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India reiterates three conditions for engagement with Pakistan

Pakistani Baurra gaye hain.

Today someone in Pakistan declared bounty of $10 million on Modi's head. Another one is saying that India would use Tactical Nuke to destroy a Highway (as if Dynamite is not enough). Looks like effect of addiction to some fine Afghani is showing its effect.

R&AW blaming has stopped being funny and become boring, as Pakistanis are blaming R&AW for everything; from not able to get Taxi in morning to their wives not becoming pregnant on time.
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"But here the Pakistan High Commissioner invited them (separatists) four days ahead of the dialogue with India. We told him that why he had invited them when the two countries were going to hold dialogue. In talks, we don't want any third party," Swaraj said.

:lol: fkoff ugly thing, Kashmiris are no THIRD Party. Kashmiris are First and main party to this conflict since Kashmir both sides belong to Kashmiris.

Pakistan is fair and neutral we consult Kashmiris and do not impose our will

Pakistani Baurra gaye hain.

Today someone in Pakistan declared bounty of $10 on Modi's head. Another one is saying that India would use Tactical Nuke to destroy a Highway (as if Dynamite is not enough). Looks like effect of addiction to some fine Afghani is showing its effect.

R&AW blaming has stopped being funny and become boring, as Pakistanis are blaming R&AW for everything; from not able to get Taxi in morning to their wives not becoming pregnant on time.

Yeh we should not blame the sissies in the first place
:lol: fkoff ugly thing, Kashmiris are no THIRD Party. Kashmiris are First and main party to this conflict since Kashmir both sides belong to Kashmiris.

Pakistan is fair and neutral we consult Kashmiris and do not impose our will

Yeh we should not blame the sissies in the first place

You are free to consult 'Kashmiris' as much as you want, but you cannot ask India to do the same.
I don't care what you mean you incestuous prick. I do not talk to terrorist or their supporters. Shooo.

Really! yet you come on a Pakistani defense forum . Bloody hypocrite. Have some shame and go get fucked on some other forum if you are so desperate. Now F3uck off A$$hole.
Thanks but no thanks. We dont want any pre-conditional engagements with the likes of you. Get lost.
They are not pre-conditions. Pakistan signed on Shimla agreement along with India... now if Pakistan want to backtrack on that...its back to square one. You don't want to respect an international agreement but you want talks... Pipe dreams.
Really! yet you come on a Pakistani defense forum . Bloody hypocrite. Have some shame and go get fucked on some other forum if you are so desperate. Now F3uck off A$$hole.

I fight my wars on enemy territory :coffee:, not Indian territory.
I have competition now ot sure if you know. I sometimes write such dialogues :)

we need to talk mister it was good commentary

No I am better :) I think

LOL, sure janab, anytime. Feel free to contribute about how these clowns conduct their "cabinet meetings", :lol:
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