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India rejected separate Sikh Marriage Act which Pak enacted 4 yrs ago

Should India Enact Anand Karaj (Marriage) Act for Sikhs?

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I am not wrong. I am saying the same thing secular mean absence of religion in politics or in decision making and then laws will be secular(equal for everyone irrespective of their religion) and any one can lead the country..then you should not say that oh we have hindu prime minsiter or muslim president because in secular state their religion has nothing to do with how they run the country..

There was no need for a sarcastic tone in the bolded part, what you said was absolutely true, it is like that. Free to practice a religion is not a law, its there right. The law is something which differentiates from what one does to what one is supposed to do. And a secular law is not something which allows us to turn blind eye on a citizen just because we are secular, Its a collective effort to confront each of the views and close the holes in the constitution if any. But again it isnt a problem of ours, we never chose to close the doors for anyone thus resulting in better constitution.
question is what you will say to killer agent who is not happy to get marry under hindu act and demand his equal right
There was no need for a sarcastic tone in the bolded part, what you said was absolutely true, it is like that. Free to practice a religion is not a law, its there right. The law is something which differentiates from what one does to what one is supposed to do. And a secular law is not something which allows us to turn blind eye on a citizen just because we are secular, Its a collective effort to confront each of the views and close the holes in the constitution if any. But again it isnt a problem of ours, we never chose to close the doors for anyone thus resulting in better constitution.

You are not getting the gist of discussion. You dont need any religion to run a secular country which is based on secular principles. so it dont matter if you are hindu , muslim or sikh
question is what you will say to killer agent who is not happy to get marry under hindu act and demand his equal right
That he is by and large misinformed. There is nothing in the 'Hindu Marriage Act' that is prejudicial to the Sikhs or Buddhists or Jains. The only problem seems to be the name of the Act and surely it can be changed to something non-religious and wherever the word 'Hindu' has been used as a generic term, any such reference be removed and replaced with a suitable non-religious generic term. (Mind you the term 'Hindu' is used in the Act as a generic not specific term.)

There is no need for a separate Act though.
I think Hindu Act should abolished, Muslim and Christian Act should also be abolished. Moreover one common law with separate provision for each religion should be made.
why a sikh is barred from being a pm in pakistan? As fateh said
wat's the reason?

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------

if you ask me there should a common civil code for a religions...
A seperate marriage act wont make the Pakistani Sikh's more freer than Indian Sikh's. A sikh is a PM in India. Can they in Pakistan ??

You summed it up :)

A seperate marriage act would recognize the Sikh religion and Sikh community, which is their basic right, why is India the largest democracy in the wolrd reluctant to do that?
The point is can a Muslim?

A muslim guy(missile man) gave us the AGNI missile and spearheaded India's quest in space .....

pakistan doesn't claim to be secular

Yeah... We all know that's why we don't even expect you to understand the laws in our country.

As many members already said and i will again reiterate is, the word HINDu means all religions which originated in east side of Sindhu region ie. all SIKHS/Sanatana dharma/JAINS/Buddhists are hindus.

And thats why the law was named hindu religion. No one is forced to sign as some other religion.

Lastly, the fact that you ppl actually named a separate act as sikh marriage act only shows your lack of understanding of other religions. Hence, you have no right to act more moralistic than us.

Rename "Hindu marriage act" to "Indian marriage act"

Problem solved
Rename "Hindu marriage act" to "Indian marriage act"

Problem solved

Khalistanis do not consider themselves Indian, this will be best way to remove the irritant (its no more than an irritant, NOT a real problem of any value) without giving into the misinformation campaign and cultural separatism being spread by them.

If not we will have to create separate laws for buddhists, jains etc etc even thought the provisions are exactly the same! That would be plain dumb, infact our constitution seeks moving towards a common civil code, the more BS we tolerate the more it will grow.

And to the Pakistanis making ignorant comments, seriously the habit of sloganeering when you see an emotional issue is a bad one. Better start talking about some real issues.
We should get rid of all this Bull Sh1t
Only one Marriage ACT..............INDIAN MARRIAGE ACT
1) Well we DO have a special marriage act under which anyone can get married, surely the word 'special' is not objectionable ;)
2) Check out the provisions of the Hindu act, there's nothing religious or conflicting with Sikh religion, Infact the law clearly states Sikhism is a separate religion.

So the problem is solely with the word Hindu, well I object too as there is no such word as Hindu in the Vedic Sanatana Dharma I follow!!! Atleast Sikhs are recognised, I'm not even recognised ;)

Again, I don't care if a separate act is made, but better option would be if we are all under one common civil code.

nice to meet another vedica dharmic..ओम शान्ति.
can anyone please point out what things make sikh marriage and hindu marriage different?
I am not wrong. I am saying the same thing secular mean absence of religion in politics or in decision making and then laws will be secular(equal for everyone irrespective of their religion) and any one can lead the country..then you should not say that oh we have hindu prime minsiter or muslim president because in secular state their religion has nothing to do with how they run the country..

Secularism as you define is an western connotation of equal distance from every religion.

In indian context , secularism as we practice means equal support for every religious sects.
Hindu marriage act applies to all Dharmic panths of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist ,Jains and last to Animistic (tribals) etc.

The problem is with the name Hindu , otherwise its has nothing do with Hindu religion.

Its not time more stupid separate civil codes , but an uniform civil code.
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