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India rejected UN probe offered by Pakistan

Indians as usual are cowards. Why would they wanna expose their lie by inviting independent investigation team.
Whole day worth of indian chest thumping went in vain, indian govt virtually admitting that they have killed their own soldiers. Otherwise, they would have agreed to have UN probe. All these propaganda scheme indians were dreaming for blackmailing purpuse, their govt just poured ice cold water on them.
For once accept some thing that gona bring out the truth- 26/11 you didnt let Pakistan even touch Ajmal Kassab let alone allow us to investigate him- this time you reject UN offer-

Apparently india just loves to echo on its pre planned mantra of blaming Pakistan- and not doing any thing that may lead to a solution-

Chor ki dari mein tinka-
Indian agencies are quite capable and adequate for the task. Accepting a 3rd party probe would be equivalent to ceding the region over to the turdmonkeys in the west.

Someone's quite butt hurt because his country's soldiers get killed after intitiating firing first and then not being able to hold up.

India rejected the offer. So case closed. Business as usual. Maybe next time your Jawans should control their fingers - and not be mad when we shoot back and don't miss.
Im actually against a UN probe, and generally even the Pakistani side KNEW what the Indian response was to be.
Doing that however sets a negative precedent for India since now Pakistan has the leverage to argue that India is making things up in the bilateral stage.
Result, India loses moral ground right there and then.... IF.. it plays out as the Pakistani side is hoping for.
Pakistan wants to somehow get UN involved in Kashmir that is why they proposed UN prod. We are too smart not to take that bait.
Actually, India always wanted the issue to be solved through bilateral means.. Not through any third party.. It was a clever move by Pakistan to offer third party probe.. They knew India wont agree any one to be involved in it.. It means they indirectly agreed on Third party intervention on Kashmir..

no, it means we were willing to go for arbitration and allow neutral parties to investigage -- SHOULD india accept the offer (which they didnt)

so as far as we should be concerned, case is closed. That's it. And next time, maybe these troops of yours should think twice, thrice, even a hundred times before repeating such an adventure -- which needlessly cost your side 2 lives (and cost us one).
For once accept some thing that gona bring out the truth- 26/11 you didnt let Pakistan even touch Ajmal Kassab let alone allow us to investigate him- this time you reject UN offer-

Apparently india just loves to echo on its pre planned mantra of blaming Pakistan- and not doing any thing that may lead to a solution-

Chor ki dari mein tinka-

Well you were on a denial mode then and so are you now as for the UN intervention the world knew we would say "NO".
We gave you beating of lifetime in 1971. We had 93000 Pakistani Soldiers in our custody. then your lost pm of lost country signed a treaty named Simala Pact. Your loser Pm accepted in Simala treaty that yes we lost and we accept that Kashmir is Bilitral issue and there will be no third party involvement in between Indo-Pakistan. As a winner of 1971 we demand that pact. Got it?

hmmmmm....you embroiled yourselves in a civil war by arming (what you would today define as) terrorist groups. In a nutshell - a country that was 4-7x bigger than Pakistan only won when Pakistan was fighting a civil war. Hardly something to brag about I think.

the territory wasnt even merged back with hindustan, it remained independent (and incidentally today the population there has some not so flattering views about your people)

oh, and your numbers are wrong - it wasn't "93,000 soldiers"

the real loser is you for being butt hurt over the irresponsible actions (and dire consequences) of your troops' actions. Go get some body cream and a dark room to sit in.
For once accept some thing that gona bring out the truth- 26/11 you didnt let Pakistan even touch Ajmal Kassab let alone allow us to investigate him- this time you reject UN offer-

Apparently india just loves to echo on its pre planned mantra of blaming Pakistan- and not doing any thing that may lead to a solution-

Chor ki dari mein tinka-

No Sirjee, ur govt. proposal of a UN probe in the name of a neutral probe is ACTUALLY about bringing in third party to the Kashmir dispute, which we cannot simply allow. Your govt. knew this at the very moment they proposed it, just a way to gain a moral high ground. Besides, why should we let people from UK, US, France, etc. to probe on our land, does US let Indians probe a crime on it's land?? They will come here & inspect everything from bodies to LOC to surroundings etc. & make a mockery of death of our soldiers. Once in the past we had accepted UN mediation in Kashmir & God knows we are still regretting that after 65 years, so not again. Thanks but no Thanks.
it would be a very smart thing to do if that did happen.
Send a message without the dirty hands.

Kind of like Kargil? That sure was smart.

Like always I'll judge the smartness of any move in terms of the outcome, so I'll be patient. But I hope India avoids escalation, it does not work for us, but works for pakistan where everyone seems to be at everyone else's throat. We must not provide welcome distractions.
India rejects UN. Pakistan rejects India's version of the incident.

Hisaab barabar. End of story. :)
Kind of like Kargil? That sure was smart.

Like always I'll judge the smartness of any move in terms of the outcome, so I'll be patient. But I hope India avoids escalation, it does not work for us, but works for pakistan where everyone seems to be at everyone else's throat. We must not provide welcome distractions.

Who said Kargil had non-state actors? my posts on that should provide enough contrary thoughts.

It is best to see how this matter bakes out... most likely just a slight cool down.. then warm up of relations again.
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