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India Rejects Advice of its Closest Ally


Apr 7, 2008
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Page last updated at 07:01 GMT, Wednesday, 23 April 2008 08:01 UK

India rejects US advice on Iran

The Iranian president is due in India next week

India has rebuffed a call by the United States for it to ask Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment programme.

The foreign ministry said neither India nor Iran needed external guidance on how to conduct bilateral relations.

It said relations between the two spanned centuries, and they were capable of handling them with due care.

Earlier, a senior US official said Washington would welcome India telling Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to curtail Tehran's nuclear programme.

President Ahmadinejad is due to visit Delhi next week.


"India and Iran are ancient civilisations whose relations span centuries. Both nations are perfectly capable of managing all aspects of their relationship with the appropriate degree of care and attention," Navtej Sarna, a foreign ministry spokesman, was quoted by the Indian Express newspaper as saying.

"Neither country needs any guidance on the future conduct of bilateral relations as both countries believe that engagement and dialogue alone lead to peace," he added.

The Iran issue casts a shadow over US-India relations

Earlier, US state department spokesman Tom Casey said: "We would hope that the Indian government... would call on him [President Ahmadinejad] to meet the requirements that the Security Council and the international community has placed on him in terms of suspending their uranium enrichment activities and complying with the other requirements regarding their nuclear programme."

In the past, Tehran has singled India out for criticism over Delhi's support for Iran to be referred to the UN Security Council over its nuclear plans.

In September 2005, Tehran threatened to reconsider its economic co-operation with Delhi after India voted at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to refer Iran to the UN Security Council.

India and Iran have been in negotiations over a $7bn gas pipeline deal that would help India's energy supply problems.

The Indian government came under attack both from the opposition as well as communist allies for its decision to side with the West and vote against Iran, a traditional ally.

Critics said Delhi's vote was linked to the India-US nuclear accord.

Washington suspects Iran of developing its nuclear programme for military purposes.

Tehran denies seeking nuclear arms, saying it wants nuclear technology purely for peaceful production of energy.


This is interesting; India refusing to bow down to the US pressure, considering the fact that at present the US is India's savior and the closest ally in the world arena. Perhaps india is trying to assure Tehran that it won't stab Iran from the back as it did the last time.:coffee:
The US is not India's closest ally... not yet anyways.

Having said that, I really feel that India needs to take its role in today's geopolitical arena more seriously and do their part through active leadership.

India is in a unique position that would enable them to facilitate negotiations between the following parties:
1. USA and Iran
2. Israel and Iran
3. USA and Russia
4. Israel and Palestine

These are some of the world's most tense standoffs/conflicts that have been going on for decades. However, IMHO if India wants to be recognized as a new global player and seek memberships into organizations like the UNSC and the G8, then it is their moral obligation to the global community to use their influence and decades old political connections to facilitate aggressive negotiations in the abovementioned conflicts. It would be wrong for them to just sit by idly hoping to be recognized as a global power but shirk their responsibilities by selectively using the third world status card.
iranian Pres straight away going to india not pakistan some how iran doesnt like pakistan cause i think pakistan has close relations with SA.......
The US is not India's closest ally... not yet anyways.

Having said that, I really feel that India needs to take its role in today's geopolitical arena more seriously and do their part through active leadership.

India is in a unique position that would enable them to facilitate negotiations between the following parties:
1. USA and Iran
2. Israel and Iran
3. USA and Russia
4. Israel and Palestine

These are some of the world's most tense standoffs/conflicts that have been going on for decades. However, IMHO if India wants to be recognized as a new global player and seek memberships into organizations like the UNSC and the G8, then it is their moral obligation to the global community to use their influence and decades old political connections to facilitate aggressive negotiations in the abovementioned conflicts. It would be wrong for them to just sit by idly hoping to be recognized as a global power but shirk their responsibilities by selectively using the third world status card.

Lets not jump the gun. There are more important actors in the USA, Russia or the Israel/Palestine issue than us. Lets not overstate our influence either. In a decade or two, we would undoubtedly be the biggest player in the block. But till then, i think we should rather focus on our economy and military.

P.S: US is indeed not our closest 'ally'. And secondly, US is not our ally in the first place.
iranian Pres straight away going to india not pakistan some how iran doesnt like pakistan cause i think pakistan has close relations with SA.......

We were the closest of allies, before the Afghan war in the 1980s. Traditionally Iran has been a ally of Pakistan, it was the first country to recongnize us on our independence, during the 1965 war our fighters planes would take off and land their, and their are all sorts of other examples. But in the 1980s, Iran adopted a sort of Pro-Shite policy and Pakistan become pro-Mujahideen, meaning pro-Sunni. But I personally think the two governments will become like they were before the 80s, but this will take time.
India needs to take its own path. Only India should decide who it wants as its friend and who it doesn't. This is an internal matter of India and Iran and all third parties should stay out of the way.
iranian Pres straight away going to india not pakistan some how iran doesnt like pakistan cause i think pakistan has close relations with SA.......

Dearest brother
There are many things we need to understand before talking of close relations. Iran has its own interests to look after and let's be realistic Pakistan does not fulfill Iran's requirements. Apart from being a US ally, Pakistan strikes deeply on Iranian interests due to the oil fields in Balochistan, emanating from the same land mass as Iran's and which are still unexploited due to a national understanding. Gwadar deep sea port also strikes at the Iranian national interests as it provides a place for export of goods sans Iran to the Balkan states. Country interests always supersede the Islamic brotherhood in today's era. Kuwait and iraq are an example.
I think Iran is neither enemy nor ally of Pakistan.

We have normal relations.

But this is a bold step by India and they have full rights to decide their allies.
I think this is clear cut messeage which is being announced in loud and clear voice, since US till recently were highly interfering with India's decision to augment bilateral relationship with Iran.
Lets not jump the gun. There are more important actors in the USA, Russia or the Israel/Palestine issue than us. Lets not overstate our influence either. In a decade or two, we would undoubtedly be the biggest player in the block. But till then, i think we should rather focus on our economy and military.

P.S: US is indeed not our closest 'ally'. And secondly, US is not our ally in the first place.

Certainly India is not the closest ally of the US but indeed the US is India's closest ally. Both India and the US do not want this to be known for strategic reasons.The US President has clearly stated on many occasions that the US wanted to see India as a super-power. In the subcontinent the US policy clearly favours India . Indian and the US views of nuclear Pakistan are identical. At present, saying that the US is not India's closest ally is like saying that China is not Pakistan's closest ally. The Indo-US nuclear treaty is the greatest proof of the staunch US support for India and vice versa.
India is a friend to all.

But it cannot sell its iman like some can!!
Certainly India is not the closest ally of the US but indeed the US is India's closest ally. Both India and the US do not want this to be known for strategic reasons.

Is there any reason for keeping world under darkeness about their close ties in terms of allies?

The US President has clearly stated on many occasions that the US wanted to see India as a super-power.

I never heard anything like that, wheather they said that India has the potential to become super power unlike what US wanted to see according to above statements.

In the subcontinent the US policy clearly favours India.

Nope I don't think so. Even if this is true then it is because India has shown to have distinction of such favouring.

Indian and the US views of nuclear Pakistan are identical.

Kindly explain.

At present, saying that the US is not India's closest ally is like saying that China is not Pakistan's closest ally.

There is big difference between this two ties which is clearly demonstrated according to the title of the thread, which says that India's policies are quite independent which I doubt in case of Pakistan.

The Indo-US nuclear treaty is the greatest proof of the staunch US support for India and vice versa.

This is true to the certain extent but one also has to admit that India has earned that place to make US seat and view India as ideal contender for its support.
India: U.S. Advice on Iran Is Rejected

India rejects U.S. advice on Iran
The Hindu : Front Page : India rejects U.S. advice on Iran

India Snubs US over Interference on Iran
Fars News Agency :: India Snubs US over Interference on Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- India reacted sharply to US pressure on its advice on dealing with Iran, making it clear that India and Iran are capable of managing all aspects of their bilateral relations.

The Indian foreign ministry said neither country needed "any guidance on the future conduct of bilateral relations" as both countries believe engagement and dialogue alone lead to peace.

A terse statement by the foreign ministry spokesman said India and Iran were ancient civilizations whose relations spanned centuries. Both nations, the ministry statement added, were "perfectly capable of managing all aspects of their relationship with the appropriate degree of care and attention."

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to make a brief stopover in New Delhi on Tuesday, April 29 in connection with talks over the pipeline that would ferry natural gas from Iran to India through Pakistan. Ahmadinejad's talks with the Indian Prime Minister will also cover a wide range of other bilateral and international issues..... (cont....)

India has always shown guts aginst USA...heres another prove.....
shame on us....
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