits, a government statement said.

Mirza ordered the formation of a special team to investigate and demanded a full report, according to the statement.

Officials already have created a security plan to protect the tracks with the assistance of the Sindh police and round-the-clock patrols have begun, said Superintendent of Railway Police Muzaffar Sheikh.

Law enforcement agencies have arrested dozens of suspects from Karachi, Hyderabad and Nawab Shah, Sheikh said.

The railway attacks are linked to the militancy in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and are meant to disrupt communications and foster panic, said Sharfuddin Memon, a consultant at the Sindh Home Ministry.

The locally made bombs used against the railway each contained about 1.1kg of explosive, bomb disposal officials said. They described the blasts as similar in nature and seemingly co-ordinated.

PR police found SDLA leaflets at the explosion sites, and Darya Khan, an SDLA commander, has claimed responsibility for the railway bombings throughout Sindh, a senior police official in Hyderabad told Central Asia Online. Khan also took responsibility for four explosions damaging the Guddo railway tracks in November.

The SDLA is an underground Sindhi terrorist organisation comprised of different splinter factions that broke away from various Sindhi nationalist groups. Its main commanders are Khan and Ghulam Hussain Chandio, said Ibrahim Shah, a Sukker-based Sindhi journalist.

The SDLA has bombed railway tracks in the past. It has always left pamphlets at the scene denouncing alleged atrocities against the Sindhi people and vowing to continue its struggle until Sindh gains “freedom,” Shah added.


BTW I' am originally from Sind province...it is funny to see some dumb @$$ talking about my home province like experts. Ask me how to gather a crowd in Sind & i will tell you. Pay them 50Rs a plate of biryani & a bottle of Pepsi & here you go robots i mean crowd is ready to follow the commands. About Police & authorities...they do nothing but the key is their pockets must be kept warm...use common sense & think how they gather this crowd in a largest city with out any hurdle...where target killing goes on daily bases.
Lol all the "Kashmiris" on this site are a bunch of pakistani punjabis stealing someone else's identity.
Oh I see, but he doesn't even give Zaid hamid run for his money. I apologize that you have to settle for yet another low class entertainer from this side of the border.

Well that's the first requirement for referendum, you can't have your cake and eat it too, you know.

What guarantee will India provide that it will not occupy the liberated parts of Kashmir until the referendum is not over? The best solution will be referendum under UN troops surveillance & no Indian or Pakistani forces.

@American Pakistani When truth hurts and you don't have anything to support yourself, all you can do is request admins to ban Indians from the forum. Funny.Live like a man.

You are living in US...do you live like Indian i.e following no rule p1ssing anywhere...defecating in an open field...stalking girls, etc or follow US rules? Same goes here at PDF...this is not India my friend...you have to follow rules or other wise GL. You guys cannot troll every other thread like Bangladesh Defence Forum.
What guarantee will India provide that it will not occupy the liberated parts of Kashmir until the referendum is not over? The best solution will be referendum under UN troops surveillance & no Indian or Pakistani forces.
Nope it's a bilateral issue, no third party involvement would be allowed.
You claimed that people of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir are Indian & I' ve to show you the reality so that bharat verma clown cannot brain wash you any more.

There was no such thing as E Pakistan...it was actually Bengal from even before beginning. That territory was never Pakistan's original territory. Pakistan was supposed to be Punjab(Punjab, Bahawalpur, Seraiki areas), Afghania(KPK, FATA, Waziristan), Kashmir(Kashmir, GB, Ladakh), Sind(Sindh, Khairpur), Balochistan(Balochistan, Kalat, Kharan, Makran, Las Bela, Gwadar)...the name itself proves it for those who cannot search proper history. But lets cut this off as this is totally different topic.

Don't give the cr@p about accession paper because Junagarh Manvadar also merged with Pakistan but were occupied by India & same with Hyderabad Deccan & India held referendum in .areas because India knew that Hindu population of those areas were in majority & will vote for India. The hypocrites promise referendum in Kashmir but never allowed them. I' am confused whether this is biggest democracy or biggest hypocrisy?

FYK Azad Kashmir is not occupied by anyone. They have their own govt, parliament, even army. Pakistan Army is there only on the request of their PM to keep the liberated part intact.
There was a proposal to exchange Hyderabad & Junagadh with Kashmir,it is on record.However Md Ali Jinnah was more interested in Hyderabad & rejected the proposal.During those days,Hyderabad was the richest provice & the Nizam was one of the richest person in the world.But Liaqat Ali Khan turned to Sardar Valabhbhai Patal and said, “Sardar Sahib! Have I gone mad that I should leave the state of Hyderabad Deccan, which is even larger than the Punjab, in exchange for the mountains and peaks of Kashmir?”
Nope it's a bilateral issue, no third party involvement would be allowed.

So forget about Pakistani pull out...Pakistani troops are there on authorization by Azad Kashmir govt to support Azad Kashmir Army & keep Indians out.

There was a proposal to exchange Hyderabad & Junagadh with Kashmir,it is on record.However Md Ali Jinnah was more interested in Hyderabad & rejected the proposal.During those days,Hyderabad was the richest provice & the Nizam was one of the richest person in the world.But Liaqat Ali Khan turned to Sardar Valabhbhai Patal and said, “Sardar Sahib! Have I gone mad that I should leave the state of Hyderabad Deccan, which is even larger than the Punjab, in exchange for the mountains and peaks of Kashmir?”

It was just a proposal & even India was not agreed on it...it was a piece of joke & an instrument to distract Pakistan...nothing more than that.
So forget about Pakistani pull out...Pakistani troops are there on authorization by Azad Kashmir govt to support Azad Kashmir Army & keep Indians out.

It was just a proposal & even India was not agreed on it...it was a piece of joke & an instrument to distract Pakistan...nothing more than that.
Both Hyderabad & Junagadh had more 80% Hindus.it is on record
the question of Indian involvement in any form,size or shape does not arise.The freedom struggle in balochistan is indigenous.

Balochi nationalists support the claim that the ruler of the Khan of Kalat, Mir Ahmad Yar Khan, was coerced by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the first governor-general of Pakistan, to sign the document of accession. Critics dispute such claims as unrealistic and contrary to popular support for Jinnah, as the Khan of Kalat ruled even after Jinnah's death with the support of the government. However, the Khan was not an absolute monarch; he was required to act under the provisions of the Rawaj (Kalat's constitution).

The incorporation of the Khanate resulted in a few anti-Pakistani rallies and meetings in certain areas of the Khanate. To subdue anti-Pakistani sentiment, the Army of Pakistan was placed on alert. The Government of Pakistan decided to take complete control of the administration of the Khanate of Kalat on April 15, [1948. The Agent to the Governor General (A.G.G.) in Kalat conveyed Jinnah's orders that the Khanate would revert to its previous status as it had existed under British rule. In April 1948, several political leaders from Kalat, including Mohammad Amin Khosa and Abdul Samad Achakzai, were arrested. The pro-Congress Anjuman-i-Watan Party, headed by Samad Achakzai, was declared unlawful...

Recent development projects
Many development projects are underway in Balochistan, including the Gwadar deep sea port which is being built by the help of China. The Makran Coastal Highway was also constructed on the coastline between Gwadar and Karachi by National Highway Authority, and has reduced travelling time considerably. The Government is also making several water filled dams in Balochistan, including Mirani dam. Furthermore since 1947 till 2002 the total development budget allotted to Baluchistan was Rs.152 Bn and the development budget allotted to Balochistan since 2002 to 2008 in the last seven years only is Rs.302 Billion. It is to be noted that this amount is only the amount allocated for developmental projects and is separate from the money allotted for other things.

History of Balochistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Didn't India want to be member of OIC?

India, which has the world's third largest Muslim population, has shown an interest in joining the OIC with observer status.[13] While India's candidacy is supported by some OIC members, including Saudi Arabia,[14] Pakistan's strong opposition and threat to boycott the OIC has led to India's inclusion in the OIC being blocked. The Pakistan Foreign Office has argued that India's inclusion in OIC would violate the rules of the OIC, which state that an aspirant state should not have an ongoing conflict with a member state.[15]
You claimed that people of IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir are Indian & I' ve to show you the reality so that bharat verma clown cannot brain wash you any more.

There you go.. and then I showed you the reality about separatist in you own country..at which point you started crying.

There was no such thing as E Pakistan...it was actually Bengal from even before beginning. That territory was never Pakistan's original territory. Pakistan was supposed to be Punjab(Punjab, Bahawalpur, Seraiki areas), Afghania(KPK, FATA, Waziristan), Kashmir(Kashmir, GB, Ladakh), Sind(Sindh, Khairpur), Balochistan(Balochistan, Kalat, Kharan, Makran, Las Bela, Gwadar)...the name itself proves it for those who cannot search proper history. But lets cut this off as this is totally different topic.

Ohh you are a special kind of dumb-bell ,re-revising history right in front of my eyes....If today another part Pakistan were to dismembered..I am sure 50 yrs from now... another Kid would be saying the same " ohh but it was never part Pakistan".

The fact of matter is ..there was a East Pakistan ..you fought tooth and nail to keep it..committed a near genocide to prevent it from becoming a independent.

Don't give the cr@p about accession paper because Junagarh Manvadar also merged with Pakistan but were occupied by India & same with Hyderabad Deccan & India held referendum in those areas because India knew that Hindu population of those areas were in majority & will vote for India. The hypocrites promise referendum in Kashmir but never allowed them. I' am confused whether this is biggest democracy or biggest hypocrisy?

Weren't you bellyaching in last post..ohh we are only talking about Kashmir here ..do not bring other states...but since you have.

Do show us Instrument of Accession to these states...the fact is these states never officially acceded to Pakistan..a standstill agreement was signed in Junagadh..and that is where the entire process was stopped in tracks.
For Hyderabad even a stand still agreement wasn't even signed.

Do not forget.. you had already invaded the independent state of Kashmir(forcing her to accede to India) before all these were transpiring.

For a referendum to be held in Kashmir...as per UN guidelines..Pakistan had to hand over control of the entire state to India..and remove all its people and its armies from Kashmir..when did you ever do that ..that you are now cribbing about refrendum not being held.

Since then you have already signed a Shimla agreement and an agreement with Chinese..rendering UN resolutions void.

FYK Azad Kashmir is not occupied by anyone. They have their own govt, parliament, even army. Pakistan Army is there only on the request of their PM to keep the liberated part intact.

LOL ..Give the BS to some one..who will actually fall for it.
How about GB ...historically as well as, per UN ..GB is a part of Kashmir..so how come it is part of Pakistan now and AJK is not?

The bottom line here is, I asked you to show us the legality of Pakistani occupation of Kashmir.

You have nothing to show for it..we atleast have Instrument of Accession(weather you accept it or not is inconsequential)..what do you have show, that Kashmir is yours??
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