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India refuses visa to Musharraf

hi there is news ticker flashing that India has refused to give visa to Musharraf for visiting.

I wonder how much India is scared of Musharraf's ability to speak to media.

India has no right to deny Musharraf visa to visit India because he was born in India and has the right to return or visit his birth place.
India has no right to deny Musharraf visa to visit India because he was born in India and has the right to return or visit his birth place.

Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, so you think SA should allow him whenever he wants to go there ?
Im sorry but thts a really retarded example!


Why? - Because you feel so. :lol:

Btw - do you think what Hafizz said was also retarded ?

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

Stupid example.

Mush is not on the same level as Osama.

Your post 151 is the stupidest post of this thread.

Why? - Because you feel so. :lol:

No coz only a fool would compair the worlds most wanted terrorist to musharaf!

Btw - do you think what Hafizz said was also retarded ?

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

Your post 151 is the stupidest post of this thread.

The jokes still on u...
No coz only a fool would compair the worlds most wanted terrorist to musharaf!

The jokes still on u...

Lets keep it simple --> Giving a visa depends on the host country. If India does not want to give (for whatever reason), just respect India's decision and move on.

What Hafiz said that visa should be given bcoz he was born here is so :rofl:
India has no right to deny Musharraf visa to visit India because he was born in India and has the right to return or visit his birth place.

Are you kidding me ?

Where did you learn this "logic" ?

If your logic is true, why does Musharraf need Visa in the first place ?

India's constitutional laws are very clear. Those who moved to Pakistan have lost their right to natural Indian citizenship and hence their rights.

I would appreciate if you :blah::blah::blah: with sense at times.
I said it before many times you have the right to refuse visa to anyone i am just laughing at silly excuses Indian media and Indians are coming up with for this visa denial. :P


India has a RIGHT to refuse the visa. But i have been following the press, and some of the stuff coming out of India is much ado about nothing to be fair.
India has no right to deny Musharraf visa to visit India because he was born in India and has the right to return or visit his birth place.

he was responsible for kargil----that would make him enemy of the state.....so chillax...he moved to pakistan during partitian.....if what you claim as the right of mushy is true then a lot of indians would be claiming parts of pakistan which is as stupid as yur arguements...

p.s...dont let your haterd for India make a (forum rules stoping me:lol:)
I won’t come to India ever: Musharraf

“I don't plan to come to India ever again,” says Pervez Musharraf.
The former Pakistan President and Army chief, who was denied a visa by the Indian government, says he doesn’t believe it was because New Delhi believed he was the main person behind Kargil. He also asks why he was reassured time and again that he would get a visa before the denial came.

“I have no words to explain my disappointment,” Musharraf told The Indian Express over the phone, from his home in Dubai. “Meri ummeedon pe paani fer diya aapki government nay (Your government has dashed my hopes)... I think it shows a lack of confidence on the part of India to face me.”

Pointing out that he had met both former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh after Kargil, the former General said he didn’t believe his role in the war prompted the move.

“I mean, that’s a very silly reason... All this rapprochement that I initiated has been washed down the drain. Why was I allowed to come three times between Kargil and now if that is the case?”

He says he is yet to be communicated the official reason for the denial of the visa. “I think the denial has come from either India’s Ministry of Interior (Home) or Foreign Ministry. If it is Interior, they were wary of the law and order situation, or my comments on terrorism, Kashmir perhaps. Or could it be what I said on Muslim extremism being on the rise in India? I frankly don’t know.”

Even his comments on India’s role in Balochistan — another reason being cited — are not new, Musharraf says. “I have been saying this for quite some time. If you read WikiLeaks, you’ll know... It’s not based on hearsay. Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson Brahamdagh Bugti is being supported by India, I’ve known that for years and I told Bush about it. I told Karzai about it. What’s new now?”

He claims the denial of visa came as a total surprise. “I was relaxed all this while. I have been travelling the world the past few months and everywhere I went, I was assured by the local Indian diplomatic missions that the visa would be granted. They kept saying, “don’t worry” in London, then in New York, Chicago, Toronto and even here in Dubai. But the manner in which they dragged it to the last day and then fell silent is absolutely shocking... This came as a shock even to the Indian High Commissioner here in Dubai.”

The former Pakistani president also claims Delhi’s decision is not what the people of India want. “It is not in line with the feeling of the people,” he asserts.

Declaring that he would never come to India again, Musharraf says: “I believe in my honour and dignity. When Indian and Pakistani forces were eyeball-to-eyeball in 2002, I went to attend the SAARC Summit in Kathmandu, for which I was permitted to fly over the Indian airspace... I chose to route my plane via Beijing instead.”
Thank Mr.Musharraf for small mercies.Hope he keeps his word.Not like Sohail Tanvir and Shahid afiridi who first said they wont ever play in IPl but now retracted from their words.
I won’t come to India ever: Musharraf

“I don't plan to come to India ever again,” says Pervez Musharraf.
The former Pakistan President and Army chief, who was denied a visa by the Indian government, says he doesn’t believe it was because New Delhi believed he was the main person behind Kargil. He also asks why he was reassured time and again that he would get a visa before the denial came.

“I have no words to explain my disappointment,” Musharraf told The Indian Express over the phone, from his home in Dubai. “Meri ummeedon pe paani fer diya aapki government nay (Your government has dashed my hopes)... I think it shows a lack of confidence on the part of India to face me.”

Pointing out that he had met both former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh after Kargil, the former General said he didn’t believe his role in the war prompted the move.

“I mean, that’s a very silly reason... All this rapprochement that I initiated has been washed down the drain. Why was I allowed to come three times between Kargil and now if that is the case?”

He says he is yet to be communicated the official reason for the denial of the visa. “I think the denial has come from either India’s Ministry of Interior (Home) or Foreign Ministry. If it is Interior, they were wary of the law and order situation, or my comments on terrorism, Kashmir perhaps. Or could it be what I said on Muslim extremism being on the rise in India? I frankly don’t know.”

Even his comments on India’s role in Balochistan — another reason being cited — are not new, Musharraf says. “I have been saying this for quite some time. If you read WikiLeaks, you’ll know... It’s not based on hearsay. Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson Brahamdagh Bugti is being supported by India, I’ve known that for years and I told Bush about it. I told Karzai about it. What’s new now?”

He claims the denial of visa came as a total surprise. “I was relaxed all this while. I have been travelling the world the past few months and everywhere I went, I was assured by the local Indian diplomatic missions that the visa would be granted. They kept saying, “don’t worry” in London, then in New York, Chicago, Toronto and even here in Dubai. But the manner in which they dragged it to the last day and then fell silent is absolutely shocking... This came as a shock even to the Indian High Commissioner here in Dubai.”

The former Pakistani president also claims Delhi’s decision is not what the people of India want. “It is not in line with the feeling of the people,” he asserts.

Declaring that he would never come to India again, Musharraf says: “I believe in my honour and dignity. When Indian and Pakistani forces were eyeball-to-eyeball in 2002, I went to attend the SAARC Summit in Kathmandu, for which I was permitted to fly over the Indian airspace... I chose to route my plane via Beijing instead.”

Musharraf is not able to come even when wished to come. Why this whining when he is not capable of coming, that is until India issues a visa, he cannot come.
This is heights of Political drama, to score brownie points and get a footing in Pakistan. Shortest way to summit is India Bashing in INDIA
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