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India Rejects Advice of its Closest Ally

US can not dectate India's term and conditions to other nations. Also in many cases India do not care about US, any way communist parties are there to oppose US at every step, biggest example is Nuclear Deal.

Iran is good friend of India and we will deal to Iran to individual level.
Is there any reason for keeping world under darkeness about their close ties in terms of allies?

I never heard anything like that, wheather they said that India has the potential to become super power unlike what US wanted to see according to above statements.

Nope I don't think so. Even if this is true then it is because India has shown to have distinction of such favouring.

Kindly explain.

There is big difference between this two ties which is clearly demonstrated according to the title of the thread, which says that India's policies are quite independent which I doubt in case of Pakistan.

This is true to the certain extent but one also has to admit that India has earned that place to make US seat and view India as ideal contender for its support.

Your last sentence is enough to validate all my points and negate yours, that is if you have the brains to understand that. Once I've read someone saying that you have a stupid way of contradicting yourself (the gentleman simply dispelled all your silly points and proved quite vigorously that India has no ally to rely on other than the US, now don't tell me to go through the posts to point it out to you) well I can see that it's very true.
Certainly India is not the closest ally of the US but indeed the US is India's closest ally.

Russia is still India's ally.

US and India have certain common interests, and US sees India as a low-risk place to do its arms business.

A part of the Western establishment also sees India as a long-term ally.

Both India and the US do not want this to be known for strategic reasons.The US President has clearly stated on many occasions that the US wanted to see India as a super-power.

Really? George Bush wants to see India as a super-power? Can you prove that claim?

In the subcontinent the US policy clearly favours India .

El contraire.....US policy favours Pakistan.

Indian and the US views of nuclear Pakistan are identical.

That is because most nations' views about a nuclear Pakistan are the same......and these include US and India.

At present, saying that the US is not India's closest ally is like saying that China is not Pakistan's closest ally. The Indo-US nuclear treaty is the greatest proof of the staunch US support for India and vice versa.

US built Nuclear Reactors in China as well...are they allies?

Allow me to apply a little correction.....

1. "India now wants gas from the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline"
2. "India Accepts Advice of its Closest Ally"


China must not be allowed pipelines from West Asia. Simple !
US has no moral right to say to any country not to develop nukes since they were the one who introduced them in the world and they are the only one to use it to kill several innocent civilians they also possess enough weapons to destroy earth and are in no mood to reduce them
US has no moral right to say to any country not to develop nukes since they were the one who introduced them in the world and they are the only one to use it to kill several innocent civilians they also possess enough weapons to destroy earth and are in no mood to reduce them

Why would you open a 2 year old thread??? What moral right you have :)
We want Chabahar port and the gas deal with Iran for our energy needs. Long live Indo Iran alliance.
The US is not India's closest ally... not yet anyways.

Having said that, I really feel that India needs to take its role in today's geopolitical arena more seriously and do their part through active leadership.

India is in a unique position that would enable them to facilitate negotiations between the following parties:
1. USA and Iran
2. Israel and Iran
3. USA and Russia
4. Israel and Palestine

These are some of the world's most tense standoffs/conflicts that have been going on for decades. However, IMHO if India wants to be recognized as a new global player and seek memberships into organizations like the UNSC and the G8, then it is their moral obligation to the global community to use their influence and decades old political connections to facilitate aggressive negotiations in the abovementioned conflicts. It would be wrong for them to just sit by idly hoping to be recognized as a global power but shirk their responsibilities by selectively using the third world status card.

Who cares about recognition? The US cares for Indian involvement now? What the US involvement with Pakistan? How the US turned their backs and closed their eyes, when the Pakistani's launched and continue to luanch covert ops thru non state actors? What about the Taliban hijacking an Indina Plane? The US wants a lot but it gives very little. There was no need to get involved in Iraq, when OBL and Al Queade was in Afghan and Pak. UNCS is a joke to the up and coming world. They see it for it is, and that is BS. If you have a party like CHina which conducts itself in many unethical way then you have lost moral authority to judge others, especially with the treatment of soldiers. The US loves to scold others how to do their job but fails to take the same advice. The reality is that India is not a global power. It is an up and coming global power. The world notices and wants to to be a part of it. Most at least. Israel is the cause of the most of the issues in the Mideast, admit that firstly and then the world may move forward. Without acknowledgin Israeli mistakes, you are never gonna get anyone to hear or pay attention. Let me ask you, what is the problem with Palestine getting statehood?

Allow me to apply a little correction.....

1. "India now wants gas from the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline"
2. "India Accepts Advice of its Closest Ally"


China must not be allowed pipelines from West Asia. Simple !

Haha...China has pipes connected to central Asia...soon or later we will either carry energy by train or by pipe from Iran across Pakistan...you India just has wet dream...and Certainly Pakistan is doing China great favor by blocking India to access Afghanistan and central Asia...we get one energy competitor eliminated :lol:

We want Chabahar port and the gas deal with Iran for our energy needs. Long live Indo Iran alliance.

What a butt kissing :lol:...has Iran consider India as Alliance???..just one side dreamer. LMAO I only wish Iran to regain it own ancient great power status as Babylon...India will centainly have bad taste...Indian Ocean will certainly rename it to Iranian Ocean or Pakistan Ocean.
Haha...China has pipes connected to central Asia...soon or later we will either carry energy by train or by pipe from Iran across Pakistan...you India just has wet dream...and Certainly Pakistan is doing China great favor by blocking India to access Afghanistan and central Asia...we get one energy competitor eliminated :lol:

What a butt kissing :lol:...has Iran consider India as Alliance???..just one side dreamer. LMAO I only wish Iran to regain it own ancient great power status as Babylon...India will centainly have bad taste...Indian Ocean will certainly rename it to Iranian Ocean or Pakistan Ocean.

Your butt hurting too much ? I can sense your desperation. Be it Iran or Vietnam, you are so helpless.

Chabahar port plan on fast-track - Hindustan Times

This is interesting; India refusing to bow down to the US pressure, considering the fact that at present the US is India's savior and the closest ally in the world arena. Perhaps india is trying to assure Tehran that it won't stab Iran from the back as it did the last time.:coffee:

:lol: Okay, this is the only part in "no named, without the link" article that is worth commenting and it is not even part of the article! PDF gives me such laughs...
When did the United States and India become the closest allies? Always thought that India was closer to Russia.
Your butt hurting too much ? I can sense your desperation. Be it Iran or Vietnam, you are so helpless.

Chabahar port plan on fast-track - Hindustan Times

LOL Hindustan Time is your reference ...sure why not but even that there is nothing in the article revealing that India-Iran alliance...still one side dreamer.

My only desperation is that Iran is not powerfull enought...to bring the Indian sub-continent under the Moghuls control used Persian as the official language :lol:and the ruling class were followers of Mohammedanism. Even the famous, magnificent Taj Mahal was dedicated in the 17th century by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife.
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