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India -Rape Capital of the World


Aug 30, 2015
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United Arab Emirates
Rape insults get thrown about a lot. Casually. First I thought this is a banned topic. But then realised some pakistani and chinese posters (China does not share rape statistics btw) post rape cases in India and it is allowed.
Recently there is a thread by a chinese about rape in Mumbai. Very second reply by a pakistani goes like this
India is the rape capital of the world and it has something to do with their traditions.

I could not get that post deleted. So the misconception is more prevalent than I thought.
I just wanted to tell my pakistani friends here that rape crime rate in pakistan is higher than in India. I will just post one graph to request pakistanis not to use such crime for point scoring and abusing my country when things are same in your country. If anyone wants more data, data submitted to pakistans national assembly is available in an express tribune article that refers to pakistan human rights commission too. Search it.
So a request again, please do not use abusive languge and make claims like ' it has something to do with hindus etc etc' just for slander. Rape is a particularly heinous crime and we must fight it and openness and acceptance of this is crtical in fighting it. This is a humble request, not an india pakistan shyte shoveling contest, hence not posting more data and stats (you can google it if interested). Lets all treat the topic of rape with the seriousness it deserves. Mind you I am not against discussing rape crime, it is VITAL for improving the security of our women, and one of the main issues affecting them. However trivializing it for taking pot shots means one is actually being callous towards their own women. Hence this request.

I am aware that rape as a crime is under reported, hence to corroberate the data on rape, one can take help of murder rate per capita. That is a good indication of the prevalent law and order situation in a country, as rape is a crime, not some cultural phenomena as some people like to claim for point scoring.
Here is homicide per capita (thank you @Lonely Hermit )

I hope this ends the shameful practice of using rape crime for point scoring on this forum.
A request to moderators - two of my previous threads on the topic have been removed from public access. I have not said anything abusive or broken any written rules yet no reason was provided. I have made this one even more polite to make sure I appeal to the humanity in all of us and improve the quality of the forum too by reducing name-calling.

So kindly do not remove this thread. If you want any changes done, let me know and I will make them. If any rules have been broken, please let me know so that I can fix it and apologize.

Thanking you - Stag112

@MilSpec @scorpionx @Joe Shearer @nair @AUSTERLITZ
I request All the Pakistanis to read this thread and Digest the truth.. I'm not hurting anyone but people should know the reality before Abusing India on Rape Issues. Don't finger others when you have dirt on your hands
Well,Indians do make a lot of halla gulla on this topic,that is why others make fun of it.But I personally think that this "Halla Gulla" is good for India and I don't pay heed what a cheapo has to say about it.

Sir one must pay heed because such comments show a very deep bias against women. Ignoring it is not a good idea.
Here is the link from which OP posted SELECTIVE things to support his POV...Please spare a second and have a look on the RAPE STATISTICS image too..! I believe the TITLE of article says it all...!

World Rape Rate Map

Source: World Rape Rate Map - GeoCurrents

Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle
The previous post on murder rates in Brazil featured a Wikipedia map of homicide rate by country, based on a 2011 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). That map, reproduced here, is less than ideal, as its highest category lumps together countries with hugely different homicide rates, ranging from 20.1 per 100,000 in Kyrgyzstan to 91.6 in Honduras. I therefore remapped the same data in 12 rather than six categories. I also used a two-color scheme, depicting low-murder-rate countries in varying shades of blue and high-murder-rate countries in red. Such a system better captures the huge variation in murder rates, which ranges from 0.3 per 100,000 (Iceland and Singapore) to almost 100 per 100,000 (Honduras).

The geographical patterns revealed by the map are clear. Murder is much more common in tropical Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Russia than it is in most of the rest of the world. Homicide is relatively rare in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East & North Africa.

But are such figures reliable? In general, murder data is considered to be one of the more reliable crime statistics, due in part to the mere severity of the offense. But that still does not mean that it is necessarily trustworthy. I am skeptical, for example, of the low homicide rate posted for Somalia (1.5), which is substantially below those of neighboring countries. Much of Somalia is wracked by extreme violence, although it can be difficult to determine whether an individual killing is best considered an act of murder or an incident of war. But more to the point, how could a country as anarchic as Somalia possibly gather dependable murder data?

The low reported murder rate in China has been received with some skepticism, as have official reports that it has been declining sharply in recent years. As The Economist recently reported:

Official figures show that the number of murder cases rose from fewer than 10,000 in 1981 to more than 28,000 in 2000. Since then it has dropped almost every year, to about 12,000 in 2011. China’s statistics bureau does not disclose which crimes are included in its murder data. Chinese scholars say that a single case might include several deaths, and that some killings which occur in the course of other violent crimes such as rape or robbery might be excluded. In a 2006 report, the World Health Organisation estimated that in 2002, when 26,300 murder cases were recorded in China, 38,000 people died from “homicide-related injuries”.

When I mentioned China’s supposedly low murder rate in my seminar on the history and geography of current global events this week, the one Chinese student in the class expressed strong doubt. According to her, murder for gambling debt is common in China but rarely recorded. Although I was unable to find systematic information on this topic, an internet search of “China, murder, gambling” does return a curiously large number of hits.

The authors of the UNODC report are well aware of such data problems, and they worked hard to overcome them. They have considered the discrepancies found among different sources of information for different countries, and they weight the results accordingly. For several parts of the world they have abandoned conventional “criminal justice data” in favor of “public health sources.” In the process, they have revised murder rates of many African countries sharply upwards.

If global murder-rate figures are problematic, rape-rate figures appear to be almost worthless. Consider, for example, the Index Mundi rape-rate map posted here, which indicates that Sweden and New Zealand have some of the highest levels of rape in the world, and that Egypt has one of the lowest. Although the map comes with a disclaimer,* it is hardly adequate. Could anyone possibly believe that Sweden has a higher rape rate than Egypt? Egypt is currently suffering a rape epidemic so severe that it is becoming a diplomatic issue. Sweden, meanwhile, consistently rates as one of the most gender egalitarian, nonviolent countries in the world.

Yet it does appear that many people accept such official statistics, and are happy to use them to score ideological points. This occurs on both on the right and left sides of the political spectrum. In a letter to the government of Sweden, leftist filmmaker Michael Moore writes:

Let me say that again: nine out of ten times, when women [in Sweden] report they have been raped, you never even bother to start legal proceedings. No wonder that, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, it is now statistically more likely that someone in Sweden will be sexually assaulted than that they will be robbed. Message to rapists? Sweden loves you! So imagine our surprise when all of a sudden you decided to go after one Julian Assange [of Wikileaks fame] on sexual assault charges.

On the political right, an article in FrontPage also accepts Sweden’s official rape statistics on face value, but places all the blame on Muslim immigrants:

In 2003, Sweden’s rape statistics were higher than average at 9.24, but in 2005 they shot up to 36.8 and by 2008 were up to 53.2. Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population. With Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology.

Although Muslim immigrants have been responsible for many if not most recent cases of forcible rape in Sweden, the country’s extremely high official rape rate seems to be mostly a result of tabulation strategies. Many acts are counted as rape in Sweden that would not be so counted elsewhere. As explained recently in the BBC:

On the face of it, it would seem Sweden is a much more dangerous place than these other countries. But that is a misconception, according to Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries’ records, because police procedures and legal definitions vary widely. In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics,” she says. “So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record – one victim, one type of crime, one record.”

Many countries exhibit the opposite tendency: the systematic under-reporting of rape. Rape cases are not reported for a variety of reasons, both cultural and institutional.

One strategy for determining the actual prevalence of rape is to examine obstacles to reporting the crime. The Woman Stats Project, which has created an intriguing map collection, has done precisely that, mapping the “Strength of Barriers to Reporting Rape.” As can be seen, cultural and legal obstacles are depicted as extreme across South and Southwest Asia, and much of Africa as well. The data source, however, is not specified, and I am skeptical of many of the claim advanced by the map. Are reporting barriers really much more intense in Germany than they are in Austria or Switzerland? I have more serious misgivings about another map in the same cartographic series, which depicts the prevalence of rape. This map tells us that rape is non-existent in Armenia and Georgia, and that India, Pakistan, and Sudan have a lower prevalence of the crime than Iceland, Finland, and Australia. It also tells us that Brazil—another country currently experiencing a “rape epidemic”—suffers less rape than the Netherlands and at least six times less rape than Montenegro. The huge gaps between neighboring countries in Africa are also highly suspicious.

When it comes to crime rates, it does seem that statistics—and maps based on those statistics—are often so misleading as to be essentially dishonest.

*The disclaimer reads as follows: “Note though that comparison of crime rates across countries needs to be be taken with a grain of salt, since in some countries the population may be reluctant to report certain types of crimes to the police.”

Source: Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle | GeoCurrents
@Spy Master the data for pakistan is corroberated by data submitted to pakistan national assebmly. The express tribune report can be googled.

The article you posted deals with issues of reporting and collecting reliable data and how researchers have tried to overcome that. I do not see how you have misunderstood that to mean the data is not indicative of the issues.
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All the stats are pretty shameful. This is not a question of governance - it is a question of a social mindset.
I request All the Pakistanis to read this thread and Digest the truth.. I'm not hurting anyone but people should know the reality before Abusing India on Rape Issues. Don't finger others when you have dirt on your hands

They can not speak or digest truth.
They can not speak or digest truth.
Lovely generalization, it okay when you do it, not so much when we do it :(.

@Stag112 , rules of the forum are quite clear on this matter and on such posts:
India is the rape capital of the world and it has something to do with their traditions.
Don't pay much attention to trolls.
Lovely generalization, it okay when you do it, not so much when we do it :(.

@Stag112 , rules of the forum are quite clear on this matter and on such posts:

Don't pay much attention to trolls.
Trolls on both say stupid things, I think it cant be avoided. However forum admins deliberately close any thread regarding rape in pakistan, giving popular belief among pakistanis that India has higher prevalence of rape. Everyday rape in Indian news makes such perception I agree.
I opened a thread about gay scene in pakistan, it was bbc documentary of a pakistani origin gay man, and his journey to pakistan. It was closed without giving reason. I think @waz closed it, not sure.

This perpetuates the myth among pakistani posters that there is little or no rape in pakistan, and there are no gays in pakistan.
Trolls on both say stupid things, I think it cant be avoided. However forum admins deliberately close any thread regarding rape in pakistan, giving popular belief among pakistanis that India has higher prevalence of rape. Everyday rape in Indian news makes such perception I agree.
I opened a thread about gay scene in pakistan, it was bbc documentary of a pakistani origin gay man, and his journey to pakistan. It was closed without giving reason. I think @waz closed it, not sure.

This perpetuates the myth among pakistani posters that there is little or no rape in pakistan, and there are no gays in pakistan.

Even my previous two threads with the same data and message disappeared from public view.

No reason was given.
Compared to western countries this region is a paradise in terms of rape statistics. In western countries they rape in school, colleges, everywhere. And then lecture other countries of not doing enough.
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