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India rejected UN probe offered by Pakistan

I just see this going the 26/11 way.

Yes since Indians did not helped in 26/11 and not helping now either to find the truth

Pakistan answer should be STFU come back when u are agree on FN Probe.
Who said Kargil had non-state actors? my posts on that should provide enough contrary thoughts.
It is best to see how this matter bakes out... most likely just a slight cool down.. then warm up of relations again.

I think we are playing semantics here. I know they were not non state, but then anyone taking orders from your army can not be called non state actors, they do not have to be NLI in civilian clothes.

OTOH I was only referring to one's refusal to own up or maintain plausible deniability.

In any casé I get worried when things start improving, I really do not want another kargil or mumbai.
It is seriously laughable that Pakistan proposed UN Probe when they themselves dont believe in UN, NATO and other agencies. Even UN will probe and provide the proof to Pak that it is there army who did it then they will again go back in Denial mode stating that it is India-US-Israel nexus. We saw what happened when third party FBI has captured Headly and he informed everyone about involvement of Pakistan "State factors" in it. Dossiers may contain Interpol documents for Hafiz Saeed, It remains always incomplete.

Denial is state of mind in Pakistan. Who ruined Afghanistan? USSR or may be US. Who forced IA to come to Valley and make life hell for Kashmiris? Indians may be, we didn't do it. 9/11 - Israel, 26/11- India, Osama Killed - Was a Lie etc Pakistan have enough share of denial.
India rejects any honest offer because India is an inherently dishonest country. It only wants to get maximum propaganda benefit.

It surprises me why Pakistan govt. even makes such offers. It also very surprising why govt. is not raising the issue of cross border attack from India a day before this incident?

India rejects any honest offer because India is an inherently dishonest country. It only wants to get maximum propaganda benefit.

It surprises me why Pakistan govt. even makes such offers. It also very surprising why govt. is not raising the issue of cross border attack from India a day before this incident?

Pak is once again attempting to insert a 3rd party into Indo Pak affairs - something both parties agreed will not happen during Shimla agreement post 71.

The attempts are not surprising at all and neither is the Indian response. It remains a bi lateral issue & so shall it be.

As far as Indian is concerned the UNMOGIP has no relevance - they can hang around as they have done for decades.
Yes since Indians did not helped in 26/11 and not helping now either to find the truth

Pakistan answer should be STFU come back when u are agree on FN Probe.

Dint you see one word that stands out "denial"and you should read up to find out why India is refusing for a UN probe or on the other hand just deny.
Yes since Indians did not helped in 26/11 and not helping now either to find the truth

Pakistan answer should be STFU come back when u are agree on FN Probe.

What help do you want? Do you want us to find the culprits who did this? Ball is in your court if you choose to believe or not. Same with 26/11. We provided the dossiers with all the evidence back in 2009 and it up to you to believe it or not. Now even your FIA guys have admitted to voice samples matching with LeT commander Lakhvi and few others. It is up to you guys to take up the case from your side. IF your people start the mischief ... then have guts to own up to it.
Lots of Indians crying & talking crap. Pakistan wants to solve Kashmir issue as soon as possible but Indians don't want to & they know they are wrong & India had ILLEGALY occupied Kashmir.

India is US's new puppet friend so if India says NO to anything related to Pakistan, US will not slap India.

It's very simple human rights, UN & the world only speaks against the Muslim world for the crimes which they have never committee. They keep their eyes shut when it comes to non Muslim countries, this is a genuine fact. (Some useless douchebags will disagree but this is the truth).

So if India kills 100 people daily in Kashmir nobody cares & no one will say anything but when Pakistan kills one terrorists who is harming Pakistan the whole world jumps out of their seats & point fingers at Pakistan.
Watching NDTV and Indians are rejecting UN probe. Why ? Dont they want world to know the truth ? They are exposing them self.

We already know India is potentially lying about the "beheading", the "beheading" is highly implausible because the news reports coming out of India suggest a area domination patrol unit was ambushed, to behead someone you obviously have to get close quarters and it's not possible for a few troops to take on area domination patrol without alarming all of the area domination patrol units, so only 2 soldiers fell what about the rest of the patrol? They didn't see the beheading? I think they were simply shot dead.

This is India's game, they are trying to malign Pakistan Army's image to try and make Pakistan's retaliation seem not justified.

This is why they won't even allow a UN probe to investigate and see what happened. It is shameful that a country will lie about the body of it's dead soldier. India has a history of falsifying battle records, fake battle logs and encounters, skewing casualty figures, reporting wrong date and time, etc.
India always makes thing so complicated.

Because India knows Pakistan is ruled by incompetent corrupt bastards & these corrupt bastards won't care at all.

I miss Gen. Musharraf rule because in his rule India was scared of Pakistan & when Pakistan said something they use to **** out their dippers.

We already know India is potentially lying about the "beheading", the "beheading" is highly implausible because the news reports coming out of India suggest a area domination patrol unit was ambushed, to behead someone you obviously have to get close quarters and it's not possible for a few troops to take on area domination patrol without alarming all of the area domination patrol units, so only 2 soldiers fell what about the rest of the patrol? They didn't see the beheading? I think they were simply shot dead.

This is India's game, they are trying to malign Pakistan Army's image to try and make Pakistan's retaliation seem not justified.

This is why they won't even allow a UN probe to investigate and see what happened. It is shameful that a country will lie about the body of it's dead soldier.

India is good at making lies & they love massive propaganda against Pakistan.
Yes since Indians did not helped in 26/11 and not helping now either to find the truth

Pakistan answer should be STFU come back when u are agree on FN Probe.

This fake Bombay attacks was all staged & planned by India to hurt Pakistan & it was right time for them to do it because they know Pakistan is ruled by the corrupt incompetent bastards who won't care at all & will say yes immediately without finding the truth & that was exactly what happened but thanks to Gen. Kayani he f***ed Zardari & Gilani for crying like di*kless bit*hes.

And yes we all saw the evil reaction of Indian crowd in recent Pak India cricket series, they burned Pakistan flags & so on.

MFN my a$$, ask India to give Pakistan MFN status they will start sh*ting out their dippers again.
It is seriously laughable that Pakistan proposed UN Probe when they themselves dont believe in UN, NATO and other agencies. Even UN will probe and provide the proof to Pak that it is there army who did it then they will again go back in Denial mode stating that it is India-US-Israel nexus. We saw what happened when third party FBI has captured Headly and he informed everyone about involvement of Pakistan "State factors" in it. Dossiers may contain Interpol documents for Hafiz Saeed, It remains always incomplete.

Denial is state of mind in Pakistan. Who ruined Afghanistan? USSR or may be US. Who forced IA to come to Valley and make life hell for Kashmiris? Indians may be, we didn't do it. 9/11 - Israel, 26/11- India, Osama Killed - Was a Lie etc Pakistan have enough share of denial.

I just want to highlight this part, please make sure you read what you just wrote. You do realize how contradictory your statement is? Do you have a magic ball that is telling you that UN will declare Pakistan the guilty party?

Someone who has something to hide will never accept impartial and neutral investigation because he knows that his lies and propaganda will get busted out. In this case it is India and that is why India has not accepted a 3rd party investigation because she knows that her lies and propaganda will get busted out. India is yet to present any evidence of the mutilated or beheaded body, in fact Indian Government statements are full of contradictions. Pakistan on the other hand has nothing to hide, that is why it has called for an impartial and neutral investigation.
lolz india always run away when we say third party :lol: ok lets have russia china investigate it
What help do you want? Do you want us to find the culprits who did this? Ball is in your court if you choose to believe or not. Same with 26/11. We provided the dossiers with all the evidence back in 2009 and it up to you to believe it or not. Now even your FIA guys have admitted to voice samples matching with LeT commander Lakhvi and few others. It is up to you guys to take up the case from your side. IF your people start the mischief ... then have guts to own up to it.

same old stuff ... come back when u are agreed about FN probe. Indian drama exposed. SHAM ON INDIA AND UR MEDIA.
same old stuff ... come back when u are agreed about FN probe. Indian drama exposed. SHAM ON INDIA AND UR MEDIA.

so you think that india will take this matter to UN? and its clever move by pakistanis to take it in U.N as they know it will highlight kashmir like you did kargil to bring world attentions :lol:

tohda dimag lagao ki india ne kyu mana kia ;)

and regarding to killings ...

let me tell you one more thing,Secret raids which usually dont come in media are conducted to target post on LOC
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